An opinionated React Native generator
First, install Yeoman and generator-react-native-module using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-rn-cv
yo rn-cv
yo rn-cv:component
- What kind of component do you want?
This choice lets you create a regular component only which will be accessible to its parent and working directory.Shared Component
This choice creates a shared component which will be reachable throughout all your components.
- Will it be a main component or subcomponent?
Main Component
This will create a container component that will have its own subcomponents and its own directory.Subcomponent
This will create a subcomponent that can be used by its parent.
- Where do you want it?
- Here you can select the directory you want your component in
- What will be the name of your component?
- Input the name of the component. This will turn the format you used to PascalCase. (e.g: 'home view' -> 'HomeView')
yo rn-cv:service
- What will be the name of your service?
- Input the name of the service. This will turn the format you used to camelCase. (e.g: 'user service' -> 'userService')
MIT © codeventure