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fill in data structure lemma
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Signed-off-by: John Kastner <>
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john-h-kastner-aws committed Mar 5, 2025
1 parent 33f0f6f commit d3c5758
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Showing 2 changed files with 61 additions and 11 deletions.
37 changes: 26 additions & 11 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Validation/Slice.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -266,6 +266,25 @@ theorem slice_contains_reachable {n: Nat} {work : Set EntityUID} {euid : EntityU
rename_i ed_slice _
exists ed_slice

theorem slice_at_level_inner_well_formed
(hs : Entities.sliceAtLevel.sliceAtLevel entities work n = some slice) :
:= by
match n with
| 0 =>
simp only [Entities.sliceAtLevel.sliceAtLevel, Option.some.injEq] at hs
subst slice
exact Set.empty_wf
| n + 1 =>
simp only [Entities.sliceAtLevel.sliceAtLevel, Option.some.injEq] at hs
cases hs₁ : List.mapM (Map.find? entities) work.elts <;>
simp only [hs₁, Option.map_eq_map, Option.bind_eq_bind, Option.bind_none_fun, Option.bind_some_fun, reduceCtorEq] at hs
rename_i eds
cases hs₂ : List.mapM (fun ed : EntityData => Entities.sliceAtLevel.sliceAtLevel entities ed.sliceEUIDs n) eds <;>
simp only [hs₂, Option.map_none', Option.map_some', Option.none_bind, Option.some_bind, reduceCtorEq, Option.some.injEq] at hs
subst slice
simp [Union.union, Set.union, Set.make_wf]

If an expression checks at level `n` and then evaluates to an entity, then that
entity must be in a slice at `n + 1`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -293,19 +312,15 @@ theorem checked_eval_entity_in_slice {n : Nat} {c c' : Capabilities} {tx : Type
checked_eval_entity_reachable hc hr ht hl hrt he (.euid euid) hf₁
have hi := slice_contains_reachable hw hs₁
rw [←hf]
have hmk := map_find_mapm_value hs₂ hi
rename_i eds
have hsb : eds.SortedBy Prod.fst := by
-- TODO: is sorted by `fst` because `fst` came from set elements
have hwf : ( eds).WellFormed := by
rw [Map.wf_iff_sorted]
simp [Map.toList, Map.kvs]
exact hsb
replace hwf : eds = Map.make eds := by
replace hmake : eds = Map.make eds := by
have hsorted := (slice_at_level_inner_well_formed hs₁)
have hsbfst := mapm_key_id_sorted_by_key hs₂ hsorted
have hwf : ( eds).WellFormed := by
simpa [Map.wf_iff_sorted, Map.toList, Map.kvs] using hsbfst
simpa [Map.WellFormed, Map.toList, Map.kvs] using hwf
rw [hwf] at hmk
simp [hmk]
have hmk := map_find_mapm_value hs₂ hi
simpa [hmake] using hmk

theorem not_entities_then_not_slice {n: Nat} {request : Request} {uid : EntityUID} {entities slice : Entities}
(hs : some slice = Entities.sliceAtLevel entities request n)
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35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Validation/Slice/Data.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,41 @@ open Cedar.Data
open Cedar.Spec
open Cedar.Validation

theorem mapm_key_id_sorted_by_key {α β : Type} [LT α] [BEq α] [LawfulBEq α] {kvs : List (α × β)} {ks : List α} {fn : α → Option β}
(hm : List.mapM (λ k => (fn k).bind λ v => (some (k, v))) ks = some kvs)
(hs : ks.SortedBy id)
: kvs.SortedBy Prod.fst
:= by
cases hs
case nil =>
have _ : kvs = [] := by simpa using hm
subst kvs
case cons_nil head =>
have ⟨_, _⟩ : ∃ kv, kvs = [kv] := by
cases hm₁ : fn head <;>
simp only [hm₁, List.mapM_cons, List.mapM_nil, Option.pure_def, Option.bind_none_fun, Option.bind_some_fun, Option.none_bind, Option.some_bind, Option.some.injEq, reduceCtorEq] at hm
simp [←hm]
subst kvs
case cons_cons head₀ head₁ tail hlt hs =>
simp only [List.mapM_cons, Option.pure_def, Option.bind_eq_bind] at hm
cases hm₁ : (fn head₀) <;> simp only [hm₁, Option.none_bind, Option.some_bind, Option.some.injEq, reduceCtorEq] at hm
cases hm₂ : (fn head₁) <;> simp only [hm₂, Option.none_bind, Option.some_bind, Option.some.injEq, reduceCtorEq] at hm
cases hm₃ : (List.mapM (fun k => (fn k).bind fun v => some (k, v)) tail) <;> simp only [hm₃, Option.none_bind, Option.some_bind, Option.some.injEq, reduceCtorEq] at hm
rename_i v₀ v₁ kvs'
subst kvs

replace hlt : (head₀, v₀).fst < (head₁, v₁).fst := by
simpa using hlt

replace hs : List.SortedBy Prod.fst ((head₁, v₁) :: kvs') := by
have hm₄ : List.mapM (fun k => (fn k).bind fun v => some (k, v)) (head₁ :: tail) = some ((head₁, v₁) :: kvs') := by
simp [hm₂, hm₃]
exact mapm_key_id_sorted_by_key hm₄ hs

exact List.SortedBy.cons_cons hlt hs

theorem map_find_mapm_value {α β : Type} [BEq α] [LawfulBEq α] {kvs : List (α × β)} {ks : List α} {fn : α → Option β} {k: α}
(h₁ : List.mapM (λ k => (fn k).bind λ v => (some (k, v))) ks = some kvs)
(h₂ : k ∈ ks)
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