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Releases: cea-trust-platform/TrioCFD-code

Release V1.9.5

20 Dec 15:43
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TrioCFD (previously named "Trio_U") is the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code
based on the TRUST platform.

It offers, in addition to TRUST modules, different physical modules such as:

  • Turbulence LES & RANS models
  • Front-Tracking
  • Radiation
  • ALE for fluid-structure interactions
  • Turbulence (RANS) with multiphase problems

This software is OpenSource (BSD license).

New TrioCFD version released v1.9.5

Table of contents

  1. What's new?
  2. How to install?
  3. TrioCFD Release notes

TRUST/TrioCFD support team:

1. What's new ?

  • Front Tracking discontinu : Syntaxe in datafiles is now similar to TRUST/TrioCFD datafiles:

    • Equations to be solved in a Front-Tracking-discontinu problem should not be read and associated to the problem. It should be read at the begining of each problem in a solved_equations bloc.
    • Medium (Fluide_Diphasique, Fluid_Incompressible, solid, constituent, ...) is no more read and associated to a Front-Tracking-discontinu problem. It should be read at the begining of each problem bloc.
    • Gravity is no more read and associated to a medium for Front-Tracking-Discontinu datafiles. It is read directly in the medium.
  • ALE :

2. How to install ?

If TRUST-1.9.5 is not already installed, install it with:

git clone TRUST-1.9.5
cd TRUST-1.9.5
# or, if problem with ftp:  
# wget "" -O externalpackages-1.9.5.tar
tar xf externalpackages-1.9.5.tar
./configure $OPTIONS
cd ..

Then, install TrioCFD-1.9.5 using:

git clone TrioCFD-1.9.5
cd TrioCFD-1.9.5
git checkout v1.9.5
source PathToTRUST-1.9.5/
baltik_build_configure -execute
make optim debug

3. TrioCFD Release notes version 1.9.5 : Enhancements, modifications and corrected bugs since version 1.9.4 :

06/12/24 (TrioCFD) New feature : Sensibility Analisis - module based on the Polynomial Chaos Method.
06/12/24 (TrioCFD) New feature : ALE - Interface with the MFront/MGIS C++ library to integrate a mechanical behaviour for ALE grid motion
21/10/24 (TrioCFD) Bug fix : TrioCFD - In VEF, Viscous forces on boundaries (printed in _Contrainte_visqueuse.out files) in incompressible Navier-Stokes equations were computed as Integral(-mu*grad(u)ndS). It is now computed as Integral(-mu(grad(u) +grad(u)^T)*ndS).
18/10/24 (TrioCFD) Minor change: TrioCFD - C++17 compilers are now mandatory
02/08/24 (TrioCFD) Keyword : FTD - keyword juric_pour_tout was obsolete and did nothing, not allowed anymore in datafiles.
25/07/24 (TrioCFD) Bug fix : FT IJK - valgrind issue in shear periodic conditions fixed
25/07/24 (TrioCFD) Bug fix : FT IJK - Performance regression since v1.9.4 ('New shear periodic conditions') fixed
25/07/24 (TrioCFD) Major Change: FTD - Equations to be solved in a Front-Tracking-discontinu problem should not be read and associated to the problem. It should be read at the begining of each problem in a solved_equations bloc. New syntax is:

   Probleme_FT_Disc_gen pb
   read pb {
      solved_equations { Navier_stokes_FT_disc hydraulique
                         Transport_interfaces_FT_disc interf
      Fluide_diphasique {
          fluide0 Fluide_incompressible { mu ... rho ... }
          fluide1 Fluide_incompressible { mu ... rho ... }
          sigma ...
          gravite ...
      hydraulique { ... }
      interf { ... }
   solve pb

25/07/24 (TrioCFD) Major Change: FTD - Medium (Fluide_Diphasique, Fluid_Incompressible, solid, constituent, ...) is no more read and associated to a Front-Tracking-discontinu problem. It should be read at the begining of each problem bloc.
25/07/24 (TrioCFD) Major Change: FTD - Gravity is no more read and associated to a medium for Front-Tracking-Discontinu datafiles. It is read directly in the medium.
18/07/24 (TrioCFD) Bug fix : Turbulence - Fix a bug for k-omega which introduces differences between sequential and parallel calculation
04/07/24 (TrioCFD) Bug fix : FT IJK - stat_diph_gradUP_jdd1 test case in debug mode

Release V1.9.4

26 Jun 15:20
Choose a tag to compare

TrioCFD (previously named "Trio_U") is the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code
based on the TRUST platform.

