v2.1.0 (2017-05-15)
Closed issues:
- update supermarket.chef.io please #17
Merged pull requests:
- Testing updates and fix up OS support for Debian and RHEL #24 (shortdudey123)
- Add travis-ci support #23 (CBarraford)
- Add serverspec tests and Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 support #22 (CBarraford)
- linting #21 (CBarraford)
- add rakefile #20 (CBarraford)
v2.0.5 (2016-08-13)
Closed issues:
- install_package breaks with latest Chef client #10
- Not able to install Diamond, Unmet build dependencies: dh-python #7
- ipaddress is probably the wrong Graphite node property to point to #5
- diamond package #2
- Please remove metadata.json #1
Merged pull requests:
- Add stove support #19 (CBarraford)
- Allow configurable statsd #16 (beedub)
- Add support for 'package' installs and fixing some issues with owner/group of files #15 (jordant)
- Added ability to change ports, changed file permissions #14 (cpakman)
- add hostname_method as a attribute #13 (jhulten)
- use dpkg_package over package for local installs #12 (CBarraford)
- Add support for Chef::DelayedEvaluator (lazy) #11 (jgoldschrafe)
- Fix cookbook to run on rhel machines and fix source install when /etc/diamond does not already exist #9 (gamorejon)
- Refactor to meet modern chef cookbook culture/best practices #8 (CBarraford)
- New attributes #6 (abol4671)
- update diamond.conf with latest & move path_prefix to attribute #4 (idyedov)
- cookbook enhancements #3 (idyedov)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator