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Signed-off-by: John Kastner <>
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john-h-kastner-aws committed Mar 7, 2025
1 parent e739912 commit faeab8b
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Showing 4 changed files with 191 additions and 1 deletion.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Validation/Levels.lean
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Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,20 @@ open Cedar.Spec


Check that an expression is valid as the argument to an entity dereferencing
expression at a level. This functions assumes that `tx` either evaluates to an
entity value or to a record value containing a entity value via `path`.
This functions takes two additional arguments not required by `checkLevel`
* `nmax` specifies the maximum level allowed for any expression. E.g., for an
`.ite` expression, the maximum level permissible for the guard is independent
of any `.getAttr` expressions it might be nested inside of.
* `path` is a sequence of attributes specifying an access path through a record
value, eventually reaching an attribute that has an entity value. This allows
allows more permissive level checking on record attributes that aren't accessed.
def checkEntityAccessLevel (tx : TypedExpr) (n nmax : Nat) (path : List Attr) : Bool :=
match tx, path with
| .var _ _, _ => true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,6 +79,13 @@ def checkEntityAccessLevel (tx : TypedExpr) (n nmax : Nat) (path : List Attr) :
| none => false
| _, _ => false

Main entry point for level checking an expression. For most expressions, this is
a simple recursive traversal of the AST. For entity dereferencing expressions,
it calls to `checkEntityAccessLevel` which ensures that expression is valid
specifically in an entity access position
def checkLevel (tx : TypedExpr) (n : Nat) : Bool :=
match tx with
| .lit _ _ => true
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions cedar-lean/UnitTest.lean
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Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
import UnitTest.CedarProto
import UnitTest.Decimal
import UnitTest.IPAddr
import UnitTest.Levels
import UnitTest.Main
import UnitTest.Proto
import UnitTest.TPE
Expand Down
166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions cedar-lean/UnitTest/Levels.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
Copyright Cedar Contributors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

import Cedar.Validation.Levels
import Cedar.Validation.Validator
import UnitTest.Run

namespace UnitTest.Levels

open Cedar.Spec
open Cedar.Validation
open Cedar.Data

def ActionType : EntityType := ⟨"Action", []⟩
def Action : EntityUID := ⟨ActionType, "View"

def UserType : EntityType :=
"User", []⟩

def DocumentType : EntityType :=
"Document", []⟩

def schema : Schema :=
⟨Map.make [
.standard ⟨default, default, default⟩
.standard ⟨
Map.make [
("manager", (.required (.entity UserType))),
("isAdmin", (.required (.bool .anyBool))),
("record", (.required (.record (Map.make [("attr", .required (.bool .anyBool))])))),
.some (.bool .anyBool)
.standard ⟨
Map.make [
("isPublic", (.required (.bool .anyBool))),
("owner", (.required (.entity UserType)))
Map.make [
(Action, ⟨
Set.singleton UserType,
Set.singleton DocumentType,
Map.make [
("hasMFA", (.required (.bool .anyBool))),
("otherUser", (.required (.entity UserType)))

def levelCheckExpr (e : Expr) (env : Environment) (n : Nat) : Except String Bool :=
match typeOf e ∅ env with
| .ok (tx, _) => pure $ checkLevel tx n
| _ => .error "Typechecking failed, but all tests cases should be well typed"

private def testLevelCheck (msg : String) (e : Expr) (n : Nat) : List (TestCase IO) :=
test s!"Expected {msg} to check at level {n}" ⟨λ _ => do
match schema.environment? UserType DocumentType Action with
| .some env => checkEq (levelCheckExpr e env n) (.ok true)
| .none => return (.error "Could not find test environment in schema!")⟩
) ::
if n > 0 then
[test s!"Expected {msg} to fail at level {n - 1}" ⟨λ _ => do
match schema.environment? UserType DocumentType Action with
| .some env => checkEq (levelCheckExpr e env (n - 1)) (.ok false)
| .none => return (.error "Could not find test environment in schema!")⟩]
else []

def euid := UserType "alice"
def euidLit := Expr.lit (.entityUID euid)
def principal := Expr.var .principal
def recordLit := Expr.record [("foo", euidLit), ("bar", principal)]
def recordAccessLit := Expr.getAttr recordLit "foo"
def recordAccessVar := Expr.getAttr recordLit "bar"
def contextAccess := Expr.getAttr (Expr.var .context) "hasMFA"
def ite := Expr.ite (Expr.binaryApp .eq euidLit principal) euidLit principal

