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subtyping properties/proofs
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Signed-off-by: Shaobo He <>
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shaobo-he-aws committed Mar 5, 2025
1 parent 67c5fd9 commit 87d6256
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Showing 2 changed files with 173 additions and 8 deletions.
168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Validation/Subtyping.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
Copyright Cedar Contributors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import Cedar.Validation.Types
import Cedar.Validation.Subtyping
import Cedar.Data.Map
import Cedar.Thm

namespace Cedar.Thm

open Cedar.Spec
open Cedar.Validation
open Cedar.Data
open Cedar.Thm


inductive IsSubtype : CedarType → CedarType → Prop
| bool (bty₁ : BoolType) (bty₂ : BoolType)
(h : bty₁ = bty₂ ∨ bty₂ = .anyBool) :
IsSubtype (.bool bty₁) (.bool bty₂)
| int : IsSubtype .int .int
| string : IsSubtype .string .string
| entity (ety₁ : EntityType) (ety₂ : EntityType)
(h : ety₁ = ety₂) :
IsSubtype (.entity ety₁) (.entity ety₂)
| set (ety₁ : CedarType) (ety₂ : CedarType)
(h : IsSubtype ety₁ ety₂) :
IsSubtype (.set ety₁) (.set ety₂)
| record_empty : IsSubtype (.record ( [])) (.record ( []))
| record_optional
(a₁ : Attr)
(t₁ : CedarType)
(a₂ : Attr)
(t₂ : CedarType)
(m₁ : List (Attr × QualifiedType))
(m₂ : List (Attr × QualifiedType))
(h₁ : a₁ = a₂)
(h₂ : IsSubtype t₁ t₂)
(h₃ : IsSubtype (.record ( m₁)) (.record ( m₂))) :
IsSubtype (.record ( ((a₁, (.optional t₁))::m₁))) (.record ( ((a₂, (.optional t₂))::m₂)))
| record_required
(a₁ : Attr)
(t₁ : CedarType)
(a₂ : Attr)
(t₂ : CedarType)
(m₁ : List (Attr × QualifiedType))
(m₂ : List (Attr × QualifiedType))
(h₁ : a₁ = a₂)
(h₂ : IsSubtype t₁ t₂)
(h₃ : IsSubtype (.record ( m₁)) (.record ( m₂))) :
IsSubtype (.record ( ((a₁, (.required t₁))::m₁))) (.record ( ((a₂, (.required t₂))::m₂)))
| ext (ety₁ : ExtType) (ety₂ : ExtType)
(h : ety₁ = ety₂) :
IsSubtype (.ext ety₁) (.ext ety₂)

theorem subty_means_is_subtype (ty₁ ty₂ : CedarType) :
subty ty₁ ty₂ = true → IsSubtype ty₁ ty₂ := by
intro h
simp only [subty] at h
split at h
case _ ty heq =>
unfold lub? at heq
split at heq <;> simp only [decide_eq_true_eq] at h <;> rw [h] at heq
case _ b₁ b₂ =>
simp only [lubBool, Option.some.injEq, CedarType.bool.injEq] at heq
have h₁ : b₁ = b₂ ∨ b₂ = BoolType.anyBool := by
split at heq
case _ heq₁ =>
apply Or.inl
exact heq₁
case _ =>
apply Or.inr
symm at heq
exact heq
exact IsSubtype.bool b₁ b₂ h₁
case _ s₁ s₂ =>
rw [do_some] at heq
cases heq
case _ ty heq₁ =>
have ⟨heq₁, heq₂⟩ := heq₁
have heq₁ : subty s₁ s₂ = true := by
unfold subty
rw [heq₁]
simp only [decide_eq_true_eq]
simp only [CedarType.set.injEq] at heq₂
exact heq₂
exact IsSubtype.set s₁ s₂ (subty_means_is_subtype s₁ s₂ heq₁)
case _ r₁ r₂ =>
rw [do_some] at heq
cases heq
case _ r heq₁ =>
have ⟨heq₁, heq₂⟩ := heq₁
simp only [CedarType.record.injEq,] at heq₂
rw [heq₂] at heq₁
unfold lubRecordType at heq₁
split at heq₁
case _ =>
exact IsSubtype.record_empty
case _ k₁ q₁ r₁ k₂ q₂ r₂ heq₃ =>
case _ =>
cases heq₁
case _ => sorry
case _ =>
cases h

