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5.5 Slideshow

Christophe Avonture edited this page Mar 29, 2017 · 2 revisions

You can display a note as a slideshow.

Write a slideshow

Just write your note using the markdown language.

Add a new slide

Each time a new heading (from h1 (#) to h6 (######)) is encountered a new slide will be created.

An another way for creating slides is to add an horizontal break (-----).

Display as a slideshow

When seeing the note inside MarkNotes, you've a toolbar button at the right top side of the note. That button will give access to the list of functionnalities and you'll find a "screen" button, click on it. A new tab will be opened in your browser and you'll see the slideshow mode.

You can, too, directly acccess to your note through a custom URL : http://yoursite/docs/folder/subfolders/your_note.html.

By adding the ?format=slides, the note will be directly displayed as a slideshow instead of a html page.

Choosing for a type

There are two supported types : remark and ´reveal.

You can define which is your preferred in the settings.json file (see 4.1 Define yours preferences).

Toggle to an another type

But, from the URL, you can also speficy the type :

  • For remark, just add the &type=remark parameter
  • and for reveal, use &type=reveal

Example : http://yoursite/docs/folder/subfolders/your_note.html?format=slides&type=remark