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This document defines version 0.8 of the Robin programming language. In this document, the name "Robin" by itself refers to the Robin programming language version 0.8.

The Robin specification is modular in the sense that it consists of several smaller specifications, some of which depend on others, that can be composed or used in isolation. These specifications are:

  • Part 0. Robin Syntax
  • Part 1. Robin Expression Language
    • (a) Evaluation Rules
    • (b) Intrinsic Data Types
    • (c) Conventional Data Types
    • (d) Standard Environments
  • Part 2. Robin Toplevel Language
  • Part 3. Robin Reactors

Robin Expressions and Robin Toplevels are written in the Robin Syntax. A Reactor is defined with Robin Expressions. A Toplevel contains Expressions used for various purposes, including Reactors.

Note that, although each part of the specification builds on the parts before it, it is not really possible to give testable examples of some of the parts, without referring to parts that have not yet been seen. (For example, when describing Robin Syntax, we would like to show that it allows one to write Robin Expressions.) Thus many of these examples are given in the Robin Toplevel Language, even though they need not strictly be.

Part 0. Robin Syntax

-> Tests for functionality "Execute core Robin Toplevel Program"


Robin is an S-expression based language, so it has a syntax similar to Common Lisp, Scheme, Racket, and so forth.

The basic grammar of these S-Expressions, given in EBNF, is:

SExpr  ::= [";"] (symbol | number | boolean | Quoted | "(" {SExpr} ")")
Quoted ::= "'" sentinel "'" arbitrary-text-not-containing-sentinel "'" sentinel "'"

A symbol is denoted by a string which may contain only alphanumeric characters and certain other characters.

A number is denoted by a string of decimal digits.

A boolean is denoted #t or #f.

A sentinel is any string not containing a single quote ('). In a Quoted production, the start sentinel and the end sentinel must match.

Arbitrary literal strings

Robin supports a sugared syntax for specifying literal strings. The characters of the string are given between pairs of single quotes. Such a form is parsed as a conventional string data type (see the "String" section in the Robin Expression Language for details.)

| (define literal (fexpr (args env) (head args)))
| (display
|   (literal ''Hello''))
= (72 101 108 108 111)

A single single quote may appear in string literals of this kind.

| (define literal (fexpr (args env) (head args)))
| (display
|   (literal ''He'llo''))
= (72 101 39 108 108 111)

Between the single quotes delimiting the string literal, a sentinel may be given. The sentinel between the leading single quote pair must match the sentinel given between the trailing single quote pair. The sentinel may consist of any text not containing a single quote.

| (define literal (fexpr (args env) (head args)))
| (display
|   (literal 'X'Hello'X'))
= (72 101 108 108 111)

| (define literal (fexpr (args env) (head args)))
| (display
|   (literal '...('Hello'...('))
= (72 101 108 108 111)

| (define literal (fexpr (args env) (head args)))
| (display
|   (literal 'X'Hello'Y'))
? unexpected end of input

A sentinelized literal like this may embed a pair of single quotes.

| (define literal (fexpr (args env) (head args)))
| (display
|   (literal 'X'Hel''lo'X'))
= (72 101 108 39 39 108 111)

By choosing different sentinels, string literals may contain any other string literal.

| (define literal (fexpr (args env) (head args)))
| (display
|   (literal 'X'Hel'Y'bye'Y'lo'X'))
= (72 101 108 39 89 39 98 121 101 39 89 39 108 111)

No interpolation of escape sequences is done in a Robin string literal. (Functions to convert escape sequences commonly found in other languages may one day be available in a standard module.)

| (define literal (fexpr (args env) (head args)))
| (display
|   (literal ''Hello\nworld''))
= (72 101 108 108 111 92 110 119 111 114 108 100)

All characters which appear in the source text between the delimiters of the string literal are literally included in the string.

| (define literal (fexpr (args env) (head args)))
| (display
|   (literal ''Hello
| world''))
= (72 101 108 108 111 10 119 111 114 108 100)

Adjacent string literals are not automatically concatenated.