theorem record_subtype_means_equiv_attrs { l₁ l₂ : List (Attr × QualifiedType) } :
IsSubtype (.record ( l₁)) (.record ( l₂)) →
∀ a, a ∈ ( l₁) → a ∈ ( l₂) := by
intro h a h₁
cases h
case _ =>
exact h₁
case _ a₁ ty₁ a₂ ty₂ m₁ m₂ h₂ h₃ h₄ =>
have h₅ := record_subtype_means_equiv_attrs h₄
case _ => sorry

theorem instance_of_subtype_is_instance_of_type {ty₁ ty₂ : CedarType} {v : Value} :
IsSubtype ty₁ ty₂ → InstanceOfType v ty₁ → InstanceOfType v ty₂ := by
intro h₁ h₂
cases h₂ <;> cases h₁
case instance_of_bool b bty₁ h₃ bty₂ h₄ =>
cases h₄
case _ h =>
rw [h] at h₃
exact InstanceOfType.instance_of_bool b bty₂ h₃
case _ h =>
rw [h]
exact bool_is_instance_of_anyBool b
case instance_of_int x =>
exact InstanceOfType.instance_of_int
case instance_of_string s =>
exact InstanceOfType.instance_of_string
case instance_of_entity uid ety₁ h₃ ety₂ h₄ =>
rw [← h₄]
exact InstanceOfType.instance_of_entity uid ety₁ h₃
case instance_of_set s ty₁ h₃ ty₂ h₄ =>
have h₅ : ∀ v, v ∈ s → InstanceOfType v ty₂ := by
intro v hᵢ
have h₃ := h₃ v hᵢ
exact instance_of_subtype_is_instance_of_type h₄ h₃
exact InstanceOfType.instance_of_set s ty₂ h₅
case _ m h₃ h₄ h₅ =>
exact InstanceOfType.instance_of_record m ( []) h₃ h₄ h₅
case _ m a₁ ty₁ a₂ ty₂ l₁ l₂ h₃ h₄ h₅ h₆ h₇ h₈ =>
have h₉ : ∀ (k : Attr), m.contains k → (( ((a₂, Qualified.optional ty₂) :: l₂)).contains k) := by
case _ => sorry
case instance_of_ext x xty₁ h₃ xty₂ h₅ =>
rw [← h₅]
exact InstanceOfType.instance_of_ext x xty₁ h₃
end Cedar.Thm
13 changes: 5 additions & 8 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Validation/TypedExpr.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
import Cedar.Validation.TypedExpr
import Cedar.Thm.Validation.TypeChecker
import Cedar.Thm.Validation.Subtyping

This file contains useful definitions and lemmas about well-typedness of `TypedExpr`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,7 +69,8 @@ def ITEWellTyped (env : Environment) (c t e: TypedExpr) (ty : CedarType) : Prop
| .bool .anyBool =>
TypedExpr.WellTyped env t ∧
TypedExpr.WellTyped env e ∧
(t.typeOf ⊔ e.typeOf) = .some ty
IsSubtype t.typeOf ty ∧
IsSubtype e.typeOf ty
| _ => False
termination_by 1 + (sizeOf e) + (sizeOf c) + (sizeOf t)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,13 +99,8 @@ termination_by 1 + (sizeOf l) + (sizeOf r)
def EqWellTyped (ty₁ ty₂ : TypedExpr) (ty : CedarType) : Prop :=
match ty₁.toExpr, ty₂.toExpr with
| .lit p₁, .lit p₂ => if p₁ == p₂ then ty = .bool .tt else ty = .bool .ff
| _, _ =>
match ty₁.typeOf ⊔ ty₂.typeOf with
| .some _ => ty = .bool .anyBool
| .none =>
match ty₁.typeOf, ty₂.typeOf with
| .entity _, .entity _ => ty = .bool .ff
| _, _ => False
| _, _ => (IsSubtype ty₁.typeOf ty ∧ IsSubtype ty₂.typeOf ty) ∨
((ty₁.typeOf.isEntity ∧ ty₂.typeOf.isEntity) → ty = .bool .ff)

def BinaryApp.WellTyped (env : Environment) (op : BinaryOp) (l r: TypedExpr) (ty : CedarType) : Prop :=
TypedExpr.WellTyped env l ∧ TypedExpr.WellTyped env r ∧
Expand Down

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