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soundness for sets
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Signed-off-by: John Kastner <>
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john-h-kastner-aws committed Feb 28, 2025
1 parent 5ca2602 commit 4afc20b
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Showing 3 changed files with 100 additions and 23 deletions.
16 changes: 9 additions & 7 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Validation/Levels.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Cedar.Thm.Validation.Levels.BinaryApp
import Cedar.Thm.Validation.Levels.And
import Cedar.Thm.Validation.Levels.Or
import Cedar.Thm.Validation.Levels.Record
import Cedar.Thm.Validation.Levels.Set

namespace Cedar.Thm

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,13 +77,14 @@ theorem level_based_slicing_is_sound_expr {e : Expr} {n nmax : Nat} {tx : TypedE
have ihe := @level_based_slicing_is_sound_expr e
exact level_based_slicing_is_sound_has_attr hn hs hc hr ht hl ihe
case set xs =>
replace ⟨ hc, txs, ty, htx, ht ⟩ := type_of_set_inversion ht
subst tx
cases hl ; rename_i hl
-- TODO: I need a slightly stronger inversion lemma that gives me something like
-- ∀ x ∈ xs, ∃ tx c', typeOf x c env = .ok (tx, c') ∧ (tx.typeOf ⊔ ty) = some ty ∧ tx ∈ txs
-- Notably, `tx ∈ txs` is required to concluded `TypedAtLevel tx n` by `hl`
have ih : ∀ x ∈ xs, TypedAtLevelIsSound x := by
intro x hx
have _ : sizeOf x < sizeOf (Expr.set xs) := by
have h₁ := List.sizeOf_lt_of_mem hx
simp only [Expr.set.sizeOf_spec]
exact @level_based_slicing_is_sound_expr x
exact level_based_slicing_is_sound_set hn hs hc hr ht hl ih
case call => sorry -- should be the same as set
case record rxs =>
have ih : ∀ x ∈ rxs, TypedAtLevelIsSound x.snd := by
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70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Validation/Levels/Set.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Copyright Cedar Contributors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

import Cedar.Spec
import Cedar.Data
import Cedar.Validation
import Cedar.Thm.Validation.Typechecker
import Cedar.Thm.Validation.Typechecker.Types
import Cedar.Thm.Validation.Levels.Basic

namespace Cedar.Thm

open Cedar.Data
open Cedar.Spec
open Cedar.Validation

theorem mapm_eval_congr_entities {xs : List Expr} {request : Request} {entities slice : Entities}
(he : ∀ (x : Expr), x ∈ xs → evaluate x request entities = evaluate x request slice) :
List.mapM (fun x => evaluate x request entities) xs = List.mapM (fun x => evaluate x request slice) xs
:= by
cases xs
case nil => simp
case cons x xs =>
simp only [List.mapM_cons, bind_pure_comp]
rw [he x (by simp)]
have he' : ∀ (x : Expr), x ∈ xs → evaluate x request entities = evaluate x request slice := by
intros x' hx'
replace hx' : x' ∈ x :: xs := by simp [hx']
exact he x' hx'
cases evaluate x request slice <;> simp only [Except.bind_err, Except.bind_ok]
have ih := mapm_eval_congr_entities he'
rw [ih]

theorem level_based_slicing_is_sound_set {xs : List Expr} {n : Nat} {c₀ c₁: Capabilities} {env : Environment} {request : Request} {entities slice : Entities}
(hn : nmax ≥ n)
(hs : slice = entities.sliceAtLevel request nmax)
(hc : CapabilitiesInvariant c₀ request entities)
(hr : RequestAndEntitiesMatchEnvironment env request entities)
(ht : typeOf (.set xs) c₀ env = Except.ok (tx, c₁))
(hl : TypedExpr.AtLevel tx n nmax)
(ih : ∀ x ∈ xs, TypedAtLevelIsSound x) :
evaluate (.set xs) request entities = evaluate (.set xs) request slice
:= by
replace ⟨ _, txs, ty, htx, ht ⟩ := type_of_set_inversion ht
subst tx
cases hl ; rename_i hl

have he : ∀ x ∈ xs, evaluate x request entities = evaluate x request slice := by
intros x hx
replace ⟨ tx, c', htxs, htx, _ ⟩ := ht x hx
specialize hl tx htxs
exact ih x hx hn hs hc hr htx hl