| (define literal (fexpr (args env) (head args)))
| (display
|   (literal (''Hello'' ''world'')))
= ((72 101 108 108 111) (119 111 114 108 100))


-> Tests for functionality "Evaluate core Robin Expression"

Any S-expression preceded by a ; symbol is a comment. It will still be parsed, but it will be ignored.

| (
|   ;(this expression evaluates to a list of two booleans)
|   prepend #f (prepend #f ()))
= (#f #f)

Because S-expressions may nest, and because comments may appear inside S-expressions, comments may nest.

| (
|   ;(this expression evaluates to
|     ;(what you might call)
|     a list of two booleans)
|   prepend #f (prepend #f ()))
= (#f #f)

Comments are still parsed. A syntax error in a comment is an error!

| (
|   ;(this expression evaluates to
|     #k
|     a list of booleans)
|    prepend #f (prepend #f ()))
? (line 3, column 6):
? unexpected "k"
? expecting "t" or "f"

Any number of comments may appear together.

| (prepend ;what ;on ;earth #f (prepend #f ())))
= (#f #f)

Comments may appear before a closing parenthesis.

| (prepend #f (prepend #f ()) ;foo))
= (#f #f)

| (prepend #f (prepend #f ()) ;peace ;(on) ;earth))
= (#f #f)

Comments may appear in an empty list.

| ( ;hi ;there))
= ()

Comments need not be preceded by spaces.

| (;north;by;north;west))
= ()

To put truly arbitrary text in a comment, the string sugar syntax may be used.

| (;''This expression, it evaluates to a list of two booleans. #k ?''
|  prepend #f (prepend #f ()))
= (#f #f)

Part 1. Robin Expression Language

(a) Evaluation Rules

To be written. The information might be strewn about other sections, should be gathered together here someday.

(b) Intrinsic Data Types

-> Tests for functionality "Evaluate core Robin Expression"


Whereas an S-expression is a syntactic concept, a term is a semantic concept. Every term maps to an S-expression. Most S-expressions map to a term. By abuse of notation, sometimes we call terms S-expressions (but we'll try to avoid overdoing this.)

In Robin, a term is a sort of catch-all data type which includes all the other data types. It is inductively defined as follows:

  • A symbol is a term.
  • A boolean is a term.
  • An integer is a term.
  • An operator is a term.
  • An empty list is a term.
  • A list cell containing a term, prepended to another list (which may be empty), is a term.
  • An abort value is a term.
  • Nothing else is a term.

Terms have a textual representation (as S-expressions), but not all types have values that can be directly expressed in this textual representation. All terms have some meaning when interpeted as Robin programs, as defined by Robin's evaluation rules, but that meaning might be to produce an abort value as an indication that the program is in error.


A symbol is an atomic value represented by a string of characters which may not include whitespace or parentheses or a few other characters (TODO: decide which ones) and which may not begin with a # (pound sign) or a few other characters (TODO: decide which ones.)

When in a Robin program proper, a symbol can be bound to a value, and in this context is it referred to as an identifier. However, if an attempt is made to evaluate a symbol which is not an identifier, an abort value will be produced.

| this-symbol-is-not-bound
? (abort (unbound-identifier this-symbol-is-not-bound))

For a symbol to appear unevaluated in a Robin program, it must be introduced as a literal. However, there is no intrinsic way to do this, so in order to demonstrate it, we must use something we haven't covered yet: an operator. We'll just go ahead and show the example, and will explain operators later.

| ((fexpr (a e) (head a)) hello)
= hello

A Robin implementation is not expected to be able to generate new symbols at runtime.

Symbols can be applied, and that is a typical use of them. But actually, it is what the symbol is bound to in the environment that is applied.


There are two values of Boolean type, #t, representing truth, and #f, representing falsehood. By convention, an identifier which ends in ? denotes an operator which evaluates to a Boolean. The if intrinsic expects a Boolean expression as its first argument.

