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Extend typechecker inversion lemma for type annotation
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Signed-off-by: John Kastner <>
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john-h-kastner-aws committed Mar 6, 2025
1 parent a33231a commit 555ff0e
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Showing 13 changed files with 485 additions and 292 deletions.
100 changes: 52 additions & 48 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Validation/Typechecker/And.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,17 +26,20 @@ open Cedar.Data
open Cedar.Spec
open Cedar.Validation

theorem type_of_and_inversion {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c c' : Capabilities} {env : Environment} {ty : TypedExpr}
(h₁ : typeOf (Expr.and x₁ x₂) c env = Except.ok (ty, c')) :
∃ bty₁ c₁,
(typeOf x₁ c env).typeOf = .ok (.bool bty₁, c₁) ∧
theorem type_of_and_inversion {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c c' : Capabilities} {env : Environment} {tx : TypedExpr}
(h₁ : typeOf (Expr.and x₁ x₂) c env = Except.ok (tx, c')) :
∃ tx₁ bty₁ c₁,
typeOf x₁ c env = .ok (tx₁, c₁) ∧
tx₁.typeOf = .bool bty₁ ∧
if bty₁ = BoolType.ff
then ty.typeOf = .bool BoolType.ff ∧ c' = ∅
else ∃ bty₂ c₂,
(typeOf x₂ (c ∪ c₁) env).typeOf = .ok (.bool bty₂, c₂) ∧
then tx = (.and tx₁ tx₁ (.bool BoolType.ff)) ∧ c' = ∅
else ∃ bty tx₂ bty₂ c₂,
tx = (.and tx₁ tx₂ (.bool bty)) ∧
typeOf x₂ (c ∪ c₁) env = .ok (tx₂, c₂) ∧
tx₂.typeOf = .bool bty₂ ∧
if bty₂ = BoolType.ff
then ty.typeOf = .bool BoolType.ff ∧ c' = ∅
else ty.typeOf = .bool (lubBool bty₁ bty₂) ∧ c' = c₁ ∪ c₂
then bty = BoolType.ff ∧ c' = ∅
else bty = lubBool bty₁ bty₂ ∧ c' = c₁ ∪ c₂
:= by
simp [typeOf] at h₁
cases h₂ : typeOf x₁ c env <;> simp [h₂] at *
Expand All @@ -46,49 +49,55 @@ theorem type_of_and_inversion {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c c' : Capabilities} {env : En
case ok.h_1 h₃ =>
have ⟨ hl₁, hr₁ ⟩ := h₁
subst hl₁ hr₁
exists BoolType.ff, res₁.snd
simp [ResultType.typeOf,, h₃]
exists res₁.fst, BoolType.ff, res₁.snd
case ok.h_2 bty₁ h₃ h₄ =>
exists bty₁, res₁.snd
exists res₁.fst, bty₁, res₁.snd
simp [h₄, ResultType.typeOf,]
split ; contradiction
cases h₄ : typeOf x₂ (c ∪ res₁.snd) env <;> simp [h₄] at *
rename_i res₂
split at h₁ <;> simp at h₁ <;>
have ⟨hty, hc⟩ := h₁ <;> subst hty hc
case isFalse.ok.h_1 hty₂ =>
exists BoolType.ff, res₂.snd
exists .ff, res₂.fst
apply And.intro (by simp)
exists .ff, res₂.snd
case isFalse.ok.h_2 hty₂ =>
exists, res₂.snd ; simp [←hty₂]
cases bty₁ <;> simp at h₃ <;> simp [lubBool, TypedExpr.typeOf]
exists bty₁, res₂.fst
apply And.intro (by simp)
exists, res₂.snd
cases bty₁
case ff => contradiction
simp [hty₂, lubBool]
case isFalse.ok.h_3 bty₂ h₄ h₅ hty₂ =>
exists .anyBool, res₂.fst
apply And.intro (by simp)
exists BoolType.anyBool, res₂.snd
cases bty₂ <;> simp at *
simp [hty₂, lubBool]
split <;> rename_i h₆
· simp [h₆, TypedExpr.typeOf]
· rfl
have _ : bty₂ = .anyBool := by
cases bty₂ <;> simp at h₄ h₅ ⊢
subst bty₂
cases bty₁ <;> simp [hty₂, lubBool]

theorem type_of_and_is_sound {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {env : Environment} {ty : TypedExpr} {request : Request} {entities : Entities}
theorem type_of_and_is_sound {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {env : Environment} {tx : TypedExpr} {request : Request} {entities : Entities}
(h₁ : CapabilitiesInvariant c₁ request entities)
(h₂ : RequestAndEntitiesMatchEnvironment env request entities)
(h₃ : typeOf (Expr.and x₁ x₂) c₁ env = Except.ok (ty, c₂))
(h₃ : typeOf (Expr.and x₁ x₂) c₁ env = Except.ok (tx, c₂))
(ih₁ : TypeOfIsSound x₁)
(ih₂ : TypeOfIsSound x₂) :
GuardedCapabilitiesInvariant (Expr.and x₁ x₂) c₂ request entities ∧
∃ v, EvaluatesTo (Expr.and x₁ x₂) request entities v ∧ InstanceOfType v ty.typeOf
∃ v, EvaluatesTo (Expr.and x₁ x₂) request entities v ∧ InstanceOfType v tx.typeOf
:= by
have ⟨bty₁, rc₁, h₄, h₅⟩ := type_of_and_inversion h₃
split_type_of h₄ ; rename_i h₄ hl₄ hr₄
have ⟨tx₁, bty₁, rc₁, h₄, h₅, h₆⟩ := type_of_and_inversion h₃
specialize ih₁ h₁ h₂ h₄
have ⟨ih₁₁, v₁, ih₁₂, ih₁₃⟩ := ih₁
rw [hl₄] at ih₁₃
rw [h₅] at ih₁₃
have ⟨b₁, hb₁⟩ := instance_of_bool_is_bool ih₁₃
subst hb₁
split at h
case isTrue h =>
subst h
have ⟨hty, hc⟩ := h
split at h
case isTrue h =>
subst h
have ⟨hty, hc⟩ := h
rw [hty, hc]
apply And.intro empty_guarded_capabilities_invariant
have h₇ := instance_of_ff_is_false ih₁₃
Expand All @@ -98,13 +107,13 @@ theorem type_of_and_is_sound {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {env
simp [EvaluatesTo, evaluate,, ih₁₂, Coe.coe, Value.asBool] <;>
try exact type_is_inhabited (CedarType.bool BoolType.ff)
exact false_is_instance_of_ff
case isFalse h =>
have ⟨bty₂, rc₂, hₜ, h₇⟩ := h
split at h <;> havehty, hc⟩ := h <;> rw [hty, hc]
case isTrue h₈ =>
subst h₈
case isFalse h =>
replace ⟨bty, tx₂, bty₂, rc₂, htx, htx₂, hty₂, h₆⟩ := h
split at h <;> havehbty, hc⟩ := h <;> subst bty c₂ tx
case isTrue hbty₂ =>
subst bty₂
apply And.intro empty_guarded_capabilities_invariant
exists false ; simp [false_is_instance_of_ff]
exists false ; simp [TypedExpr.typeOf, false_is_instance_of_ff]
cases b₁
case false =>
rcases ih₁₂ with ih₁₂ | ih₁₂ | ih₁₂ | ih₁₂ <;>
Expand All @@ -115,22 +124,20 @@ theorem type_of_and_is_sound {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {env
simp [GuardedCapabilitiesInvariant] at ih₁₁
specialize ih₁₁ ih₁₂
have h₇ := capability_union_invariant h₁ ih₁₁
split_type_of hₜ ; rename_i hₜ hlₜ hrₜ
subst hr₄
specialize ih₂ h₇ h₂ hₜ
specialize ih₂ h₇ h₂ htx₂
have ⟨_, v₂, ih₂₂, ih₂₃⟩ := ih₂
simp [EvaluatesTo] at ih₂₂
rcases ih₂₂ with ih₂₂ | ih₂₂ | ih₂₂ | ih₂₂ <;>
simp [, ih₂₂, Coe.coe, Value.asBool, Lean.Internal.coeM, pure, Except.pure]
rw [hlₜ] at ih₂₃
rw [hty₂] at ih₂₃
have h₈ := instance_of_ff_is_false ih₂₃
subst h₈
simp [CoeT.coe, CoeHTCT.coe, CoeHTC.coe, CoeOTC.coe, CoeTC.coe, Coe.coe]
case isFalse h₈ =>
case isFalse hbty₂ =>
cases b₁
case false =>
rcases ih₁₂ with ih₁₂ | ih₁₂ | ih₁₂ | ih₁₂ <;>
simp [EvaluatesTo, evaluate,, ih₁₂, Coe.coe, Value.asBool, GuardedCapabilitiesInvariant] <;>
simp [EvaluatesTo, evaluate,, ih₁₂, Coe.coe, Value.asBool, GuardedCapabilitiesInvariant, TypedExpr.typeOf] <;>
try exact type_is_inhabited (CedarType.bool (lubBool bty₁ bty₂))
apply instance_of_lubBool
simp [ih₁₃]
Expand All @@ -140,26 +147,23 @@ theorem type_of_and_is_sound {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {env
try exact type_is_inhabited (CedarType.bool (lubBool bty₁ bty₂))
simp [GuardedCapabilitiesInvariant] at ih₁₁
specialize ih₁₁ ih₁₂
split_type_of hₜ ; rename_i hₜ hlₜ hrₜ
subst hr₄
have h₇ := capability_union_invariant h₁ ih₁₁
specialize ih₂ h₇ h₂ hₜ
specialize ih₂ h₇ h₂ htx₂
have ⟨ih₂₁, v₂, ih₂₂, ih₂₃⟩ := ih₂
simp [EvaluatesTo] at ih₂₂
rcases ih₂₂ with ih₂₂ | ih₂₂ | ih₂₂ | ih₂₂ <;>
simp [EvaluatesTo, evaluate,, ih₂₂, Coe.coe, Value.asBool, Lean.Internal.coeM, pure, Except.pure] <;>
try exact type_is_inhabited (CedarType.bool (lubBool bty₁ bty₂))
rw [hlₜ] at ih₂₃
rw [hty₂] at ih₂₃
have ⟨b₂, hb₂⟩ := instance_of_bool_is_bool ih₂₃
subst hb₂
cases b₂ <;> simp [CoeT.coe, CoeHTCT.coe, CoeHTC.coe, CoeOTC.coe, CoeTC.coe, Coe.coe]
cases b₂ <;> simp [TypedExpr.typeOf, CoeT.coe, CoeHTCT.coe, CoeHTC.coe, CoeOTC.coe, CoeTC.coe, Coe.coe]
case false =>
apply instance_of_lubBool ; simp [ih₂₃]
case true =>
apply And.intro
· simp [GuardedCapabilitiesInvariant] at ih₂₁
specialize ih₂₁ ih₂₂
rw [hrₜ] at ih₂₁
exact capability_union_invariant ih₁₁ ih₂₁
· apply instance_of_lubBool ; simp [ih₁₃]

Expand Down
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Validation/Typechecker/BinaryApp.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,28 @@ open Cedar.Data
open Cedar.Spec
open Cedar.Validation

theorem type_of_binaryApp_inversion {op₂ : BinaryOp} {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c c' : Capabilities} {env : Environment} {tx : TypedExpr}
(htx : typeOf (Expr.binaryApp op₂ x₁ x₂) c env = Except.ok (tx, c')) :
∃ tx₁ c₁ tx₂ c₂,
typeOf x₁ c env = Except.ok (tx₁, c₁) ∧
typeOf x₂ c env = Except.ok (tx₂, c₂) ∧
∃ ty, tx = .binaryApp op₂ tx₁ tx₂ ty
:= by
simp only [typeOf] at htx
cases htx₁ : typeOf x₁ c env <;> simp only [htx₁, Except.bind_err, reduceCtorEq] at htx
cases htx₂ : typeOf x₂ c env <;> simp only [htx₂, Except.bind_err, Except.bind_ok, reduceCtorEq] at htx
rename_i r₁ r₂
simp [typeOfBinaryApp, typeOfEq, ifLubThenBool, typeOfGetTag, typeOfHasTag, ok, err] at htx
(split at htx <;> try split at htx <;> try split at htx <;> try split at htx) <;> try simp at htx
have ⟨ htx, _ ⟩ := htx
rw [←htx]
exists r₁.fst, r₁.snd, r₂.fst, r₂.snd
· rfl
· rfl
· simp only [TypedExpr.binaryApp.injEq, true_and, exists_eq']

theorem type_of_binaryApp_is_sound {op₂ : BinaryOp} {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {env : Environment} {ty : TypedExpr} {request : Request} {entities : Entities}
(h₁ : CapabilitiesInvariant c₁ request entities)
(h₂ : RequestAndEntitiesMatchEnvironment env request entities)
Expand Down
60 changes: 31 additions & 29 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Validation/Typechecker/BinaryApp/GetTag.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,13 +26,16 @@ open Cedar.Data
open Cedar.Spec
open Cedar.Validation

theorem type_of_getTag_inversion {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {env : Environment} {ty : TypedExpr}
(h₁ : typeOf (Expr.binaryApp .getTag x₁ x₂) c₁ env = .ok (ty, c₂)) :
theorem type_of_getTag_inversion {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {env : Environment} {tx : TypedExpr}
(h₁ : typeOf (Expr.binaryApp .getTag x₁ x₂) c₁ env = .ok (tx, c₂)) :
c₂ = [] ∧
∃ ety c₁' c₂',
(typeOf x₁ c₁ env).typeOf = .ok (.entity ety, c₁') ∧
(typeOf x₂ c₁ env).typeOf = .ok (.string, c₂') ∧
env.ets.tags? ety = some (some ty.typeOf) ∧
∃ ety ty tx₁ tx₂ c₁' c₂',
typeOf x₁ c₁ env = .ok (tx₁, c₁') ∧
tx₁.typeOf = .entity ety ∧
typeOf x₂ c₁ env = .ok (tx₂, c₂') ∧
tx₂.typeOf = .string ∧
env.ets.tags? ety = some (some ty) ∧
tx = .binaryApp .getTag tx₁ tx₂ ty ∧
(x₁, .tag x₂) ∈ c₁
:= by
simp only [typeOf] at h₁
Expand All @@ -41,37 +44,36 @@ theorem type_of_getTag_inversion {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {
rename_i tyc₁ tyc₂
cases tyc₁
cases tyc₂
rename_i ty₁ c₁' ty₂ c₂'
rename_i tx₁ c₁' tx₂ c₂'
simp only at h₁
cases h₄ : ty₁.typeOf <;> simp [typeOfBinaryApp, err, reduceCtorEq, h₄] at h₁
cases h₅ : ty₂.typeOf <;> simp [typeOfBinaryApp, err, reduceCtorEq, h₅] at h₁
cases h₄ : tx₁.typeOf <;> simp [typeOfBinaryApp, err, reduceCtorEq, h₄] at h₁
cases h₅ : tx₂.typeOf <;> simp [typeOfBinaryApp, err, reduceCtorEq, h₅] at h₁
rename_i ety
simp only [typeOfGetTag, List.empty_eq] at h₁
split at h₁ <;> simp only [ok, err, Except.bind_err, reduceCtorEq] at h₁
split at h₁ <;> simp only [Except.bind_ok, Except.bind_err, Except.ok.injEq,, List.nil_eq, reduceCtorEq] at h₁
rename_i ty _ _
rename_i h₆ h₇
replace ⟨h₁, h₁'⟩ := h₁
subst h₁ h₁'
simp only [true_and]
exists ety
exists ety, ty, tx₁, tx₂
simp only [ResultType.typeOf,, h₄, h₅, h₆, h₇]
simp [TypedExpr.typeOf]

theorem type_of_getTag_is_sound {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {env : Environment} {ty : TypedExpr} {request : Request} {entities : Entities}
theorem type_of_getTag_is_sound {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {env : Environment} {tx : TypedExpr} {request : Request} {entities : Entities}
(h₁ : CapabilitiesInvariant c₁ request entities)
(h₂ : RequestAndEntitiesMatchEnvironment env request entities)
(h₃ : typeOf (Expr.binaryApp .getTag x₁ x₂) c₁ env = Except.ok (ty, c₂))
(h₃ : typeOf (Expr.binaryApp .getTag x₁ x₂) c₁ env = Except.ok (tx, c₂))
(ih₁ : TypeOfIsSound x₁)
(ih₂ : TypeOfIsSound x₂) :
GuardedCapabilitiesInvariant (Expr.binaryApp .getTag x₁ x₂) c₂ request entities ∧
∃ v, EvaluatesTo (Expr.binaryApp .getTag x₁ x₂) request entities v ∧ InstanceOfType v ty.typeOf
∃ v, EvaluatesTo (Expr.binaryApp .getTag x₁ x₂) request entities v ∧ InstanceOfType v tx.typeOf
:= by
replace ⟨hc, ety, c₁', c₂', h₃, h₄, h₅, h₆⟩ := type_of_getTag_inversion h₃
replace ⟨hc, ety, ty, tx₁, tx₂, c₁', c₂', h₃, h₄, h₅, h₆, ht, htx, hc₁⟩ := type_of_getTag_inversion h₃
subst hc
split_type_of h₃ ; rename_i h₃ hl₃ hr₃
split_type_of h₄ ; rename_i h₄ hl₄ hr₄
replace ⟨_, v₁, ih₁, hty₁⟩ := ih₁ h₁ h₂ h₃
replace ⟨_, v₂, ih₂, hty₂⟩ := ih₂ h₁ h₂ h
replace ⟨_, v₂, ih₂, hty₂⟩ := ih₂ h₁ h₂ h
simp only [EvaluatesTo] at *
simp only [GuardedCapabilitiesInvariant, evaluate]
rcases ih₁ with ih₁ | ih₁ | ih₁ | ih₁ <;>
Expand All @@ -80,9 +82,9 @@ theorem type_of_getTag_is_sound {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {e
rcases ih₂ with ih₂ | ih₂ | ih₂ | ih₂ <;>
simp only [ih₂, Except.bind_ok, Except.bind_err, false_implies, Except.error.injEq, or_false, or_true, true_and, reduceCtorEq]
any_goals (apply type_is_inhabited)
rw [hl₃] at hty₁
rw [h₄] at hty₁
replace ⟨uid, hty₁, hv₁⟩ := instance_of_entity_type_is_entity hty₁
rw [hl₄] at hty₂
rw [h₆] at hty₂
replace ⟨s, hv₂⟩ := instance_of_string_is_string hty₂
subst hv₁ hv₂ hty₁
simp only [apply₂, hasTag, Except.ok.injEq, Value.prim.injEq, Prim.bool.injEq, false_or, exists_eq_left']
Expand All @@ -94,26 +96,26 @@ theorem type_of_getTag_is_sound {x₁ x₂ : Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {e
rw [Map.findOrErr_ok_iff_find?_some] at hf₁
replace ⟨entry, hf₂, _, _, _, h₂⟩ := h₂.right.left uid d hf₁
simp only [InstanceOfEntityTags] at h₂
simp only [EntitySchema.tags?, Option.map_eq_some'] at h₅
replace ⟨_, h₅, h₇⟩ := h₅
simp only [hf₂, Option.some.injEq] at h₅
subst h₅
simp only [EntitySchemaEntry.tags?] at h₂ h₇
split at h₇
simp only [h₇] at h₂
simp [EntitySchema.tags?, Option.map_eq_some'] at ht
replace ⟨_, ht₁, ht₂⟩ := ht
simp only [hf₂, Option.some.injEq] at ht₁
subst ht₁
simp only [EntitySchemaEntry.tags?] at h₂ ht₂
split at ht₂
simp only [ht₂] at h₂
have hf₃ := Map.findOrErr_returns d.tags s Error.tagDoesNotExist
rcases hf₃ with ⟨v, hf₃⟩ | hf₃ <;>
simp only [hf₃, false_implies, Except.error.injEq, or_self, false_and, exists_const, and_false,
Except.ok.injEq, false_or, exists_eq_left', reduceCtorEq]
· simp only [← List.empty_eq, empty_capabilities_invariant request entities, implies_true, true_and, reduceCtorEq]
· simp only [htx, TypedExpr.typeOf, ← List.empty_eq, empty_capabilities_invariant request entities, implies_true, true_and, reduceCtorEq]
apply h₂
exact Map.findOrErr_ok_implies_in_values hf₃
· replace h₁ := h₁.right x₁ x₂ h₆
· replace h₁ := h₁.right x₁ x₂ hc₁
simp only [EvaluatesTo, evaluate, ih₁, ih₂, apply₂, hasTag, Except.bind_ok, Except.ok.injEq,
Value.prim.injEq, Prim.bool.injEq, false_or, reduceCtorEq] at h₁
simp only [Entities.tagsOrEmpty, hf₁, Map.contains_iff_some_find?] at h₁
replace ⟨_, h₁⟩ := h₁
simp only [Map.findOrErr_err_iff_find?_none, h₁, reduceCtorEq] at hf₃
· cases h₇
· cases ht₂