It offers, in addition to TRUST modules, different physical modules such as:

  • Turbulence LES & RANS models
  • Front-Tracking
  • Radiation
  • ALE for fluid-structure interactions
  • Turbulence (RANS) with multiphase problems

This software is OpenSource (BSD license).

New TrioCFD version released v1.9.4

Table of contents

  1. What's new?
  2. How to install?
  3. TrioCFD Release notes

TRUST/TrioCFD support team:

1. What's new ?

  • Front Tracking IJK :

    • Syntax changed for type_velocity_convection_op and type_velocity_diffusion_op
    • First implementation of a one-dimensional thermal sub-resolution technique in the vicinity of bubble's interfaces and exploration of various thermal coupling strategies with IJK discretisation
    • New shear periodic conditions
  • New documentation of CMFD model based on Pb_Multiphase module of TRUST platform

  • New Module Algo_QC

2. How to install ?

If TRUST-1.9.4 is not already installed, install it with:

git clone TRUST-1.9.4
cd TRUST-1.9.4
# or, if problem with ftp:  
# wget "" -O externalpackages-1.9.4.tar 
tar xf externalpackages-1.9.4.tar
./configure $OPTIONS
cd ..

Then, install TrioCFD-1.9.4 using:

git clone TrioCFD-1.9.4
cd TrioCFD-1.9.4
git checkout v1.9.4
source PathToTRUST-1.9.4/
baltik_build_configure -execute
make optim debug

3. TrioCFD Release notes version 1.9.4 : Enhancements, modifications and corrected bugs since version 1.9.3 :

24/06/24 (TrioCFD) New Doc : New documentation of CMFD module based on Pb_Multiphase
13/05/24 (TrioCFD) New Feature : FT IJK - New shear periodic conditions
29/04/24 (TrioCFD) New Feature : Algo QC - Decoupled saving raw data and statistics files
08/04/24 (TrioCFD) Syntax : Keyword 'Ecrire_fichier_xyz_valeur' new syntax is on the form: Ecrire_fichier_xyz_valeur { dt 5. fields 2 vitesse k_eps boundaries 1 PERIO }
13/03/24 (TrioCFD) New feature : FT IJK - Implementation of a spectral forcing method for FT IJK compatible with a bubble swarm
06/03/24 (TrioCFD) New feature : FT IJK - First implementation of a one-dimensional thermal sub-resolution technique in the vicinity of bubble's interfaces and exploration of various thermal coupling strategies with IJK discretisation.
06/03/24 (TrioCFD) Syntax : FT IJK - Syntax changed for type_velocity_convection_op and type_velocity_diffusion_op, you should now use velocity_convection_op and velocity_diffusion_op in your datafiles
12/02/24 (TrioCFD) New feature : Algo_QC - New feature 'Algo_QC' added

Release v1.9.3

12 Dec 15:00
Choose a tag to compare

TrioCFD (previously named "Trio_U") is the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code
based on the TRUST platform.

It offers, in addition to TRUST modules, different physical modules such as:

  • Turbulence LES & RANS models
  • Front-Tracking
  • Radiation
  • ALE for fluid-structure interactions
  • Turbulence (RANS) with multiphase problems

This software is OpenSource (BSD license).

New TrioCFD version released v1.9.3

Table of contents

  1. What's new?
  2. How to install?
  3. TrioCFD Release notes

TRUST/TrioCFD support team:

1. What's new ?

  • New features and bug fixes in fluid-structure interaction (Y+, extract surfaces, periodic BC, ...)

