This open source project is managed by a Steering Committee composed of the maintainers of this project. Maintainers are defined as individuals with full commit access to the project repositories.
The Steering Committee will be responsible for oversight of all technical, project, approval, and policy matters for the project. This notably includes brand and trademark management.
The Steering Committee members are listed in the file in the repository. New maintainers (and accordingly, Steering Committee members) may be added or removed by no less than 3/4 affirmative vote of the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will appoint a Chair responsible for organizing Steering Committee activity. If the Steering Committee Chair is removed from the Committee (or the Chair steps down from that role), it is the responsibility of the Steering Committee to appoint a new Chair.
The Steering Committee may, at its discretion, add or remove members who are not maintainers.
The Steering Committee will strive for all decisions to be made by consensus. While explicit agreement of the entire Steering Committee is preferred, it is not required for consensus. Rather, the Steering Committee will determine consensus based on their good faith consideration of a number of factors, including the dominant view of the Steering Committee and nature of support and objections. The Steering Committee will document evidence of consensus in accordance with these requirements. If consensus cannot be reached, the Steering Committee will make the decision by a vote.
The Steering Committee Chair will call a vote with reasonable notice to the Steering Committee, setting out a discussion period and a separate voting period. Any discussion may be conducted in person or electronically by text, voice, or video. The discussion will be open to the public, with the notable exception of discussions involving embargoed security issues or the addition or removal of maintainers, which will be private. In any vote, each voting representative will have one vote. Except as specifically noted elsewhere in this document, decisions by vote require a simple majority vote of all voting members.
A maintainer’s access (and accordingly, their position on the Steering Committee) will be removed if any of the following occur:
- Resignation: Written notice of resignation to the Steering Committee
- Steering Committee Vote: 3/4 affirmative vote of the Steering Committee to remove a member
- Unreachable Member: If a member is unresponsive for more than six months, the remaining active members of the Steering Committee may vote to remove the member
This document is a modified work of the GitHub Minimal Viable Governance model, located here: This document may be used, modified, and/or distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY) license.