CEED v1.0.0 Beta 2
193 commits
to master
since this release
Important notes!
- Project extension changed from 'project' to 'ceed', consider renaming your files accordingly
- This beta uses CEGUI branch not merged to master at the time being
- Significant improvement of layout container editing
- Grid layout container is made almost usable through an editor
- Ctrl+drag items in a scene to reparent them
- Dragging in a hierarchy tree now supports ordering in layout containers for both new and existing items
- Hierarchy tree drag and scene Ctrl+drag are cross-compatible
- Multiple item drag-reordering & -reparenting
- New file is not saved to disk until user triggers Save. Empty file was created before.
- Ctrl+Wheel zoom targets the mouse position
- Layout screenshot taking to both file and clipboard
- Various usability improvements
- Hotkeys work again, including a settings page
- Items selected by resizing handle are considered selected in all commands
- All known issues from the v1.0.0-beta are fixed
- Lots of other fixes, from crashes to cosmetic
Known issues
- Grid layout container with empty cells may fail layout loading because of dynamic names for dummy placeholders. Manual layout XML editing may be required.
- Reparenting a child from any layout container to a grid layout container, then undo, then redo leads to a crash
- Vertical and horizontal anchor guidelines and numeric percentage items are not ideal when scene is zoomed
- 'Report bug' command leads to an old issue tracker. Some commands from the Help menu don't work.