  • Enhancement of Triple Contact Line model (Front-tracking) + solid/fluid thermal coupling using this model

  • New features and simplications in CMFD model

  • RANS models (VDF/VEF discretisation): implementation of a first version of k-omega (Wilcox 1988 and SST variant), validation in progress.

  • For developers, it is now possible to launch non-regression tests with make ctest_optim and make ctest_debug.

2. How to install ?

If TRUST-1.9.3 is not already installed, install it with:

git clone TRUST-1.9.3
cd TRUST-1.9.3
# or, if problem with ftp:  
# wget "" -O externalpackages-1.9.3.tar 
tar xf externalpackages-1.9.3.tar
./configure $OPTIONS

Then, install TrioCFD-1.9.3 using:

git clone TrioCFD-1.9.3
cd TrioCFD-1.9.3
git checkout v1.9.3
source PathToTRUST-1.9.3/
baltik_build_configure -execute
make optim debug

3. TrioCFD Release notes version 1.9.3 : Enhancements, modifications and corrected bugs since version 1.9.2 :

30/11/23 (TrioCFD) New feature : Turbulence - k-omega turbulence model (Wilcox 1988 and SST variant) has been implemented in Turbulence section (validation still in progress)
29/11/23 (TrioCFD) Tests       : FSI- New validation report for the fluid-structure partitioned internal coupling (Beam_Free_Vibration)
24/11/23 (TrioCFD) Bug fix     : FSI- Possible to extract surface on mobile walls ( new keyword extraire_surface_ALE)
23/11/23 (TrioCFD) Bug fix     : FSI- Compute the y+ for mobile walls
23/11/23 (TrioCFD) New feature : FTD - solid/fluid thermal coupling using TCL model
15/11/23 (TrioCFD) New feature : CMFD - Latest multiphase Euler-Euler developments : simplifying single-phase turbulence, adding bubble induced agitation models and adding test cases.
09/11/23 (TrioCFD) New feature : FSI - Add Neumann boundary conditions for the grid problems in ALE module
09/11/23 (TrioCFD) Keyword     : Syntax change for modele_turbulence nul. New syntax is "modele_turbulence null {  }"
25/10/23 (TrioCFD) New feature : FT IJK - New algorithm available, based on IJK discretization, to find the nearest neighbouring face of each node of the front mesh. To activate it , add "no_octree_method 1 " in the interfaces bloc
11/10/23 (TrioCFD) Bug fix     : FT IJK - Fix area calculation in convection scalar operator
31/08/23 (TrioCFD) New feature : CMFD - Two-phase adiabatic flow with VDF numerical scheme
07/07/23 (TrioCFD) New feature : FSI - Hilber-Hughes-Taylor (HHT) time discretisation for the mechanical model (Beam)
07/07/23 (TrioCFD) New feature : FSI - possibility to have multiple beams in the partitioned explicit serial coupling between the ALE module and the Beam model
06/07/23 (TrioCFD) Bug fix     : FSI - Periodic boundary conditions in ALE module
30/06/23 (TrioCFD) Bug fix     : FT IJK - Fixing valgrind leak (uninitialized pointer)
30/06/23 (TrioCFD) Portability : Fix some validation reports to use Visit v3.3.3 in addition to older visit versions
15/06/23 (TrioCFD) Bug fix     : FSI - Fix periodic boundary conditions in ALE module

Release v1.9.2

14 Jun 13:00
Choose a tag to compare

TrioCFD (previously named "Trio_U") is the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code
based on the TRUST platform.
There are different physical modules such as:

  • Turbulence LES & RANS models,
  • Front_Tracking,
  • Radiation,
  • ALE for fluid/structure interactions.

This software is OpenSource (BSD license).

