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One-stop TYPO3 development environment. Effortlessly test one site against multiple PHP versions and hhvm.

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TYPO3 Homestead

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TYPO3 Homestead is your one-stop TYPO3 development environment. Just run vagrant up and a full Linux Ubuntu distribution will be built with all the packages and configuration needed to start development right away.

This environment is inteded as as a local environment. Security-wise it is in no way fit for production.

Effortlessly test one site against multiple PHP versions and hhvm.

You must have a Linux / OSX control machine to run ansible.


TYPO3 Homestead comes with the following stack:

  • composer
  • hhvm
  • multiple PHP versions
  • mailcatcher
  • mariadb
  • memcached
  • nginx
  • nodejs
  • php-apcu
  • php-fpm
  • postfix nullmailer (outgoing only)
  • self signed ssl certificates
  • xdebug
  • xhprof / blackfire
  • zsh

The flexible configuration allows you to create any combination of TYPO3 source and PHP backend with or without SSL.


  • Virtualbox or another virtualization product - Free!
  • Vagrant - Version 1.5.* is needed - Free!
  • Ansible - Free! (only the Tower ui will cost you)


TYPO3 Homestead uses several roles from the ansible-galaxy:

These roles need to be installed before you can run the playbook.

You can use the requirements.yml you find in the root of your freshly cloned TYPO3.Homestead:

git clone
cd TYPO3.Homestead
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Ansible versions lower than 1.8 do not support yaml markup in the requirements file. If you have an old version of ansible, you can run:

git clone
cd TYPO3.Homestead
sudo ansible-galaxy install -r requirements_pre-1.8.txt
# After that you will need to move the roles:
cd roles
sudo mv /etc/ansible/roles/nbz4live.php-fpm php-fpm
sudo mv /etc/ansible/roles/jdauphant.nginx nginx
sudo mv /etc/ansible/roles/tersmitten.composer composer
sudo mv /etc/ansible/roles/laggyluke.nodejs nodejs
sudo mv /etc/ansible/roles/f500.memcached memcached


Installation is pretty straight forward. You're just a few steps away from 'great success'.

1). Clone TYPO3.Homestead and cd into it:

git clone
cd TYPO3.Homestead

2). Install the required ansible-galaxy roles:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

3). Copy any configuration files you wish to change from Defaults/ to Configuration/. Optionally setup a shared directory to hold your TYPO3 sources and sites in the Configuration/vagrant.yml file:

  - name: Development
    src: ~/Projects/TYPO3/Development
    target: /var/www

If you don't do this, you may want to add your public ssh key to the authorized_keys file of the vagrant user. Read the section SSH Access below.

4). Then boot the machine:

vagrant up

The first time it boots it will take some time to install all needed packages and sources. So now is a good time to get a nice drink for yourself.

If you wish to look back at what happened during provisioning, you should have logged the output:

vagrant up 2>&1 | tee vagrant-up.log.txt

When the installation process has finished, you can visit And also any of the pre-configured sites or any site you configured. The default sites are:

All CMS (except 4.5.*) and Neos installation are fully set-up. You can login to the backend with: admin/supersecret.

The error log can be inspected using: multitail /var/log/nginx/error.log.

The database credentials can be found in roles/mariadb/vars/main.yml. The typo3 user has access to all databases. The install tool password is the TYPO3 default.

The amount of cpu's avaialble on the host machine will also be available on the guest machine. 25% of the available host machine memory will be made available on the guest machine. The minimum amount of memory will be envforced to 1024 MB. You should not have to pass any extra parameters when starting the box.

The CNAME * resolves to the IP This means you will have magic auto-resolving hostnames. So if you change the IP, you will need to take care of your hostname resolving yourself, either by hardcoding all the hostnames you wish to use or by some other means.

SSH Access

If you set up a box without a file share, you will want to access the box using ssh. To add your public ssh key to the authorized_keys file of the vagrant user, you can add the following configuration snippet to your Configuration/main.yml file:

  vagrant: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAuWg3UvHGxmtqoBKKJ18jY+23HFnbXfp8r3KubwTp/cRdrkMa+mXQyRK5b1rOIThJHO2u36SWUP78hvoDCqonDy8wjdkW/spQ2gZBSAg0s15o3gnWmdVWguguDD+ff3lS9/uh9V78DcoqFaDuUJPy2v9aZhm31vV7oNqAAsHuWCqZx1pLpTjjAJ/8qIGQiCXUcdsCDV6qouCvOcsGfPJhzUnXMD+Ov3miL8eH5otQn8WVtALANPgd+RHDHQxV88ecMJLIJ99rnt0WXhOl9QC7AXcqrl7CGZnqo44oSqCC7MHrKfaD12GupvBN60x+rJntdJypRcbTwZsOW5TX6cVLQw== michiel@Food.local

The part before the colon is the username of whom the authorized_keys file is changed. You can add as many keys to as many users as you like.

TYPO3 installations

You can override any of the role variables in the configuration files in the /Configuration/ directory. The options have been tuned for usage with TYPO3, so the ones you will most likely be changing are the typo3.yml and the websites.yml files. In the typo3.yml file you can configure your username and what TYPO3 versions you wish to have available.

The site key will be the domain name under which you can access the site. The site value is the TYPO3 version that will be checked out for that site. For TYPO3 4.x sites, you can specify a git branch or tag to checkout. For TYPO3 versions from 6.2.6 and up, we use TYPO3 console to install TYPO3. This means you can use composer notation to specify a TYPO3 tag.

    sites: 'TYPO3_4-5' 'TYPO3_4-5-40' '6.2.*' '6.2.12' '7.1.0' '*'

TYPO3 Homestead uses wilcard server names in the Nxinx configuration. So you don't have to manually add any site configuration (except if you want to test ssl). The request url will determine the document root. The regular site requests will use the default php-fpm backend. The other backends currently available are: hhvm and xhprof. Xhprof will need further pool configuration though.

