This tool is meant to do the playblast, save the file in the directory and submit it to shotgun. We create a simple UI for it, and an interface to be used by other apps.
To enable the apps, additional lines added to environment config shot_step.yml under cinema engine
hook_post_playblast: default
hook_setup_window: default
location: {name: tk-cinema-playblast, type: manual, version: v0.1.0}
template_shot_work: cinema_shot_work
template_shot: cinema_shot_playblast
template_sequence: cinema_sequence_playblast
scale_options: [25, 100]
Configure a custom set of playblast resolution percentage, to be selected by user via UI. Default: [50, 100]
temp_directory: "C:/Temp"
Configure a local path for playblast file creation before being copied into project folder. Path must be absolute.
camera_name_pattern: ".*ShotCam_.*"
Set a regular expression to filter camera names. First camera with matching name will be used for playblast. Default: "persp"
- {app_instance: tk-multi-workfiles, name: Shotgun File Manager...}
- {app_instance: tk-multi-snapshot, name: Snapshot...}
- {app_instance: tk-multi-workfiles, name: Shotgun Save As...}
- {app_instance: tk-multi-publish, name: Publish...}
- {app_instance: tk-cinema-playblast, name: Cinema Playblast...}