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This is a test suite for Castile, written in Falderal format.

While it cannot serve as a complete specification, it comes as close as anything currently does to a specification for Castile.

-> Tests for functionality "Run Castile Program"


Minimal correct program.

| fun main() {}

A program may evaluate to a value.

| fun main() { 160 }
= 160

The function named main is the one that is evaluated when the program is run.

| fun foobar(a, b, c) { 100 }
| fun main() { 120 }
| fun f() { 140 }
= 120

main should have no formal arguments.

| fun main(a, b, c) {
|   120
| }
? type mismatch

But other functions may.

| fun foobar(a, b) { b }
| fun main() { foobar(100, 200) }
= 200

Defined function names must be unique.

| fun dup() { 1 }
| fun dup() { 2 }
? duplicate

Formal argument names must be unique.

| fun f(g, g) {}
| fun main() { 1 }
? defined

Functions must be defined before they are referenced.

| fun main() { f(7) }
| fun f(g) { g }
? undefined

Either that, or forward-declared.

| f : integer -> integer
| fun main() { f(7) }
| fun f(g) { g * 2 }
= 14

If forward-declared, types must match.

| f : integer -> string
| fun main() { f(7) }
| fun f(g) { g * 2 }
? type mismatch

Arguments must match...

| fun f(g, h) { g * 2 + h * 2 }
| fun main() { f(7) }
? argument mismatch

| fun f(g, h) { g * 2 + h * 2 }
| fun main() { f(7,8,9) }
? argument mismatch


Statements are commands that have the type void and are executed for their side-effects. So, in general, statements may not be expressions. The exception is that the last statement in a block may be an expression; the result of that expression is the value of the block.

| fun main() {
|   20 * 8
| }
= 160

| fun main() {
|   20 + 3 * 8;
|   20 * 8
| }
? type mismatch

An if/else lets you make decisions.

| fun main() {
|   a = 0;
|   if 3 > 2 {
|     a = 70
|   } else {
|     a = 80
|   }
|   a
| }
= 70

An if need not have an else.

| fun main() {
|   a = 60
|   if 3 > 2 {
|     a = 70
|   }
|   a
| }
= 70

if always typechecks to void, one branch or two.

| fun main() {
|   a = 60
|   if 3 > 2 {
|     a = 70
|   }
| }

| fun main() {
|   a = 60
|   if 3 > 2 {
|     a = 70
|   } else {
|     a = 90
|   }
| }

If an if does have an else, the part after else must be either a block (already shown) or another if.

| fun main() {
|   if 2 > 3 {
|     return 60
|   } else if 4 > 5 {
|     return 0
|   } else {
|     return 1
|   }
| }
= 1

No dangling else problem.

| fun main() {
|   if 2 > 3 {
|     return 60
|   } else if 4 < 5 {
|     return 99
|   } else {
|     return 1
|   }
| }
= 99

while loops.

| fun main() {
|   a = 0 b = 4
|   while b > 0 {
|     a = a + b
|     b = b - 1
|   }
|   a
| }
= 10

A while itself has void type.

| fun main() {
|   a = 0; b = 4;
|   while b > 0 {
|     a = a + b;
|     b = b - 1;
|   }
| }

break may be used to prematurely exit a while.

| fun main() {
|   a = 0; b = 0;
|   while true {
|     a = a + b;
|     b = b + 1;
|     if (b > 4) { break; }
|   }
|   a
| }
= 10



| fun main() {
|   2 + 3 * 4  /* not 20 */
| }
= 14

Unary negation.

| fun main() {
|   -3
| }
= -3

| fun main() {
|   2+-5
| }
= -3

Minus sign must be right in front of a number.

| fun main() {
|   -(4)
| }
? Expected

Unary not.

| fun main() {
|   not (4 > 3)
| }
= False

Precedence of unary not.

| fun main() {
|   not true or true
| }
= True

| fun main() {
|   not 3 > 4
| }
= True

Local Variables

Local variables.

| fun main() {
|   a = 6;
|   b = 7;
|   a + b
| }
= 13

Local variables can be assigned functions.

| fun ancillary(x) { x * 2 }
| fun main() {
|   a = ancillary;
|   a(7)
| }
= 14

Local variables can be assigned.

| fun main() {
|   a = 6;
|   a = a + 12;
|   a
| }
= 18

| fun main() {
|   a = 6;
|   z = 99;
|   a
| }
= 6

| fun main() {
|   z = 6;
|   a
| }
? undefined

Local variables cannot occur in expressions until they are defined by an initial assignment.

| fun main() {
|   z = a * 10;
|   a = 10;
|   z
| }
? undefined

A local variables may not be defined inside an if or while or typecase block, as it might not be executed.

| fun main() {
|   if (4 > 5) {
|     a = 10;
|   } else {
|     b = 11;
|   }
|   b
| }
? within control

| fun main() {
|   b = false;
|   while b {
|     a = 10;
|   }
|   a
| }
? within control

| fun main() {
|   a = 55 as integer|string;
|   typecase a is string {
|     b = 7
|   }
|   a
| }
? within control

Assignment, though it syntactically may occur in expressions, has a type of void, so it can only really happen at the statement level.

| fun main() {
|   a = 0; b = 0;
|   a = b = 9;
| }
? type mismatch

Variables in upper scopes may be modified.

| fun main() {
|   a = 0
|   if 3 > 2 {
|     a = 4;
|   }
|   a
| }
= 4

Non-local Values

Literals may appear at the toplevel. Semicolons are optional at toplevel.

| factor = 5;
| fun main() {
|   6 * factor
| }
= 30

Toplevel literals may not be updated. Thus, the following looks like it is defining a local with the same name as a toplevel, which is not permitted.