Booleans always evaluate to themselves.

| #t
= #t

| #f
= #f

Booleans cannot be applied.

| (#t 1 2 3)
? (abort (inapplicable-object #t))


An integer, in the context of Robin, is always a 32-bit signed integer. If you want larger integers or rational numbers, you'll need to build a bigint library or such.

For example, 5 is an integer:

| 5
= 5

Whereas 6167172726261721 is not, and you get the 32-bit signed integer equivalent:

| 6167172726261721
= -878835751

Integers always evaluate to themselves.

Integers cannot be applied.

| (900 1 2 3)
? (abort (inapplicable-object 900))


An operator is a term which describes how to translate a given term to another term, in a given environment.

One area where Robin diverges significantly from Lisp and Scheme is that, whereas only some (older and more fringe) Lisps support fexprs, in Robin, fexpr is the fundamental way to define new operators. Other ways to define operators, such as functions and macros, are built on top of fexpr.

A conventional function evaluates each of its arguments to values, and binds each of those values to a formal parameter of the function, then evaluates the body of the function in that new environment. In contrast, an operator defined by fexpr:

  • binds the literal tail of the list of the operator application to the first formal parameter of the fexpr (by convention called args);
  • binds a binding alist representing the environment in effect at the point the operator was evaluated to the second formal parameter (by convention called env); and
  • evaluates the body of the fexpr in that environment.

Operators are either intrinsic, or are defined with the fexpr intrinsic. (They may be built-in to an implementation as well, but they still need to be given a definition in terms of fexpr in any case.)

Operators evaluate to themselves.

Operators are represented as an opaque descriptor (TODO this should be the metadata of the operator.)

| (fexpr (args env) args)
= <operator>

Operators can be applied, and that is the typical use of them.

| ((fexpr (args env) args) 1)
= (1)


A list is either the empty list, or a list cell containing a value of any type, prepended to another list.

The "head" of a list cell is the value (of any type) that it contains; the "tail" is the other list that it is prepended to. The empty list has neither head nor tail.

Lists have a literal representation in Robin's S-expression based syntax.

The empty list is notated () and it evaluates to itself.

| ()
= ()

A list with several elements is notated as a sequence of those elements, preceded by a (, followed by a ), and delimited by whitespace.

Non-empty lists do not evaluate to themselves; rather, they represent an application of an operator to zero or more arguments. However, the literal operator (whose definition is (fexpr (args env) (head args))) may be used to obtain a literal list.

| ((fexpr (args env) (head args)) (7 8)))
= (7 8)

Lists cannot be directly applied, but since a list itself represents an application, that application is undertaken, and the result of it can be applied.


In Robin, errors (and other conditions which cause computation to cease to continue) are indicated by values with a special abort type, called abort values. Trying to use an abort value in most operations is an error, and consequently results in another abort value being produced. In this manner, aborts tend to bubble up to some level of the evaluation where they are handled. They may either be handled explicitly by the program with the recover intrinsic, or implicitly by the implementation once they reach the outermost level of evaluation.

What the implementation does to handle an abort value that reaches the outermost level is an implementation detail, but is generally expected to communicate it as an error to the user somehow. The reference implementation of Robin produces an OS-level error code when asked to display an abort value. Examples of this behaviour can be found among the error-expecting tests in this document.

An abort value contains a single value, called the payload, which may be any Robin term. The payload usually attempts to describe the error (or other) condition that the abort value represents.

Abort values have a textual representation which matches an expression that, when evaluated, evaluates to the abort value.

| (abort 12345)
? (abort 12345)

(c) Conventional Data Types

This section lists data types that are not intrinsic, but are rather arrangements of intrinsic types in a way that follows a convention.


Strings are just lists of integers, where each integer refers to a particular Unicode codepoint. There is syntactic sugar for embedding arbitrary text into a Robin Expression (see the Robin Syntax section) and this form parses as a literal string of this type.


An alist, short for "association list", is simply a list of two-element sublists. The idea is that each of these two-elements associates, in some context, the value of its first element with the value of its second element.

Binding Alists

When the first element of each two-element sublist in an alist is a symbol, we call it a binding alist. The idea is that it is a Robin representation of an evaluation environment, where the symbols in the heads of the sublists are bound to the values in the tails of the pairs. Binding alists can be created from the environment currently in effect (such as in the case of the second argument of a fexpr) and can be used to change the evaluation environment that is in effect (such as in the first argument to eval.)

(d) Standard Environments

Every Robin Expression is evaluated in some kind of environment (a mapping from symbols to the terms they are bound to.) Robin defines several standard environments in which expressions can be evaluated. Each of these environments is a superset of the others.

The smallest environment consists only of intrinsics. The next-smallest environment is called "small". The largest environment is called "stdlib", short for "standard library". The definitions in the standard library are split up into purpose-oriented "packages" (for example, list functions, arithmetic functions, etc.)


Robin provides 15 intrinsic operators. These represent the fundamental functionality that is used to evaluate programs, and that cannot be expressed as fexprs written in Robin (not without resorting to meta-circularity, at any rate.) All other operators are built up on top of the intrinsics.

This set of intrinsics is not optional — every Robin implementation must provide them, or it's not Robin.

One important intrinsic is eval. Many fexprs will make use of eval, to evaluate the literal args they receive. When they do this in the environment in which they were called, they behave a lot like functions. But they are not obligated to; they might evaluate them in a modified environment, or not evaluate them at all and treat them as a literal S-expression.

The canonical representation of an intrinsic operator is the canonical name, to which it is bound in the standard environment. (TODO: this will likely change when operators get metadata.)

| head
= head

All parts of the Robin Expression Language, including intrinsic operators, can be passed around as values.

| (prepend if (prepend head ()))
= (if head)

Each of the 15 intrinsics provided by Robin is specified in its own file in the standard library. Because these are intrinsics, no Robin implementation is given for them in these files, but tests cases which describe their behaviour are.


The "small" library represents indispensible functionality that all but the most austere Robin programs would like to be built on.

Standard Library

The "standard" library represents a rich collection of functionality. It's categorized in "packages".

  • boolean: and or xor not boolean?
  • list: empty? map fold reverse filter find append elem? length index take-while drop-while first rest last prefix? flatten
  • alist: lookup extend delete
  • env: env? bound? export sandbox unbind unshadow
  • arith: abs add gt? gte? lt? lte? multiply divide remainder
  • misc: itoa

Part 2. Robin Toplevel Language

-> Tests for functionality "Execute core Robin Toplevel Program"

A Robin program consists of a series of "top-level" S-expressions. Each top-level S-expression must have a particular form, but most of these top-level S-expressions may contain general, evaluatable S-expressions themselves. Allowable top-level forms are given in the subsections below.


(display EXPR) evaluates the EXPR and displays the result in a canonical S-expression rendering, followed by a newline.

| (display #t)
= #t

Note that a Robin program may be split over several files in the filesystem. Also, more than one top-level S-expression may appear in a single file.

| (display #t)
| (display #f)
= #t
= #f


(assert EXPR) evaluates the EXPR and, if the EXPR evaluates to #f, or if it evaluates to an abort value, aborts processing the file.

| (assert #t)

| (assert 123)

| (assert #f)
? (abort (assertion-failed #f))

| (assert this-identfier-is-not-bound)
? unbound-identifier


(require SYMBOL) is conceptually not different from (assert (bound? SYMBOL)) (see bound? in the stdlib for the meaning of bound?.) However, since it is given in a declarative fashion, an implementations may examine this symbol and try to fulfill the requirement that it be bound by e.g. locating and loading an external definition file. Note that an implementation is not required to do this, it is simply permitted.

| (require if)

| (require mumbo-jumbo)
? (abort (assertion-failed (bound? mumbo-jumbo)))

| (define mumbo-jumbo 1)
| (require mumbo-jumbo)


(define SYMBOL EXPR) defines a global name.

| (define true #t)
| (display true)
= #t

You may not try to define anything that's not a symbol.

