This is a simple Vagrant file to work with EasyEngine on your Mac OS system using Vagrant via Parallels. The box include Wordmove for easy deployment and small fixes for easy working by ssh. (wordmove, wp-cli, composer, git, gtop)
Note: If you are using other that Ubuntu/Debian system, then installation steps will differ, but setup steps are same.
First we will install Parallels and Vagrant on our system - Parallels
After that download the latest version of Vagrant from the Website
Install vagrant
sudo dpkg -i vagrant_*.deb
- You will also need to install vagrant-hostmanager and vagrant-disksize plugins for Vagrant
sudo vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
sudo vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize
sudo vagrant plugin install vagrant-parallels
- You can use any distribution from VagrantCloud that supports EasyEngine. By default EasyEngine-Vagrant uses ubuntu/precise. To change the distribution open the Vagrantfile and replace ubuntu/xenial64 with box name
git clone
cd easyengine-parallels
- Now start Vagrant
vagrant up --provider=parallels
It will setup EasyEngine on Vagrant Box. To test, point your system browser to http://o.test - html project
To check installation log, open another terminal and use
tail -f easyengine-parallels/logs/*