Here's a detailed list of everything that went into building the steering wheel.
- 1x Arduino Nano (or compatible ATmega328P)
- 1x 16x2 Backlit LCD 3.3V screen
- 1x I2C LCD Backpack
- 3x Rotary Encoders (EC11)
- 3x I2C Encoder Mini v2.1 boards
- 1x I2C Real-time clock (DS1307 RTC)
- 1x 2-5V Buzzer
- 2x Mini 8-way Rotary Switches
- 16x Push buttons (6x NKK Style, 4x 12mm Momentary, 6x 7mm Momentary)
- 2x (ON)-OFF-(ON) Toggle switches
- 1x 5x7cm perfboard
- 1x 20cm USB-Mini extension
- 1x 6 Pin Mini-din adapter
- 1x Steering Wheel enclosure (F1 Kit by
- Lots of 24-30AWG wires
- Lots of Dupont type connectors
- Pin Headers (Male/Female)
- Various heatshrink tubes
- Soldering iron
- Solder
- Wire cutters
- Needle nose pliers
- Tweezers
- Small philips screwdriver
- Allen keys
- Drill
- USB to Mini USB (for programming the Arduino Nano)