This was the latest Free version of FusionCMS!
It was forked from kjanko's bitbucket.
If you have any fixes, modifications or etc.. you can make a pull request, i'll add it.
Modifications for Opencataclysm Project
The Free Version of FusionCMS is being modified for use with my OpenCataclysm Project. However, this will still install and work for most trinitycore servers as far as I am aware.. Such as 3.3.5a, 4.3.4, and possibly MOP.
This is not Nulled.. It doesn't have a license bypass! It is a FREE RELEASE VERSION!
Please create your empty database first (fusioncms or whatever) before visiting localhost or your IP/Domain as you will not be able to complete the installation and it can be a pain!
- Create fusioncms empty database!
- In the worldserver console, type .account create youusername password (For your FusionCMS Admin)
- Proceed to visit localhost/IP/Domain..
- Server UN/PW will be root/ascent
- DB's are auth/characters/world
- Choose Trinity 4.3.4 RBAC with RA... (worldserver.conf, set RA = 1) This is easiest method to use FCMS + Server.
These steps should be simular for all other TinityCore Servers. I haven't tested all of the included Emulator Connectors.