Send push notification via interactive command line.
create a new project with a name and ApiKey
update project name and apiKey
remove project (you can autocomplete with TAB)
select the project (the ApiKey will be used)
list projects
create a new device with a name and token
update device name and token
remove device (you can autocomplete with TAB)
select devices to send push notification
list devices
send a message with last settings (if not selected a project/device/template/message before ask for selections)
Send the last message update only template contents
Send the last message update template file and template contents
Send the last message update device selection, template file and template contents
Send the last message update project, device selection, template file and template contents
Same as send but do not actually send the message, only logs the options selected.
build message with prompt if any template property given.
reset all selections (project/devices/template/message)
./input folder has templates to be send as push notification. If you provide any node with value of $TEXT$ or $NUMBER$ build message command step will ask those parameters.
- [] add cancel to the remove commands, as vorpal does not handle CTRL+C while prompt visible, and that causes remove to complete even when cancelled.
- [] add screen shots.
- [] add support for iOs certificates
- [] add support for iOs keys
- [] add edit command for project&device
- [] add dry command to see what will happen before using the send command
- [] add sample .json documents.