Bastion is a single page AngularJS based web client for the Foreman server. This means that all Bastion "pages" are served from a single static page without the need for a round trip to the server.
All URLs are relative to the application root, /content-hosts
and /content_views
, for example, are able to be bookmarked, and work with the browser's back button.
The only real difference, as far as the user is concerned, is that the application is much quicker between Bastion "page loads" since only the HTML needed to render the next page is loaded instead of the entire page. Bastion is designed to work in the context of Foreman and is not a stand-alone gem or engine.
Bastion is designed to provide a set of common functionality and integration points that other Foreman Plugins can take advantage. This allows UI developers to focus on implementation without having to deal with the boilerplate loading of routes and pages to enable the Single Page Application structure to work with Foreman. A basic Bastion plugin declaration looks like the following:
:name => 'bastion_katello',
:javascript => 'bastion_katello/bastion_katello',
:stylesheet => 'bastion_katello/bastion_katello',
:pages => %w(
name: The name of the plugin and Rails engine being declared, this should correspond to the engine's namespace
javascript: The javascript files (often a Sprockets manifest) that will contain all your plugin's Javascript files
pages: The top level pages that your plugin is providing. This often corresponds to a top level route. For example, the activation_keys page will treat all routes rooted at /activation_keys
as a single page HTML5 application and allow routing to be handled client side.
In order to add third party or custom AngularJS modules, add the following to your the top of your modulename.module.js file or in a separate mymodulename-bootstrap.js file):
Bastion supplies a common set of testing and development using Grunt. These Grunt based tasks have been wrapped in Rake to make them more familiar to a Rails developer. To setup your development environment, from your plugin's checkout:
rake bastion:setup
To run your plugin's tests and lint them:
rake bastion:ci
Sometimes adding new functionality requires creating a new entity which maps to an external resource. There are a few common steps that a developer will need to take.
Create a folder in app/assets/javascripts/<plugin_name>
using the plural form of the entity name (e.g. content-hosts). Then create a file to hold the module definition and the resource.
cd app/assets/javascripts/<plugin_name>
mkdir content-hosts
touch content-hosts/content-hosts.module.js
touch content-host.factory.js
The module defines a namespace that contains all functionality related to this entity. This makes testing and compining components together less coupled. For example, the content-hosts module definition might look like:
(function () {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc module
* @name Bastion.content-hosts
* @description
* Module for content-hosts related functionality.
.module('Bastion.content-hosts', [
The module definition creates the 'Bastion.content-hosts' namespace and tells Angular to make available the libraries ngResource
, ui.router
and Bastion.components
. These libraries are other similarly defined Angular modules.
In order to display a Bastion page you must add a route for the page. Start by adding a routes file:
touch content-hosts/content-hosts.routes.js
Now add the basics of a route setup to the file:
(function () {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc config
* @name Bastion.content-hosts.config
* @description
* Defines the routes for content-hosts
function ContentHostRoutes($stateProvider) {
ContentHostRoutes.$inject = ['$stateProvider'];
A route to view all content-hosts may look like this:
$stateProvider.state('content-hosts.index', {
url: '/content_hosts',
views: {
'table': {
controller: 'ContentHostTableController',
templateUrl: 'content-hosts/views/content-hosts-table-full.html'
The views object contains a list of addressable views that allow the association of Angular controllers and templates with a URL. See the UI router documentation for more information.
A resource serves as a representation of an API endpoint for an entity and provides functions to make RESTful calls. User the single form of the entity for the name of the resource and filename. For example the resource for the content-hosts
module is in content-host.factory.js
and represented by:
(function () {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc config
* @name Bastion.content-hosts.factory:ContentHost
* @description
* Defines the API endpoint for Content Host
function ContentHost(BastionResource) {
return BastionResource('/api/v2/content-hosts/:id/:action',
{id: '@uuid'},
update: {method: 'PUT'},
query: {method: 'GET', isArray: false},
releaseVersions: {method: 'GET', params: {action: 'releases'}
.factory('ContentHost', ContentHost);
ContentHost.$inject = ['BastionResource'];
Here we have created an angular factory named content-host
and attached it to the Bastion.content-hosts
namespace. You can read more about the $resource service here -$resource
In order to get your newly created assets available to the web pages, we need to add them to the master manifest file for your plugin. For our content-host example, open app/assets/javascripts/<plugin_name>/<plugin_name>.js, add a reference to the module file and a line to load all files within our directory. We must include the module definition first so that all factories, controllers etc. that attach to the namespace have that namespace available.
Open the file, and add the following lines (with empty lines above and below for readability):
//= require "<plugin_name>/content-hosts/content-hosts.module"
//= require_tree "./content-hosts"
To setup a development environment, clone the repository or your fork of the repository. From the git checkout, setup the required development dependencies by running:
rake bastion:setup
After making changes, tests and linting can be run via:
rake bastion:ci
Web asset dependencies are stored in bower.json
. This file denotes what library files are being used and their versions.
In order to add a new web asset dependency, a new entry into the bower.json
file must be made along with noting what file(s) to extract from the new package to be placed into source control. For example, to add the angular-blocks
library, open bower.json
and add an entry under the dependencies
"angular-blocks": "~>0.1.8"
Since Bower is based off the use of a git repository to define the package contents, installing angular-blocks
will pull down more files than we want. In order to limit the files places into source control, add an entry to the exportsOverride
section like so:
"angular-blocks": {
"javascripts/bastion": "src/angular-blocks.js"
If needing to extract multiple asset types, one can do:
"bootstrap": {
"javascripts/bastion": "bootstrap.js",
"stylesheets/bastion": "*.scss"
A set of files can be included by using an array instead of a string to list the files. After defining the new dependency and the associated file(s), run the following to install the new library:
grunt bower:update
To update a dependency, the version must be bumped in the bower.json
file, installed and committed to source control. To bump the version, open bower.json
, locate the proper entry and change the version number. Now, install the new version:
grunt bower:update
Lastly, double check the new files with something like git status
, add them and commit them with a message indicating that a new dependency version is being committed. We prefer that when committing a new depenendency, a single commit is generated with just the changes from the update.
See Fixing Dependency Errors for more commands to help fix errors such as these:
Error 1: local Npm module not installed
Local Npm module "grunt-angular-gettext" not found. Is it installed?
Running npm install
and grunt bower:dev
again should fix the issue.
Error 2: the unmet dependency
Traceback abbreviated to highlight error
npm WARN unmet dependency /usr/lib/node_modules/block-stream requires inherits@'~2.0.0' but will load
npm WARN unmet dependency undefined
Running sudo npm update -g phantomjs bower grunt-cli
should fix the issue.
See Example Dependency Errors to see common errors and their fixes.
Over time libraries, packages, and/or dependencies are often updated or added so you may have to rerun one or more of the following commands to fix them:
Note: You only need to run grunt bower update
when updating or pulling in changes to bower.json
where the
version of a component has been bumped.
See also Installing a New Dependency as well as the related section Updating a New Dependency
sudo npm update -g phantomjs bower grunt-cli
npm install
grunt bower:dev
To extract strings into a .pot file for translation run:
grunt i18n:extract
To create an angular object from translated .po files run:
grunt i18n:compile
We welcome contributions, please see the Bastion developer guide.