New TrioCFD version released v1.9.2

is now available on Github:

Table of contents

  1. What's new?
  2. How to install?
  3. TrioCFD Release notes

TRUST/TrioCFD support team:

1. What's new?

  • A new project organization has been applied: TrioCFD is now a unique software, made up of different modules (Trubulence, Front-Tracking, etc). There are no more internal Baltiks.

  • Multiphase/Phase_field: Extension to N components

  • Front-tracking modules: Improvement and validation of the contact line model and important bug fixes. Creation of new parameters to control the meso region extension.

2. How to install?

If TRUST-1.9.2 is not already installed, install it either with:
First method
$> git clone TRUST-1.9.2
$> cd TRUST-1.9.2
$> wget
$> tar xf externalpackages-1.9.2.tar
$> ./configure $OPTIONS
$> make

Second method
$> wget
$> tar xzf TRUST-1.9.2.tar.gz
$> cd TRUST-1.9.2
$> ./configure $OPTIONS
$> make

Then, install TrioCFD-1.9.2 using one of these methods:
First method:
$> git clone TrioCFD-1.9.2
$> cd TrioCFD-1.9.2
$> source PathToTRUST-1.9.2/
$> baltik_build_configure -execute
$> make optim debug

Second method:
$> wget
$> tar xzf TrioCFD-1.9.2.tar.gz
$> cd TrioCFD-1.9.2
$> source PathToTRUST-1.9.2/
$> baltik_build_configure -execute
$> make optim debug

3. TrioCFD Release notes version 1.9.2 : Enhancements, modifications and corrected bugs since version 1.9.1 :

02/06/23 (TrioCFD) Doc : CMFD - Documentation for drift velocities
01/06/23 (TrioCFD) Change : FTD - Adding an optional criterion to smooth the interface conditionally (based on local curvature variation)
25/05/23 (TrioCFD) Tests : FTD - Adding TCL (contact line model) validation reports
16/05/23 (TrioCFD) Tests : FT IJK - Fix some validation reports
03/05/23 (TrioCFD) Change : FSI & SA - No more mask
25/04/23 (TrioCFD) Major Change: New project organization (all modues are gathered)
13/04/23 (TrioCFD) Doc : Update documentation generation scripts
20/03/23 (TrioCFD) Change : CMFD - 'Probleme_multiphase' development in progress
21/02/23 (TrioCFD) New Feature : CMFD - Development in progress
13/02/23 (TrioCFD) New Feature : FT IJK - New shear boundary condition
08/02/23 (TrioCFD) New Feature : Turbulence - adding the possibility (still experimental) to compute turbulent viscosity using harmonic mean
06/02/23 (TRUST) Change : C++ template are used (no more macros)
02/02/23 (TRUST) Major Change: Domain and Zone are now merged into a single concept: Domaine. All former keywords remain supported (Sous_Zone, Create_domain_from_sous_zone, etc...), but internally the code now only work with Domaine.
27/01/23 (TrioCFD) New feature : Phase_field - Extension to N components
04/01/23 (TRUST) Major Change: For Pb_Multiphase, simple calls are now applied to compute fluid/saturations properties (improve significantly the performance especially with libraries like EOS, RefProp, ...)

Release v1.9.1

15 Dec 20:01
Choose a tag to compare

TrioCFD (previously named "Trio_U") is the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code
based on the TRUST platform ("TRUST" with Front-Tracking, Radiation, ALE for fluid-structure interactions and Turbulence LES & RANS models).
This software is OpenSource (BSD license).

New TrioCFD version released v1.9.1

is now available on Github:

Table of contents

  1. What's new?
  2. How to install?
  3. TrioCFD Release notes

TRUST/TrioCFD support team:

1. What's new?

  • Fluid_structure_interaction: New Baltik Fluid_structure_interaction: Partitioned explicit serial coupling between the ALE module and a new Reduced mechanical model (Beam model).

  • Optimisation/Aposteriori: Aposteriori estimator takes now into account equation's source terms

  • Multiphase/CMFD (Computational Multiphase Fluid Dynamics): Previous Phases interpret is no more available in Pb_multiphase and Pb_HEM. Milieu_composite class should now be used and should be placed as well in the problem

  • Syntax change for some keywords as mentioned on the release notes below.