| (define #f #t)
| (display #f)
? (abort (illegal-toplevel (define #f #t)))

You may define multiple names.

| (define true #t)
| (define false #f)
| (display false)
| (display true)
= #f
= #t

Names previously defined can be used in a definition.

| (define true #t)
| (define also-true true)
| (display also-true)
= #t

Names that are not yet defined cannot be used in a definition, even if they are defined later on in the file.

| (define also-true true)
| (define true #t)
| (display also-true)
? unbound-identifier

A name may be defined multiple times. The meaning of this is that several semantically equivalent definitions are being given for the name. In this context, "semantically equivalent" means that given the same arguments in the same environment, the two defintions will always evaluate to the same value.

| (define true #t)
| (define true #t)
| (display true)
= #t

An implementation is allowed to check that the definitions are semantically equivalent, and object with an error condition if it can prove that they are not semantically equivalent. So, for example, the following is allowed to be considered an error:

(define true #t)
(define true #f)

An implementation should not, however, object with an error condition if it cannot prove the semantic inequivalence (although it is certainly free to produce a warning in this case). A good example of this would perhaps be a definition of a function that goes through a Collatz sequence and evaluates to #t, and a function that simply always evaluates to #t.

An implementation is also allowed to simply take it on faith that the definitions are semantically equivalent. (The following example is perhaps not the best example.)

| (define true #t)
| (define true ((fexpr (args env) #t)))
| (display true)
= #t

If they are not genuinely equivalent, of course, that is a programmer error like any programmer error — the semantics of Robin's define do not excuse the programmer from exercising their own diligence.

Since the definitions are supposed to be equivalent, which definition the implementation chooses, is ultimately up to the implementation. The implementation could even choose to use different definitions in different places. However, the current convention is that the definition that is generally preferred because it is the most efficient will be given first (perhaps as a built-in provided by the implementation), so implementations would do well to support choosing the first definition for each symbol that has multiple definitions.


(reactor LIST-OF-SYMBOLS STATE-EXPR BODY-EXPR) installs a reactor. Reactors permit the construction of Robin programs that interact with their environment. See the Reactors section for more information on reactors.

Part 3. Robin Reactors

-> Tests for functionality "Execute core Robin Toplevel Program"

To separate the concerns of computation and interaction, Robin provides a construct called a reactor. While evaluation of a Robin expression accomplishes side-effect-free computation, reactors permit the construction of event-driven programs which may interact with a user, a remote server on a network, or other source of events, while they are executing. Reactors are similar to event handlers in Javascript, or to processes in Erlang.

In Robin, a reactor is installed by giving a top-level form with the following syntax:


The first argument of the reactor form is a literal (unevaluated) list of symbols, called the subscriptions for the reactor. Each symbol names a facility with which the reactor wishes to be able to interact.

The second argument is evaluated, and becomes the initial state of the reactor.

The third argument of the reactor form is evaluated to obtain an operator. This is called the transducer of the reactor.

Whenever an event of interest to the reactor occurs, the transducer is evaluated, being passed two (pre-evaluated) arguments:

  • A two-element list called the event. The elements are:
    • A literal symbol called the event type, specifying what kind of event happened.
    • An arbitrary value called the event payload containing more data about the event, in a format specific to the type of event.
  • The current state of the reactor. (This will be the initial state if the reactor body has never before been evaluated.)

Given these things, the transducer is expected to evaluate to a list where the first element is the new state of the reactor, and each of the subsequent elements is an command, which is itself a two-element list containing:

  • A literal symbol called the command type specifying the kind of command that is being requested to be executed; and
  • An arbitrary value called the command payload containing more data about the command, in a format specific to that type of command.

There may of course be zero commands in the returned list, but it is an error if the returned value is not a list containing at least one element.

If the transducer evaluates to an abort value, no commands will be executed, and the state of the transducer will remain unchanged. Implementations should allow such occurrences to be visible and/or logged.

In fact, commands are events. We just call them commands when it is a reactor producing them, and events when a reactor is receiving them.

