##1.2.0 - 2014-07-22
JD Cantrell
- Replace pygments with rouge
- Add in initial plugin support
Todd Sedano
- Update specs to use
(fixes deprecation warnings)
Carsten Zimmermann
- Update redcarpet dependency to use newer versions of redcarpet
Geoffrey Giesemann, Vanessa de Sant Anna, Nicole Sullivan
- Add support for multiple source directories in the hologram config
- Remove the --root command line flag
- Add missing div tag in
Todd Sedano, bigethan, August Flanagan, JD Cantrell
- Many useful readme updates
##1.1.0 - 2014-05-13
Rajan Agaskar, Dominick Reinhold, and Nicole Sullivan
- Support multiple categories
- Create assets when output directory does not exist
- Major Clean up and refactors
- Code climate badge
- Readme updates
- Spec updates
JD Cantrell
- Use UTF-8 as default encoding
- Do not error when a directory name matches a supported file type
- Sort documentation blocks case insensitively
- Support .erb files
- Pass in config and full pages object to .erb templates
- If title does not exist default it to title with underscores
- Display an error when a documentation block does not have a category
- Warn when the parent block is specified but could not be found
- Add -c flag for specifying config (you may still specify the config as the first parameter to hologram)
August Flanagan
- Remove rspec as a runtime dependency
James Myers & Madhura Bhave
- A rendering scope can now be defined when using haml_examples
Mike Wilkes
- Documentation clean ups
- Fix a typo in the config template