  • Front-tracking modules: Bugfixes and new optional model

2. How to install?

If TRUST-1.9.1 is not already installed, install it either with:
First method
$> git clone TRUST-1.9.1
$> cd TRUST-1.9.1
$> wget
$> tar xf externalpackages-1.9.1.tar
$> ./configure $OPTIONS
$> make

Second method
$> wget
$> tar xzf TRUST-1.9.1.tar.gz
$> cd TRUST-1.9.1
$> ./configure $OPTIONS
$> make

Then, install TrioCFD-1.9.1 using one of these methods:
First method:
$> git clone TrioCFD-1.9.1
$> cd TrioCFD-1.9.1
$> source PathToTRUST-1.9.1/
$> baltik_build_configure -execute
$> make optim debug

Second method:
$> wget
$> tar xzf TrioCFD-1.9.1.tar.gz
$> mv TrioCFD TrioCFD-1.9.1
$> cd TrioCFD-1.9.1
$> source PathToTRUST-1.9.1/
$> baltik_build_configure -execute
$> make optim debug

3. TrioCFD Release notes version 1.9.1 : Enhancements, modifications and corrected bugs since version 1.9.0 :

09/12/22 (TrioCFD) Enhancement : Aposteriori estimator takes now into account equation's source terms
19/11/22 (TrioCFD) Bug fixed : Fix Wilke's viscosity formula + documentation for Multi-species QC
18/11/22 (TrioCFD) New feature : New Baltik Fluid_structure_interaction: Partitioned explicit serial coupling between the ALE module and the Beam model.
18/11/22 (TrioCFD) New features: Reduced mechanical model (Beam model): Euler-Bernoulli model with a resolution based on a modal analysis and Newmark temporal discretization.
03/11/22 (TrioCFD) Change : IJK_Kernel (multigrid + simd) are moved to TRUST
03/11/22 (TrioCFD) New feature : Activation of TCL module (to include singular heat flux and contact angle at Triple Contact Line)
03/11/22 (TrioCFD) Enhancement : Improvement in FTD 2D_Axi calculations (contact angle, interpolation,...)
03/11/22 (TrioCFD) Enhancement : Keywords for phase-change : modification of volume_correction keywords, Option New mass source term
03/11/22 (TrioCFD) Bug fix : Fix of phase indicator calculation and remeshing
30/06/22 (TrioCFD) New feature : Front_Tracking_IJK (TrioIJK) is now activated in TrioCFD.
19/10/22 (TRUST) Tool : Syntax in datafile for medium, gravity, porosity, champ_fonc_MED* and Read_MED can be updated using command: trust -convert_data
18/10/22 (TRUST) Syntax : Champ_Fonc_MED* keywords have a new syntax using { } and key/value pairs. See reference manual. Old syntax supported until 1.9.3.
13/10/22 (TRUST) Syntax : Read_MED/Lire_MED has a new syntax using { } and key/value pairs. See reference manual. Old syntax supported until 1.9.3.
12/10/22 (TrioCFD) Change : postraitement_ft_lata syntax changed since it uses Lata_V2 instead of Lata_V1 format. Syntaxe has also evolved for this particular post-processing.
12/10/22 (TrioCFD) Change : Lata_V1 is not supported anymore. Only Lata_V2 (option 'lata') remains. Domain and Zone postprocessing in Lata_V2.
04/10/22 (TrioCFD) Major Change: Previous Phases interpret is no more available in Pb_multiphase and Pb_HEM. Milieu_composite class should now be used and should be placed as well in the problem.
04/10/22 (TrioCFD) Major Change: Medium (Fluid, solid, constituent, ...) is no more read and associated to a problem for non Front-Tracking problems. It should be read at the begining of each problem bloc.
04/10/22 (TrioCFD) Major Change: Gravity is no more read and associated to a medium for non Front-Tracking datafiles. It is read directly in the medium.
04/10/22 (TrioCFD) Syntax : For Rayonnement datafiles, the problem name should now contain _Rayo (ex: Pb_Thermohydraulique -> Pb_Rayo_Thermohydraulique)

