issues Search Results · repo:cebe/markdown language:HTML
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incebe/markdown (press backspace or delete to remove)Hello!
I was wondering what the status of the package is? Last release was back in 2018.
- 9
- Opened on Jan 30, 2024
- #190
The Parser::blockTypes() use $this- _blockTypes array. Is it possible to do the same pattern in Parser::inlineMarkers()?
The reflection is costly operation and I m getting Fatal error when parsing ...
- 2
- Opened on Jan 14, 2022
- #187
GitHub at least includes the ability to create header links. This for instance makes the #header-1 link to the first
heading named Header, ie
heres the [link](#header-1] - clicking this takes you to ...
- 8
- Opened on Jan 10, 2022
- #186
I want to use this library for a changelog parser.
But while testing out the output structure of the parser, i found out, it singles out h s in text while using links or
references in the text.
The following ...
- Opened on Oct 3, 2021
- #185
We have a Craft CMS site that uses this package via Yii2. The body of our account activation emails is rendered from
markdown and we re running into broken links that prevent users from completing registration. ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 16, 2021
- #182
Is there a phpcs ruleset that should be used for this repo? I m working on adding footnotes and nearly have a patch
- 3
- Opened on Sep 16, 2021
- #181
The following markdown table without body at the end of the markdown text is not detected and will be rendered as
| Tables | Are | Cool |\n| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
while ...
- Opened on Feb 4, 2021
- #179
My markdown has something like **One** **Two** **Three**
It is rendered as: strong One /strong strong Two /strong strong Three /strong
There are no spaces between the tags
need more info
- 1
- Opened on Jul 23, 2020
- #176
This is a great package. Been using it for a while on my [PHPFUI]( c=Markdown) site
which easily documents any PHP code.
I was wondering if you would be up ...
- 7
- Opened on May 29, 2020
- #175
is it possible to get all headings from a string in an extension? I need this for autogenerating a table of contents.
Thank you in advance
ready to implement
- 6
- Opened on May 18, 2020
- #174

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