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Jun 6, 2018

June LUG notes

MIPS, nested procedures, and the beauty of tail calls

Basic MIPS instruction format

instruction , <operand 1>, <operand 2>

add $s1, $s2, $s3 # s1 = s2 + s3

Instructions supporting Procedures

Load next instruction address into $ra and jump to

jal <address>  # Jump and Load

Return from procedure with an unconditional jump

jr $ra

Simple procedure

In C

int sum(int x, int y)
	return x + y;

result = sum(10, 11);

In MIPS assembler

	add   $s0, $zero, 10
	add   $s1, $zero, 11
	jal   sum

	# $v0 now holds result

	add   $v0, $s0, $s1
	jr $ra

Recursive procedure

In C

int fact(int n)
	if (n < 1)
		return 1;
		return (n * fact(n - 1));

In MIPS assembler

	addi  $sp, $sp, -8       # Add space on stack for two words.
	sw    $ra, 4($sp)        # Save return address.
	sw    $a0, 0($sp)        # Save argument.

	slti  $t0, $a0, 1        # Test for n < 1
	beq   $t0, $zero, L1     # if n >= 1 go to L1

	addi  $v0, $zero, 1      # return 1
	addi  $sp, $sp, 8        # pop 2 words off stack.
	jr    $ra

L1: addi  $a0, $a0, -1       # n >= 1 so decrement argument.
	jal   fact

	# if fact was called with n > 1 then we return here
	lw    $a0, 0($sp)        # Restore argument.
	lw    $ra, 4($sp)        # Restor return address.
	addi  $sp, $sp, 8        # Pop 2 words off stack.
	mul   $v0, $a0, $v0      # Return n * fact(n - 1)
	jr    $ra

Tail call

In C

int fact(n)
	return fact_acc(n, 1);

int fact_acc(int n, int acc)
	if (n > 1) 
		return fact_acc(n-1, acc * n);
		return acc;

Now fact_acc() in MIPS

	slti $a0, 1              # Test if n <= 0
	beq  $a0, $zero, fa_exit # goto fa_exit if n <= 0
	add  $a1, $a1, $a0       # Add n to acc
	addi $a0, $a0, -1        # Subtract 1 from n
	j    fact_acc
	add  $v0, $a1, $zero      # Return acc
	jr   $ra

Note: no stack usage, only local jumps.

MIPS registers

$s0-$s7 General registers, preserved across procedure calls.
$t0-$t7 General registers, not preserved across procedure calls.
$a0-$a3 Used for procedure arguments.
$v0-$v1 Used for procedure return values.
$zero Always 0
$sp Stack pointer.
$fp Frame pointer.
$ra Return address.
$at Reserved for use by assembler.