Release v1.9.0

13 Jul 09:25
Choose a tag to compare

TrioCFD (previously named "Trio_U") is the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code
based on the TRUST platform ("TRUST" with Front-Tracking, Radiation, ALE for fluid-structure interactions and Turbulence LES & RANS models).
This software is OpenSource (BSD license).

New TrioCFD version released v1.9.0

is now available on Github:

Table of contents

  1. What's new?
  2. How to install?
  3. TrioCFD Release notes

TRUST/TrioCFD support team:

1. What's new?

  • ALE: LES model on a mobile gird

  • ALE: Adams Bashforth time scheme on a mobile

  • New Baltik Optimisation/Aposteriori: First version for stationnary cases. The a posteriori error estimates, based on the discrete solution obtained, make it possible to increase the discretization error explicitly by local quantities that can be calculated from the discrete solution calculated approximate; thus it is possible to adapt the discretization (local refinement of the mesh, time step adaptive, possibly degree of the polynomials) to reduce the overall error. The theory of posterior estimates is one of the mathematical tools that can provide guidance on an optimal improvement strategy of the results (in the sense of the best precision / cost ratio of the calculation) if the desired precision is not achieved by the calculation just done.

  • New Baltik Multiphase/CMFD (Computational Multiphase Fluid Dynamics): still a work in progress. This new Baltik is able to handle single and multi-phase turbulent flows. TrioCMFD uses the PolyMAC numerical scheme. TrioCMFD is based on a 2-fluid 6-equation Euler-Euler framework called Pb Multiphase. The resolution of the equations is done using semi-implicit ICE and SETS solvers that are located in TRUST. TrioCMFD regroups interfacial terms that are specific to CFD applications. This includes interfacial forces, energy transfer, wall heat flux partitioning, bubble diameter determination... There is an equation on the turbulent kinetic energy k and one on the turbulent dissipation rate ω or time scale τ . The equations for turbulent quantities are treated in the same way as the conservation equation for energy and solved in a Newton algorithm in the same matrix as the mass, velocity, pressure and temperature equations. A new problem Pb_HEM (Homogeneous Equilibrium Model) has been implemented. It is an approximation of a multiphase flow where the phases are mechanically and thermally coupled. They move at the same velocity and have the same temperature which may not be their saturated temperature if the fluids are not of the same type.

  • New Baltik Multiphase/Front_Tracking_IJK: Integration of TrioIJK as a new Baltik of TrioCFD in Multiphase Baltik under the name Front_Tracking_IJK. Front_Tracking_IJK deals with mobile interface monitoring on Cartesian structured mesh in order to optimize calculation times and manage domain periodicities

2. How to install?

If TRUST-1.9.0 is not already installed, install it either with:
First method
$> git clone TRUST-1.9.0
$> cd TRUST-1.9.0
$> wget
$> tar xf externalpackages-1.9.0.tar
$> ./configure $OPTIONS
$> make

Second method
$> wget
$> tar xzf TRUST-1.9.0.tar.gz
$> cd TRUST-1.9.0
$> ./configure $OPTIONS
$> make

Then, install TrioCFD-1.9.0 using one of these methods:
First method:
$> git clone TrioCFD-1.9.0
$> cd TrioCFD-1.9.0
$> source PathToTRUST-1.9.0/
$> baltik_build_configure -execute
$> make optim debug

Second method:
$> wget
$> tar xzf TrioCFD-1.9.0.tar.gz
$> mv TrioCFD TrioCFD-1.9.0
$> cd TrioCFD-1.9.0
$> source PathToTRUST-1.9.0/
$> baltik_build_configure -execute
$> make optim debug