def levelZero :=
let testLevelCheck := (testLevelCheck · · 0)
suite "Expressions which should check at level 0"
testLevelCheck "lit" (.lit (.string "foo")),
testLevelCheck "var" principal,
testLevelCheck "entityUID" euidLit,
testLevelCheck "record" recordLit,
testLevelCheck "getAttr on record lit attr" recordAccessLit,
testLevelCheck "getAttr on record var attr" recordAccessVar,
testLevelCheck "getAttr on context" contextAccess,
testLevelCheck "ite" ite

def levelOne :=
let testLevelCheck := (testLevelCheck · · 1)
suite "Expressions which should check at level 1, but not at level 0"
testLevelCheck "getAttr on var" (.getAttr principal "manager"),
testLevelCheck "hasAttr on var" (.hasAttr principal "manager"),
testLevelCheck "mem on var" (.binaryApp .mem principal euidLit),
testLevelCheck "getTag and hasTag on var" (.and (.binaryApp .hasTag principal (.lit (.string "foo"))) (.binaryApp .getTag principal (.lit (.string "foo")))),
testLevelCheck "getAttr on var through record" (.getAttr recordAccessVar "manager"),
testLevelCheck "getAttr on var through record (other attrs contains deref)" (.getAttr (.getAttr (.record [("foo", principal), ("bar", .getAttr principal "isAdmin")]) "foo") "manager"),
testLevelCheck "getAttr on var through ite" (.getAttr (.ite (.binaryApp .eq euidLit principal) principal principal) "manager"),
testLevelCheck "getAttr on var through ite (guard contains deref)" (.getAttr (.ite (.getAttr principal "isAdmin") principal principal) "manager"),
testLevelCheck "getAttr on context attr" (.getAttr (.getAttr (.var .context) "otherUser") "manager"),
testLevelCheck "getAttr on var record attr" (.getAttr (.getAttr (.var .principal) "record") "attr"),

def recordFoo (e : Expr) : Expr := .record [("foo", e)]
def getFoo (e : Expr) : Expr := .getAttr e "foo"

def composeN (f : α → α) : Nat → (α → α)
| 0 => id
| n + 1 => f ∘ (composeN f n)

def levelTwo :=
let testLevelCheck := (testLevelCheck · · 2)
suite "Expressions which should check at level 2, but not at level 1"
testLevelCheck "getAttr twice on var" (.getAttr (.getAttr principal "manager") "manager"),
testLevelCheck "hasAttr on getAttr on var" (.hasAttr (.getAttr principal "manager") "manager"),
testLevelCheck "hasTag on getAttr on var" (.binaryApp .hasTag (.getAttr principal "manager") (.lit (.string "foo"))),
testLevelCheck "getAttr inside and outside ite" (.getAttr (.ite (.binaryApp .eq euidLit principal) (.getAttr principal "manager") (.getAttr principal "manager")) "manager"),
testLevelCheck "getAttr inside and outside record" (.getAttr (getFoo (recordFoo (.getAttr principal "manager"))) "manager"),
testLevelCheck "lots of intermediate record" (.getAttr (.getAttr (composeN getFoo 10 (composeN recordFoo 5 (composeN getFoo 5 (composeN recordFoo 10 (.getAttr principal "manager"))))) "record") "attr"),

def levelThree :=
let testLevelCheck := (testLevelCheck · · 3)
suite "Expressions which should check at level 3, but not at level 2"
testLevelCheck "getAttr thrice on var" (.getAttr (.getAttr (.getAttr principal "manager") "manager") "manager"),

def tests := [levelZero, levelOne, levelTwo, levelThree]

-- Uncomment for interactive debugging
-- #eval TestSuite.runAll tests

end UnitTest.Levels
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion cedar-lean/UnitTest/Main.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import UnitTest.IPAddr
import UnitTest.Proto
import UnitTest.Wildcard
import UnitTest.TPE
import UnitTest.Levels

open UnitTest

Expand All @@ -31,7 +32,8 @@ def tests :=
Wildcard.tests ++
Proto.tests ++
CedarProto.tests ++
TPE.tests ++

def main : IO UInt32 := do
TestSuite.runAll tests

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