If you prefix your site name with 'hhvm' for example, your request will be served by the hhvm backend:

You can see what backend is used by inspecting the X-TYPO3-Homestead-backend response header.

You can now 'launch' a new test site just by placing a new folder in your Development directory. If you link to the TYPO3 source yourself, you don't even need a mapping configuration in the typo3.yml file. Your site will be instantly available (if the folder name matches one of the wildcard regexes).

If you change any typo3 configuration (Add new tags / branches) after you have provisioned your server, you will need to re-provision using:

ANSIBLE_ARGS='--tags=typo3,nginx' vagrant provision

Please note that typo3 needs to run first because the ssl certificates and web directories need to be available for nginx to pass the configuration check. If you change only nginx configuration after you have provisioned your server, you can re-provision using:

ANSIBLE_ARGS='--tags=nginx' vagrant provision

Need to enable an install tool? The following command will create the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL files in all TYPO3 CMS instances:

ANSIBLE_ARGS='--tags=typo3-cms-installtool' vagrant provision

The NEOS sites are fully functional out of the box. The TYPO3.NeosDemoTypo3Org Site is already running. The TYPO3 CMS configuration sets up an empty database and an empty site. You can log into the backend, but you will still need to install the introduction package using the extension manager.

You can enable and disable extensions by specifying them in the TYPO3 configuration under the key: typo3.cms.extensions.enabled and typo3.cms.extensions.disabled:

    sites: '6.2.*' '6.2.12' '7.1.*' '*'
        - taskcenter
        - scheduler
        - opendocs

Multiple PHP versions

If you want to test against multiple PHP versions, you can enable phpbrew and build any of the available PHP versions. You can see the available versions by executing:

phpbrew known

To test against the latest versions of the major branches, you can add the following configuration snippet to your Configuration/php.yml file:

php_brew_enable: yes
php_brew_versions: ['5.3.29', '5.4.38', '5.5.22', '5.6.6']

To build the versions and activate the sockets, you must run:

ANSIBLE_ARGS='--tags=php-brew' vagrant provision

If you prefix your site name with 'php5_3_29', 'php5_4_38', 'php5_5_22' or 'php5_6_6', your request will be served by that backend:

You can see what backend is used by inspecting the X-TYPO3-Homestead-backend response header.

Please note that each php socket must be made available to nginx by changing the nginx_configs variable. The default value (found in Defaults/nginx.yml) contains:

    - upstream hhvm { server unix:/var/run/hhvm/sock; }
    - upstream php { server unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; }
    - upstream php5_3_29 { server unix:/var/run/php-fpm.5.3.29.default.sock; }
    - upstream php5_4_38 { server unix:/var/run/php-fpm.5.4.38.default.sock; }
    - upstream php5_5_22 { server unix:/var/run/php-fpm.5.5.22.default.sock; }
    - upstream php5_6_6 { server unix:/var/run/php-fpm.5.6.6.default.sock; }
    - upstream xhprof { server unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.xhprof.sock; }

I you wish to add your own php versions, please adjust this variable accordingly in your Configuration/nginx.yml.

Learn more about phpbrew on the phpbrew project page.


MailCatcher runs a super simple SMTP server which catches any message sent to it to display in a web interface. This makes it easy to test forms without actually sending mail to the 'real' mail address. Set your favourite app to deliver to smtp:// instead of your default SMTP server, then check out to see the mail that's arrived so far.

To disable this feature, add the following to your Configuration/main.yml:

mailcatcher_enable: no

Mailcatcher has been set up for TYPO3 CMS. For Neos, you may be interested in the package. It is a package that can override the swiftmailer setting to send to that instead and you can browse all the emails with the included flow application.

Configuration Examples

You can choose between different PHP upstream backends:

  • php: php-fpm
  • xhprof: php-fpm-xhprof (not enabled yet: wip)
  • hhvm: hhvm
    - set $upstream hhvm
    - listen 80 default_server
    - server_name _
    - root "{{ typo3_webroot }}/"
    - "{{ nginx_fastcgi }}"
    - set $upstream php
    - listen 443 default_server
    - server_name _
    - root "{{ typo3_webroot }}/"
    - "{{ nginx_fastcgi }}"
    - ssl on
    - ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/
    - ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/
    - set $upstream php
    - server_name ~(?<serverNameUpstream>xhprof|blackfire|hhvm|php\d\d?_\d\d?_\d\d?|php)?\.?(?<version>.*)\$
    - if ($serverNameUpstream ~ (php|xhprof|blackfire|hhvm|php\d\d?_\d\d?_\d\d?|php)) { set $upstream $serverNameUpstream; }
    - root "{{ typo3_webroot }}${version}";
    - "{{ nginx_fastcgi }}"

Please take care to add a domain-name to source mapping in the typo3.yml for each site you configure. Unless you manually set up your sites in your shared folder and link to the available sources yourself.

The typo3_ssl_certificates variable is an array of domain names for which self signed ssl certificates will be generated. A wildcard certificates will be generated for *


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests and examples for any new or changed functionality.

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Known Problems

  • The sources that are fetched from github may be hard to reach when github is under a DDOS
  • If you get the error The box 'ubuntu/trusty64' could not be found, then you may have a vagrant version lower than 1.5. The stock Ubuntu vagrant version is 1.4 at the time of writing. You can get the latest vagrant version from the vagrant site. Some details can be found on vaprobash issue #322.


GNU General Public License version 3



One-stop TYPO3 development environment. Effortlessly test one site against multiple PHP versions and hhvm.






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  • HTML 61.4%
  • Shell 38.6%