3. TrioCFD Release notes version 1.9.0 : Enhancements, modifications and corrected bugs since version 1.8.4 :

04/07/22 (TrioCFD) New feature : Add new Turbulence model "combinaison" in EF discretization with standard wall law and WW hydraulics
30/06/22 (TrioCFD) New feature : Integration of TrioIJK as a new Baltik of TrioCFD in Multiphase Baltik under the name Front_Tracking_IJK
29/06/22 (TrioCFD) Enhancement : Improvement of Front-Tracking remesh
19/06/22 (TrioCFD) New feature : New Baltik Optimisation/Aposteriori - First version for stationnary cases
16/06/22 (TrioCFD) New feature : Add validation sheet to validate the new Pb_HEM
03/06/22 (TrioCFD) New feature : Multiphase CFD (CMFD baltik) ; still a work in progress
20/05/22 (TrioCFD) New feature : Adams Bashforth time scheme on a mobile (ALE context)
20/05/22 (TrioCFD) New feature : LES model on a mobile gird (ALE context)
20/04/22 (TrioCFD) Enhancement : Adaptation of the nonlinear Reichardt wall law for the turbulence models to a mobile grid (ALE context)
28/03/22 (TrioCFD) Bug fixed : Update the Turbulence_synthetique validation sheet following the correction of the BC in TRUST
21/02/22 (TrioCFD) Major Change: TRUST VDF face Diff/Dift operators changed : the transpose term of the velocity gradient is always used ! We use the good formulation now !
12/01/22 (TrioCFD) Major Change: No more scalar methods for VDF flux iterators/evaluators
12/01/22 (TrioCFD) Major Change: SingleDouble/ArrOfDouble for VDF elem/face fluxes and not DoubleVect (no // structure required !)
12/01/22 (TrioCFD) Major Change: Class and Substitution Failure Is Not An Error (SFINAE) templates are extensively used for the VDF evaluators, iterators and operators

Release v1.8.4

15 Dec 11:48
Choose a tag to compare

TrioCFD (previously named "Trio_U") is the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code
based on the TRUST platform ("TRUST" with Front-Tracking, Radiation, ALE for fluid-structure interactions and Turbulence LES & RANS models).
This software is OpenSource (BSD license).

New TrioCFD version released v1.8.4
is now available on Github:

Table of contents

  1. What's new?
  2. How to install?
  3. TrioCFD Release notes

TRUST/TrioCFD support team:

1. What's new?

Code :

  • New models for weakly compressible flows
  • Enhancements of the k-epsilon Bicephale model


  • Configuration Management Plan (PGC) available in the directory $project_directory/share/doc

2. How to install?

If TRUST-1.8.4 not already installed, install it with:
First method:
$> git clone TRUST-1.8.4
$> cd TRUST-1.8.4
$> wget
$> tar xf externalpackages-1.8.4.tar
$> ./configure $OPTIONS
$> make

Second method:
$> wget
$> tar xzf TRUST-1.8.4.tar.gz
$> cd TRUST-1.8.4
$> ./configure $OPTIONS
$> make

Then, install TrioCFD-1.8.4 using one of these methods:
First method:
$> git clone TrioCFD-1.8.4
$> cd TrioCFD-1.8.4
$> source PathToTRUST-1.8.4/
$> baltik_build_configure -execute
$> make optim debug

Second method:
$> wget
$> tar xzf TrioCFD-1.8.4.tar.gz
$> mv TrioCFD TrioCFD-1.8.4
$> cd TrioCFD-1.8.4
$> source PathToTRUST-1.8.4/
$> baltik_build_configure -execute
$> make optim debug

3. TrioCFD Release notes version 1.8.4 : Enhancements, modifications and corrected bugs since version 1.8.3 :

07/12/21 (TrioCFD) New feature : New documentation available: Configuration Management Plan (PGC)
03/12/21 (TrioCFD) Enhancement : Improvement of the k-epsilon Bicephale model
22/10/21 (TrioCFD) New feature : New model for weakly compressible flow