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Automate Virtual Machine Linux Images

Author: Cesar Jorge Martínez


Read the LICENSE GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 19 November 2007


1. Introduction

This project helps to build automatically multiple Virtual Machine Images of Operating Systems that are compatible with different virtualization systems, as OpenStack, KVM, VirtualBox, VMware, VMware ESXI, Nutanix, etc.

The image formats that are generated are the following:

  • vmdk: For VirtualBox, VMware and VMware ESXI.
  • ovf: For VirtualBox, VMware and VMware ESXI.
  • qcow2: For OpenStack, KVM and Nutanix.

The virtualization system VirtualBox also uses the vdi format but it is not necessary since the VirtualBox itself converts the vmdk format into vdi.

You can deploy and boot directly these images in these virtualization systems without doing anything special or extra, thanks to the use of two systemd units:

  • control-cloud-init.service: If the virtual machine boots in OpenStack or KVM or AWS then lets execute cloud-init. If the virtual machine boots in VMware or VirtualBox or other virtualization systems then mask cloud-init.
  • guest-vmtools.service: If the virtual machine boots inside VirtualBox then install its GuestTools disabling others. If the virtual machine boots inside VMware or VMware ESXI then install its VMwareTools disabling others.

These images are ideal to work as servers in Cloud, traditional or development environments, and is very useful to work with Docker, because the size of the image created is very small and clean. These images are builded with a Linux admin account provided as parameter at the time of build. The cloud-init software use other account provided as optional parameter at the time of build (not created because the cloud-init do this work at the first boot of the virtual machine) that by default is cloud-user. Also these images come with six network intefaces named eth0, eth1, eth2, eth3, eth4 and eth5 by default.

To work with this software you need Windows 10 64 bits and CygWin 64 bits to use Linux-Bash commands.

1.2. Tested software versions

This project has been tested with the following software versions:

  • Windows: 10 64 bits updated
  • VirtualBox: 6.1.16
  • CygWin 64 bits: 64 bits 3.1.7(0.340/5/3)
  • QEMU for Windows: qemu-w64-setup-20201124 qemu-img version 5.1.92 (v5.2.0-rc2-11843-gf571c4ffb5-dirty)
  • VMware Workstation Player: 16.1.0 build-17198959
  • VMware ESXI: 6.5 and 6.7
  • OpenStack (curl https://<identity_endpoint>:13000/v3): 3.7 Newton
  • Nutanix: community edition 5.18

2. Operating Systems that can be built

Actually you can build the following Operating Systems:

  • CentOS 7 Minimal: CentOS 7.9 (2009)
  • CentOS 8 Minimal: CentOS 8.2 (2004) and CentOS 8.3 (2011)
  • Ubuntu 20 Minimal: Ubuntu 20.04.1 (server)

3. Create and configure the environment

You need to do the next tasks.

3.1. Install VirtualBox

Go to this URL and install latest VirtualBox for Windows. You need to ensure that in addition to installing VirtualBox you also install Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack.

3.2. Install VMware Workstation Player

Go to this URL and install latest VMware Workstation Player for Windows.

This is optional step only if you will be use VMware or VMware ESXI.

3.3. Install CygWin 64 bits

To install CygWin 64 bits you need to do the following tasks:

  • With a browser download
  • Install this doing right button of the mouse over this downloaded file, and Run as admistrator.
  • Following.
  • Install from Internet.
  • Following.
  • Local Package Directory: C:\cygwin64\mypackages.
  • Use System Proxy Settings.
  • Choose A Download Site, choose one and:
  • Following.
  • Use default packages (Don't select others).
  • Following.
  • Following.
  • Finalize.

When terminate these tasks, then:

  • In Cygwin64 Terminal Desktop Icon click on right button of the mouse and select properties.
  • Click in Advanced options.
  • Set Run as administrator and click Accept and Accept.

3.4. Disable Windows Python installation

To prevent that CygWin use the Python installed in Windows (if exist), do the following to disable access to Windows Python installation:

  • Enter in a Cygwin64 session.
  • Launch this:
echo $'PATH=$(echo $PATH | tr \':\' \'\\n\' | grep -v "/cygdrive/.*/Python[23]" | paste -sd:)' >> .bash_profile

3.5. Install needed CygWin packages

You need to do the following tasks:

  • Enter in a Cygwin64 session.
  • Launch this:
curl -O
./setup-x86_64.exe -q --upgrade-also --packages="bash,python2,python2-devel,python2-setuptools,python2-crypto,python2-paramiko,python2-boto,python2-certifi,python2-pip,python2-nacl,python3,python3-devel,python38,python38-devel,openssl,openssh,openssl-devel,libffi-devel,gcc-g++,git,nc,nc6,libsodium-common,libsodium-devel,dialog,figlet,rsync,gettext,autoconf,automake,binutils,cygport,gcc-core,make,lynx,zip,sshpass,jq,expect,procps-ng"

3.6. Install Python system pip packages

To work with Python install basic pip packages in a system level:

TODO: Check if this tasks are obsoleted using last CygWin version. In a existing CygWin installation is not necessary.

  • Enter in a Cygwin64 session.
  • Launch this:
easy_install-2.7 pip
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade setuptools
pip install --upgrade wheel
pip install --upgrade virtualenv
pip install --upgrade terrafile

3.7. Configure your Git environment to work with github

To work with you need to do the next tasks. Example to use Git with SSH.

  • Get your public and private SSH keys of your GitHub account.

  • Enter in a Cygwin64 session.

mkdir -p ~/.ssh
echo "StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
ServerAliveInterval 30
ServerAliveCountMax 3
ControlMaster no

  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_private_github
" > ~/.ssh/config
  • Store your public key to ~/.ssh/ and your private key to ~/.ssh/id_rsa_private_github.

  • Set good permissions in the SSH config folder.

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/*
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
  • Configure your Git client settings. You need the and of your GitHub account. Enter in a Cygwin64 session.
git config --system color.ui "true"
git config --system alias.lg "log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative"
git config --system "<your>"
git config --system "<your>"
git config --system http.sslVerify false

3.8. Howto generate SHA-512 password hashes with Python3 in CygWin command line

To generate SHA-512 password hashes you need to do the following tasks:

  • Enter in a Cygwin64 session.

  • Launch this command where password is the plain text password:

python3 -c 'import crypt; print(crypt.crypt("password", crypt.mksalt(crypt.METHOD_SHA512)))'

4. Getting started

After you have completed the previous sections, follow the next steps.

4.1. Clone and enter into the git root directory of this repository

Do the following tasks:

git clone
cd automate-virtual-machine-linux-images

4.2. Install QEMU for Windows

The QEMU for Windows is needed to convert the vmdk to qcow2 image format. Launch this command:

Then a QEMU for Windows installer window appears and do the following:

  • Please select a language: Select your language, as example English / English
  • Click in OK
  • Next
  • I Agree
  • Next
  • Install
  • Finish

5. Build CentOS 7 Minimal image

This section explains howto build this Virtual Machine Image: Build CentOS 7 Minimal image.

6. Build CentOS 8 Minimal image

This section explains howto build this Virtual Machine Image: Build CentOS 8 Minimal image.

7. Build Ubuntu 20 Minimal image

This section explains howto build this Virtual Machine Image: Build Ubuntu 20 Minimal image.