Releases: cburstedde/libsc
Latest production release
This is the latest and greatest libsc. When in doubt, use this one. Regression/breakage is minimal.
We had previously not used the github release mechanisms. We continue to link to tarballs from our website
This release happens exactly one year after the previous one. The library .so version is 4:0:0.
Please see the release notes for details.
Updated production release
This is the latest and greatest libsc. When in doubt, use this one. Regression/breakage is minimal.
We had previously not used the github release mechanisms but linked to tarballs from our website
This is only the second time we create a github release, one year after the first attempt. The library .so version is 3:0:0.
Please see the release notes for details.
First time github release
We had previously not used the github release mechanisms but linked to tarballs from our website
This is the first time we create a github release. The libtool API version is 2:0:0.