All contributions are appreciated! Whether if it is fixing a typo, refactoring existing code, or adding a new feature.
If you are unsure where to start, have a look at the open issues here on Github.
Fork the arcon repository and create a new branch for the feature you aim to work on. Keep the master branch of the fork clean and have it follow arcon's master.
Create a new branch
git checkout -b my_feature_branch
Add remote upstream (SSH):
git remote add upstream
Add remote upstream (HTTPS):
git remote add upstream
Whenever you need to sync your fork:
git pull upstream master
Arcon uses a squash and merge strategy for all pull requests. This means that all commits of a pull request will be squashed into a single commit.
Some general tips for creating Pull Requests:
- Provide a description of what your PR adds to Arcon.
- Motivate your changes. If the PR now uses library X rather than Y to solve a problem, please motivate the change.
- Keep the PR simple, that is, try not to add several features into a single PR.
- Connect PR/commit to a github issue, e.g., "closes #4"
Before submitting a PR, make sure to run all related tests and verifications to catch potential errors locally rather than at the CI.