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Propositional Algebra

This is one possible formulation of propositional algebra in Eqthy. For some background, see Section II of An Algebraic Introduction to Mathematical Logic (Barnes and Mack, 1975) but note that, while this follows the general ideas there, it might not follow them very closely.

th(X, ...) indicates that X is in the list of theorems. There may be more theorems in the ..., i.e. it is like a cons list. e indicates the empty set of theorems. The order that the theorems appear in the list does not matter.

axiom (#th-assoc) th(X, th(Y, Z)) = th(th(X, Y), Z)
axiom (#th-comm)  th(X, th(Y, Z)) = th(Y, th(X, Z))

The logic system is a Hilbert-style system, with three axioms. In Barnes and Mack, the axioms are given "semantically", using set comprehensions (p. 15):

A1 = {p ⇒ (qp) | p, qP(X)}
A2 = {(p ⇒ (qr)) ⇒ ((pq) ⇒ (pr)) | p, q, rP(X)}
A3 = {~~pp | pP(X)}

We model this by saying that any set of theorems T is equal to T with any of these extra axiomatic statements added to it.

axiom (#A1) th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, impl(Q, P)), e))
axiom (#A2) th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(impl(P, impl(Q, R)), impl(impl(P, Q), impl(P, R))), e))
axiom (#A3) th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(not(not(P)), P), e))

In addition, we have modus ponens ("from p and pq, deduce q"):

axiom (#MP) th(X, th(P, th(impl(P, Q), e))) = th(X, th(Q, th(P, th(impl(P, Q), e))))

I believe this is all we need to make this work. So, let's pick a simple proof and write it up and see if the eqthy checker can confirm it. Example 4.5 on page 16 of Barnes and Mack:


We write this in equational logic by saying that any set of theorems is equal to a set of theorems which contains this theorem.

Unfortunately, with the machinery that we've got so far, even though we only care that the resulting set contains impl(P, P), we show much more than that -- we show all the intermediate results in getting there. So, we have to work backwards -- removing the inetermediate results using the same axioms used to add them -- for all the theorems except the desired theorem (impl(P, P)).

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, P), e))

The proof given in the book is

p1 = p ⇒ ((p ⇒ p) ⇒ p) [by A1]
p2 = (p ⇒ ((p ⇒ p) ⇒ p)) ⇒ ((p ⇒ (p ⇒ p)) ⇒ (p⇒p)) [by A2]
p3 = (p ⇒ (p ⇒ p)) ⇒ (p ⇒ p) [p2 = p1 ⇒ p3]
p4 = p ⇒ (p ⇒ p) [by A1]
p5 = p ⇒ p [p3 = p4 ⇒ p5]

And now we... mechanically translate that...

    th(X, e) = th(X, e)
    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, impl(Q, P)), e))                [by #A1]
    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)), e))       [by substitution of impl(P, P) into Q]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(Q, R)), impl(impl(P, Q), impl(P, R))), e)))       [by #A2]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), R)), impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, R))), e)))
                                                                [by substitution of impl(P, P) into Q]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)), impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P))), e)))
                                                                [by substitution of P into R]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P)),
                     th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)), impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P))), e))))
                                                                [by #MP]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P)),
                     th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)), impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P))),
                     th(impl(P, impl(Q, P)), e)))))             [by #A1]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P)),
                     th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)), impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P))),
                     th(impl(P, impl(P, P)), e)))))             [by substitution of P into Q]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)), impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P))),
                     th(impl(P, impl(P, P)), e)))))
                                                                [by #th-comm]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)), impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P))),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P)),
                     th(impl(P, impl(P, P)), e)))))
                                                                [by #th-comm]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)), impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P))),
                     th(impl(P, impl(P, P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P)), e)))))
                                                                [by #th-comm]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)), impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P))),
                     th(impl(P, P),
                     th(impl(P, impl(P, P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P)), e))))))
                                                                [by #MP]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)),
                     th(impl(P, P),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)), impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P))),
                     th(impl(P, impl(P, P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P)), e))))))
                                                                [by #th-comm]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, P),
                     th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)), impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P))),
                     th(impl(P, impl(P, P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P)), e))))))
                                                                [by #th-comm]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, P),
                     th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)), impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P))),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P)), 
                     th(impl(P, impl(P, P)), e))))))
                                                                [by #th-comm]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, P),
                     th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)), impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P))),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P)), e)))))
                                                                [by #A1]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, P),
                     th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)), impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P))), e)))))
                                                                [by #th-comm]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, P),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P)),
                     th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)), impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P))), e)))))
                                                                [by #th-comm]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, P),
                     th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)),
                     th(impl(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)), impl(impl(P, impl(P, P)), impl(P, P))), e))))
                                                                [by #MP]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, P),
                     th(impl(P, impl(impl(P, P), P)), e)))
                                                                [by #A2]

    th(X, e) = th(X, th(impl(P, P), e))                         [by #A1]