Standard Events


When a reactor first starts up it will receive an event telling it that it has started up. The event type for this event is the literal symbol init.

There are two things a reactor will almost always want to do when it receives an init event: establish a known initial state, and subscribe to facilities.

It establishes a known initial state by returning an initial state value as the first element of the list it returns.

It subscribes to facilities by returning commands which request subscription to those facilities. Once subscribed, it will receive subscribed events from them. If the facility is not available, it will receive a not-available event. It may then elect to abort, or choose an alternate facility, or so forth.

Standard Commands


Stops the current reactor, and removes it from the list of active reactors. It will no longer receive any events.

Standard Facilities

If a reactor isn't subscribed to any facilities, it won't necessarily receive any events, although this is implementation-specific.

The set of facilities is expected to be largely implementation-specific.

All the same, there will probably be a set of standard facilities.

Let's describe one such facility for concreteness.


-> Tests for functionality "Execute Robin Toplevel Program (with Stdlib)"

The line-terminal facility allows a Robin program to interact with something or someone over a line-oriented protocol, similar to what "standard I/O" routed to a terminal gets you under Unix. Note that this is not guaranteed to be the "real" standard I/O; it could well be simulated with modal dialogue boxes in a GUI, or with textareas on a web page under Javascript, or so forth.

The line-terminal facility understands commands of the form

(writeln STRING)

The STRING argument should be a Robin string (list of integers). Those integers, as bytes, are sent to whetever is listening on the other end of the line terminal. When attached to an actual terminal console (whether real or emulated), this would typically cause an ASCII representation of those bytes to be displayed.

It also understands

(write STRING)

which will write the STRING but not terminate the line.

Knowing this, we can write a "Hello, world!" program. To keep it simple, we'll simply assume the line-terminal facility exists. We won't bother to subscribe to it. In addition, note that this reactor essentially doesn't keep any state — the initial state of the reactor is simply the integer 0, and the state is set to 0 after each event is reacted to.

| (reactor (line-terminal) 0
|   (fexpr (args env)
|     (bind-vals ((event-type event-payload) state) args
|       (if (equal? event-type (literal init))
|         (list state
|           (list (literal writeln) (literal ''Hello, world!''))
|           (list (literal stop) 0))
|         (list state)))))
= Hello, world!

Reactors which interact with line-terminal receive readln events.

readln, is sent when a line of text is received on the "standard input". The payload for this event is a Robin string of the line of text received. This string does not contain any end-of-line marker characters.

Thus we can construct a simple cat program:

| (reactor (line-terminal) 0
|   (fexpr (args env)
|     (bind-vals ((event-type event-payload) state) args
|       (if (equal? event-type (literal readln))
|         (list state
|           (list (literal writeln) event-payload))
|         (list state)))))
+ Cat
+ Dog
= Cat
= Dog


The random-u16-source facility allows a Robin program to request, and obtain, unsigned 16-bit numbers whose value is (ideally speaking) unpredictable.

The random-u16-source facility understands commands of the form

(obtain-random-u16 0)

In response to one of these commands, this facility generates an event of the form

(random-u16 NUMBER)

where NUMBER is a random number between 0 and 65535.

General Reactor properties

A reactor can issue multiple commands in its response to an event.

| (reactor (line-terminal) 0
|   (fexpr (args env)
|     (bind-vals ((event-type event-payload) state) args
|       (if (equal? event-type (literal readln))
|         (list state
|           (list (literal writeln) (literal ''Line:''))
|           (list (literal writeln) event-payload))
|         (list state)))))
+ Cat
+ Dog
= Line:
= Cat
= Line:
= Dog

When receiving a malformed command, a facility may produce a warning message of some kind, but it should otherwise ignore it and keep going.

| (reactor (line-terminal) 0
|   (fexpr (args env)
|     (bind-vals ((event-type event-payload) state) args
|       (if (equal? event-type (literal readln))
|         (list state
|           (literal what-is-this)
|           (literal i-dont-even)
|           (list (literal writeln) event-payload))
|         (list state)))))
+ Cat
+ Dog
= Cat
= Dog

If evaluating the transducer of a reactor returns an abort value, the reactor remains in the same state and issues no commands, but always recovers so that it can continue to handle subsequent events (i.e. it does not crash).