simp only [evaluate, List.mapM₁, List.attach, List.attachWith]
simp only [List.mapM_pmap_subtype (λ x : Expr => evaluate x request entities) xs]
simp only [List.mapM_pmap_subtype (λ x : Expr => evaluate x request slice) xs]
rw [mapm_eval_congr_entities he]
37 changes: 21 additions & 16 deletions cedar-lean/Cedar/Thm/Validation/Typechecker/Set.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,9 +119,10 @@ theorem type_of_set_inversion {xs : List Expr} {c c' : Capabilities} {env : Envi
∃ txs ty,
tx = (.set txs (.set ty)) ∧
∀ xᵢ ∈ xs,
∃ tyᵢ cᵢ,
(typeOf xᵢ c env).typeOf = Except.ok (tyᵢ, cᵢ) ∧
(tyᵢ ⊔ ty) = .some ty
∃ txᵢ cᵢ,
txᵢ ∈ txs ∧
typeOf xᵢ c env = Except.ok (txᵢ, cᵢ) ∧
(txᵢ.typeOf ⊔ ty) = .some ty
:= by
simp [typeOf] at h₁
cases h₂ : List.mapM₁ xs fun x => justType (typeOf x.val c env) <;>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,8 +151,9 @@ theorem type_of_set_inversion {xs : List Expr} {c c' : Capabilities} {env : Envi
simp only [justType,] at h₅
split at h₅ <;> simp at h₅
rename_i res h₇
exists hdty.typeOf, res.snd
apply And.intro
exists hdty, res.snd
· simp
· simp [←h₅, h₇, ResultType.typeOf,]
· exact foldlM_of_lub_is_LUB h₃
case tail xhd xtl h₄ =>
Expand All @@ -163,10 +165,12 @@ theorem type_of_set_inversion {xs : List Expr} {c c' : Capabilities} {env : Envi
replace ⟨ h₇, h₉ ⟩ := h₇
subst h₇ h₉
specialize h₈ x h₄
replace ⟨tyᵢ, ⟨c₁, h₈⟩, h₉⟩ := h₈
exists tyᵢ, c₁
simp only [h₈, true_and]
exact lub_trans h₉ h₆
replace ⟨txᵢ, c₁, htl, htxᵢ, hlub ⟩ := h₈
exists txᵢ, c₁
· exact List.Mem.tail _ htl
· exact htxᵢ
· exact lub_trans hlub h₆

theorem list_is_sound_implies_tail_is_sound {hd : Expr} {tl : List Expr}
(h₁ : ∀ (xᵢ : Expr), xᵢ ∈ hd :: tl → TypeOfIsSound xᵢ) :
Expand All @@ -177,8 +181,8 @@ theorem list_is_sound_implies_tail_is_sound {hd : Expr} {tl : List Expr}
simp [h₂]

