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Releases: cellsjs/piscosour
Releases · cellsjs/piscosour
- User commands from head recipe module is mandatory. Other parameter commands ir ignored.
- Parameter --b-saveRequirements generate file requirements.json with system requirements of a straw
- Ability to disable context check with parameter --b-disableContextCheck
- Ability to disable prompts with parameter --b-disablePrompts
- recipe attributes is being changed by getRepoTypes function.
- space number in tab set to 2 when json is written.
- Change sufficient definition
- saveRequirements documentation
Code style
- Replace var with const and let.
- New system-checker plugin in the piscosour core. see (plugin system-checker section)
- Ability to execute only one stage of all the stages of a straw. with parameter --pstage 'check'.
- General options could be boolean with the --b- prefix. '--b-example' equivalent to '--example true'
- Padding with zeros for junit xml order in bamboo.
- From 0.5.1 pisco generate testcase for all stages on junit.xml were implemented or not, now is fixed!
- "pisco -v" works propelly and shows only the pisco version
- Plugin skipper. Skip one step attending the param _skip inside configuration.
- Red color for SystemErr output in plugin launcher
- esLint refactor: Code styling 100% check!
- Context plugin checks correctly if a shot is executed in the context it must.
- When workingDir doesn't exists params.workingDir is set to execution home correctly.
- test is set as contextFree in order to get work the test on every location.
- How to repeat the same shot in a straw.
Partial back compatibility broken
- Remove heritage in straw loading. Two straws defined in two recipes with the same number and name of shots will fail.
- Warning when two shots of two differents recipes has the same implementation for the same repoType. Now the shots are merged..
- Load local shots, straws and plugins from .piscosour folder. Now is posible to have a local recipe inside any repository. This make pisco works as gulp.
- Auto update option in contextual menú. When any recipe has a new version tu update a new option appear in the first position of the contextual menu.
- CLI: context execution: Now the execution of any recipe shows the context menu with all the commands that apply to this context.
- Core workingDir parameter, is the place where all the shots are forced to be executed and where all the checks are madden.
- Context plugin: with methods: this.ctxIs: to check the context of a shot. and this.ctxWhoami to get the context of a execution. Pre-hook check the workingDir is the type the shot is expecting.
- pisco add-shot new pisco command: add new shot inside a piscosour recipe.
-pisco add-straw new pisco command: add new straw to a any piscosour recipe.
-pisco config now configure the default repo type of a recipe. - Change level of timming log in the beggining of the execution.
- New core repoType node-module in orther to execute pisco convert in this context.
- Partial English documentation
- Yeoman generator for pisco recipe is inside the dependencies of piscosour.
- Pisco test::weather --city "" sows the weather for your city cortesy of
- Delete cookbook plugin