end Cedar.Thm
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Validation/Typechecker/Call.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,55 @@ open Cedar.Data
open Cedar.Spec
open Cedar.Validation

theorem type_of_call_args_inversion {xs : List Expr} {txs : List TypedExpr} {c : Capabilities} {env : Environment}
(htxs : (xs.mapM₁ λ x => justType (typeOf x.val c env)) = Except.ok txs) :
List.Forall₂ (λ xᵢ txᵢ => ∃ cᵢ, typeOf xᵢ c env = Except.ok (txᵢ, cᵢ)) xs txs
match xs with
| [] => by
replace htxs : txs = [] :=
by simpa [List.mapM₁, pure, Except.pure] using htxs
subst htxs
| x :: xs => by
simp only [List.mapM₁, List.attach, List.attachWith, List.pmap_cons, List.mapM_cons, bind_pure_comp] at htxs
cases htx : justType (typeOf x c env) <;> simp only [htx, Except.bind_err, reduceCtorEq] at htxs
simp only [justType,] at htx
split at htx <;> simp only [reduceCtorEq, Except.ok.injEq] at htx
subst htx
simp only [List.mapM_pmap_subtype (fun x => justType (typeOf x c env))] at htxs
cases htxs' : List.mapM (fun x => justType (typeOf x c env)) xs <;>
simp only [htxs', Except.map_error, Except.map_ok, Except.bind_ok, reduceCtorEq, Except.ok.injEq] at htxs
subst txs
· rename_i r _ _
exists r.snd
· have ih := @type_of_call_args_inversion xs
simp [ih, htxs', List.mapM₁]

theorem type_of_call_inversion {xs : List Expr} {c c' : Capabilities} {env : Environment} {tx : TypedExpr}
(htx : typeOf ( xfn xs) c env = Except.ok (tx, c')) :
∃ txs,
(∃ ty, tx = .call xfn txs ty) ∧
List.Forall₂ (λ xᵢ txᵢ => ∃ cᵢ, typeOf xᵢ c env = .ok (txᵢ, cᵢ)) xs txs
:= by
simp only [typeOf, typeOfCall] at htx
cases htx₁ : xs.mapM₁ fun x => justType (typeOf x.val c env) <;> simp only [htx₁, Except.bind_err, Except.bind_ok, reduceCtorEq] at htx
rename_i txs
exists txs
· split at htx <;>
| contradiction
| cases htx₁ : typeOfConstructor Ext.Decimal.decimal xs (CedarType.ext ExtType.decimal) <;> simp only [htx₁] at htx
| cases htx₁ : typeOfConstructor Ext.IPAddr.ip xs (CedarType.ext ExtType.ipAddr) <;> simp only [htx₁] at htx
| cases htx₁ : typeOfConstructor Cedar.Spec.Ext.Datetime.parse xs (.ext .datetime) <;> simp only [htx₁] at htx
| cases htx₁ : typeOfConstructor Cedar.Spec.Ext.Datetime.Duration.parse xs (.ext .duration) <;> simp only [htx₁] at htx
| skip) <;>
simp only [ok, err, Except.ok.injEq,, Except.bind_ok, Except.bind_err, reduceCtorEq] at htx <;>
simp [←htx]
· exact type_of_call_args_inversion htx₁

theorem type_of_call_decimal_inversion {xs : List Expr} {c c' : Capabilities} {env : Environment} {ty : TypedExpr}
(h₁ : typeOf ( .decimal xs) c env = Except.ok (ty, c')) :
ty.typeOf = .ext .decimal ∧
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