theorem list_is_typed_implies_tail_is_typed {hd : Expr} {tl : List Expr} {c₁ : Capabilities} {env : Environment} {ty : CedarType}
(h₁ : ∀ (xᵢ : Expr), xᵢ ∈ hd :: tl → ∃ tyᵢ cᵢ, (typeOf xᵢ c₁ env).typeOf = Except.ok (tyᵢ, cᵢ) ∧ (tyᵢ ⊔ ty) = some ty) :
∀ (xᵢ : Expr), xᵢ ∈ tl → ∃ tyᵢ cᵢ, (typeOf xᵢ c₁ env).typeOf = Except.ok (tyᵢ, cᵢ) ∧ (tyᵢ ⊔ ty) = some ty
(h₁ : ∀ (xᵢ : Expr), xᵢ ∈ hd :: tl → ∃ txᵢ cᵢ, (typeOf xᵢ c₁ env) = Except.ok (txᵢ, cᵢ) ∧ (txᵢ.typeOf ⊔ ty) = some ty) :
∀ (xᵢ : Expr), xᵢ ∈ tl → ∃ txᵢ cᵢ, typeOf xᵢ c₁ env = Except.ok (txᵢ, cᵢ) ∧ (txᵢ.typeOf ⊔ ty) = some ty
:= by
intro xᵢ h₂
apply h₁
Expand All @@ -188,7 +192,7 @@ theorem type_of_set_is_sound_err {xs : List Expr} {c₁ : Capabilities} {env : E
(ih : ∀ (xᵢ : Expr), xᵢ ∈ xs → TypeOfIsSound xᵢ)
(h₁ : CapabilitiesInvariant c₁ request entities)
(h₂ : RequestAndEntitiesMatchEnvironment env request entities)
(h₄ : ∀ (xᵢ : Expr), xᵢ ∈ xs → ∃ tyᵢ cᵢ, (typeOf xᵢ c₁ env).typeOf = Except.ok (tyᵢ, cᵢ) ∧ (tyᵢ ⊔ ty) = some ty)
(h₄ : ∀ (xᵢ : Expr), xᵢ ∈ xs → ∃ txᵢ cᵢ, (typeOf xᵢ c₁ env) = Except.ok (txᵢ, cᵢ) ∧ (txᵢ.typeOf ⊔ ty) = some ty)
(h₅ : (xs.mapM fun x => evaluate x request entities) = Except.error err) :
err = Error.entityDoesNotExist ∨
err = Error.extensionError ∨
Expand All @@ -203,7 +207,6 @@ theorem type_of_set_is_sound_err {xs : List Expr} {c₁ : Capabilities} {env : E
have h₄ := h₄ hd
simp only [h₆, List.mem_cons, true_or, forall_const] at h₄
have ⟨tyᵢ, cᵢ, h₇, _⟩ := h₄
split_type_of h₇ ; rename_i h₇ hl₇ _
have h₉ := ih hd ; simp [h₆, TypeOfIsSound] at h₉
specialize (h₉ h₁ h₂ h₇) ; have ⟨_, v, h₉⟩ := h₉
simp [EvaluatesTo] at h₉
Expand All @@ -226,7 +229,7 @@ theorem type_of_set_is_sound_ok { xs : List Expr } { c₁ : Capabilities } { env
(ih : ∀ (xᵢ : Expr), xᵢ ∈ xs → TypeOfIsSound xᵢ)
(h₁ : CapabilitiesInvariant c₁ request entities)
(h₂ : RequestAndEntitiesMatchEnvironment env request entities)
(h₃ : ∀ (xᵢ : Expr), xᵢ ∈ xs → ∃ tyᵢ cᵢ, (typeOf xᵢ c₁ env).typeOf = Except.ok (tyᵢ, cᵢ) ∧ (tyᵢ ⊔ ty) = some ty)
(h₃ : ∀ (xᵢ : Expr), xᵢ ∈ xs → ∃ txᵢ cᵢ, (typeOf xᵢ c₁ env) = Except.ok (txᵢ, cᵢ) ∧ (txᵢ.typeOf ⊔ ty) = some ty)
(h₄ : (xs.mapM fun x => evaluate x request entities) = Except.ok vs)
(h₅ : v ∈ vs):
InstanceOfType v ty
Expand All @@ -252,14 +255,12 @@ theorem type_of_set_is_sound_ok { xs : List Expr } { c₁ : Capabilities } { env
have ⟨tyᵢ, cᵢ, h₃, h₆⟩ := h₃
specialize ih hd
simp [TypeOfIsSound] at ih
split_type_of h₃ ; rename_i h₃ hl₃ _
specialize ih h₁ h₂ h₃
have ⟨_, v', ihl, ihr⟩ := ih
simp [EvaluatesTo] at ihl
rcases ihl with ihl | ihl | ihl | ihl <;>
simp [ihl] at h₇
subst h₇
rw [hl₃] at ihr
exact instance_of_lub_left h₆ ihr
case tail h₉ =>
apply @type_of_set_is_sound_ok
Expand All @@ -283,6 +284,10 @@ theorem type_of_set_is_sound {xs : List Expr} {c₁ c₂ : Capabilities} {env :
apply And.intro empty_guarded_capabilities_invariant
simp only [EvaluatesTo, evaluate, List.mapM₁, List.attach_def,
List.mapM_pmap_subtype (evaluate · request entities)]
replace h₅ : ∀ xᵢ ∈ xs, ∃ tx c', typeOf xᵢ c₁ env = .ok (tx, c') ∧ (tx.typeOf ⊔ ty) = some ty := by
intros x h₁
replace ⟨txᵢ, cᵢ, h₅⟩ := h₅ x h₁
simp [h₅]
cases h₆ : xs.mapM fun x => evaluate x request entities <;>
simp [h₆]
case error err =>
Expand Down

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