An implementation is encouraged to allow these to be logged (and the reference implementation will display them if --show-events is given) but this is not a strict requirement.

| (reactor (line-terminal) 0
|   (fexpr (args env)
|     (bind-vals ((event-type event-payload) state) args
|       (if (equal? event-type (literal readln))
|         (if (equal? (head event-payload) 65)
|           (abort 999999)
|           (list state (list (literal writeln) event-payload)))
|         (list state)))))
+ Cat
+ Dog
+ Alligator
+ Bear
= Cat
= Dog
= Bear

Reactors can keep state.

| (define inc (fexpr (args env)
|               (subtract (eval env (head args)) (subtract 0 1))))
| (reactor (line-terminal) 65
|   (fexpr (args env)
|     (bind-vals ((event-type event-payload) state) args
|       (if (equal? event-type (literal readln))
|         (list (inc state) (list (literal writeln) (list state)))
|         (list state)))))
+ Cat
+ Dog
+ Giraffe
= A
= B
= C

Multiple reactors can be instantiated, will react to the same events. Note that reactors react in the opposite order they were installed.

| (define inc (fexpr (args env)
|               (subtract (eval env (head args)) (subtract 0 1))))
| (reactor (line-terminal) 65
|   (fexpr (args env)
|     (bind-vals ((event-type event-payload) state) args
|       (if (equal? event-type (literal readln))
|         (list (inc state) (list (literal writeln) (list state)))
|         (list state)))))
| (reactor (line-terminal) 0
|   (fexpr (args env)
|     (bind-vals ((event-type event-payload) state) args
|       (if (equal? event-type (literal readln))
|         (list state
|           (list (literal writeln) event-payload))
|         (list state)))))
+ Cat
+ Dog
+ Giraffe
= Cat
= A
= Dog
= B
= Giraffe
= C

A reactor can stop by issuing a stop command.

| (define inc (fexpr (args env)
|               (subtract (eval env (head args)) (subtract 0 1))))
| (reactor (line-terminal) 65
|   (fexpr (args env)
|     (bind-vals ((event-type event-payload) state) args
|       (if (equal? event-type (literal readln))
|         (if (equal? state 68)
|           (list state (list (literal stop) 0))
|           (list (inc state) (list (literal writeln) event-payload)))
|         (list state)))))
+ Cat
+ Dog
+ Giraffe
+ Penguin
+ Alligator
= Cat
= Dog
= Giraffe

Stopping one reactor does not stop others.

| (define inc (fexpr (args env)
|               (subtract (eval env (head args)) (subtract 0 1))))
| (reactor (line-terminal) 65
|   (fexpr (args env)
|     (bind-vals ((event-type event-payload) state) args
|       (if (equal? event-type (literal readln))
|         (if (equal? state 68)
|           (list state (list (literal stop) 0))
|           (list (inc state) (list (literal writeln) event-payload)))
|         (list state)))))
| (reactor (line-terminal) 65
|   (fexpr (args env)
|     (bind-vals ((event-type event-payload) state) args
|       (if (equal? event-type (literal readln))
|         (list (inc state) (list (literal writeln) (list state)))
|         (list state)))))
+ Cat
+ Dog
+ Giraffe
+ Penguin
+ Alligator
= A
= Cat
= B
= Dog
= C
= Giraffe
= D
= E

Subscribing and unsubscribing to facilities


Listing a facility in the SUBSCRIPTIONS of the reactor isn't the only way for a reactor to be notified of events from the facility. The reactor can also subscribe to the facility at some point after the reactor has started, and later even unsubscribe from it as well.

Communicating between reactors

It is not really recommended to implement a system with multiple reactors. It is better to compose a single large reactor out of multiple operators.

But currently we allow it, so we should say some words about it.

When a reactor issues a command, all other reactors see it as an event.