| factor = 5
| fun main() {
|   factor = 7
| }
? shadows

Toplevel literals may be function literals (the syntax we've been using is just sugar.)

| main = fun() {
|   7
| }
= 7

Truth and falsehood are builtin toplevels.

| fun main() {
|   true or false
| }
= True

| fun main() {
|   false and true
| }
= False

So is null, which is the single value of void type.

| fun wat(x: void) { 3 }
| fun main() {
|   wat(null)
| }
= 3

More on Functions

Function arguments may not be updated.

| fun foo(x) {
|   x = x + 14;
|   x
| }
| fun main() {
|   foo(7)
| }
? shadows

Factorial can be computed.

| factorial : integer -> integer
| fun factorial(a) {
|   if a == 0 {
|     return 1
|   } else {
|     return a * factorial(a - 1)
|   }
| }
| fun main() {
|   factorial(6)
| }
= 720

Literal functions.

| fun main() {
|   inc = fun(x) { x + 1 };
|   inc(7)
| }
= 8

| fun main() {
|   fun(x){ x + 1 }(9)
| }
= 10

| fun main() {
|   a = 99;
|   a = fun(x){ x + 1 }(9);
|   a
| }
= 10

Literal functions can have local variables, loops, etc.

| fun main() {
|   z = 99;
|   z = fun(x) {
|     a = x;  b = x;
|     while a > 0 {
|       b = b + a; a = a - 1;
|     }
|     return b
|   }(9);
|   z
| }
= 54

Literal functions can define other literal functions...

| fun main() {
|   fun(x){ fun(y){ fun(z){ z + 1 } } }(4)(4)(10)
| }
= 11

Literal functions can access globals.

| oid = 19
| fun main() {
|   fun(x){ x + oid }(11);
| }
= 30

Literal functions cannot access variables declared in enclosing scopes.

| fun main() {
|   oid = 19;
|   fun(x){ x + oid }(11);
| }
? undefined

Literal functions cannot access arguments declared in enclosing scopes.

| fun main() {
|   fun(x){ fun(y){ fun(z){ y + 1 } } }(4)(4)(10)
| }
? undefined

Functions can be passed to functions and returned from functions.

| fun doubble(x) { x * 2 }
| fun triple(x) { x * 3 }
| fun apply_and_add_one(f: (integer -> integer), x) { f(x) + 1 }
| fun sellect(a) { if a > 10 { return doubble } else { return triple } }
| fun main() {
|   t = sellect(5);
|   d = sellect(15);
|   p = t(10);
|   apply_and_add_one(d, p)
| }
= 61

To overcome the syntactic ambiguity with commas, function types in function definitions must be in parens.

| fun add(x, y) { x + y }
| fun mul(x, y) { x * y }
| fun do_it(f: (integer, integer -> integer), g) {
|   f(3, g)
| }
| fun main() {
|   do_it(mul, 4) - do_it(add, 4)
| }
= 5

return may be used to prematurely return a value from a function.

| fun foo(y) {
|   x = y
|   while x > 0 {
|     if x < 5 {
|       return x;
|     }
|     x = x - 1;
|   }
|   17
| }
| fun main() {
|   foo(10) + foo(0)
| }
= 21

Type of value returned must jibe with value of function's block.

| fun foo(x) {
|   return "string";
|   17
| }
| fun main() {
|   foo(10) + foo(0)
| }
? type mismatch

Type of value returned must jibe with other return statements.

| fun foo(x) {
|   if x > 0 {
|     return "string";
|   } else {
|     return 17
|   }
| }
| fun main() {
|   foo(10) + foo(0)
| }
? type mismatch


Equality, inequality, boolean operators.

| fun main() {
|   if 15 == 15 and ((15 != 14) or false) {
|     print("struth")
|   }
| }
= struth

| fun main() {
|   if "five" == "five" and (("six" != "seven") or false) {
|     print("struth")
|   }
| }
= struth

Equality cannot be checked between two values of different types.

| fun main() {
|   if 15 == "fifteen" {
|     print("wat")
|   }
| }
? mismatch

| fun main() {
|   if 15 != "fifteen" {
|     print("wat")
|   }
| }
? mismatch

Equality can be checked between unions.

| fun main() {
|   a = 40 as string|integer
|   b = 40 as string|integer
|   if a == b {
|     print("it is")
|   }
| }
= it is

| fun main() {
|   a = 40 as string|integer
|   b = "beep" as string|integer
|   if a != b {
|     print("correct")
|   }
| }
= correct

Equality cannot be tested between two disjoint unions.

| fun main() {
|   a = 40 as string|integer
|   b = 40 as integer|void
|   if a == b {
|     print("correct")
|   }
| }
? mismatch


The usual.

| fun main() {
|   print("Hello, world!")
| }
= Hello, world!

Some standard functions are builtin and available as toplevels.

| fun main() {
|   a = "hello";
|   b = len(a);
|   while b > 0 {
|     print(a);
|     b = b - 1;
|     a = substr(a, 1, b)
|   }
| }
= hello
= ello
= llo
= lo
= o

The + operator is not string concatenation. concat is.

| fun main() {
|   print("hello " + "world")
| }
? type mismatch

| fun main() {
|   print(concat("hello ", "world"))
| }
= hello world

The builtin toplevels are functions and functions need parens.

| fun main() {
|   print "hi"
| }
? type mismatch

Note that the above was the motivation for requiring statements to have void type; if non-void exprs could be used anywhere, that would just throw away the function value print (b/c semicolons are optional) and return 'hi'.

Struct Types

Record types. You can define them:

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| main = fun() {}

And make them.

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(name:"Jake", age:23);
|   print("ok")
| }
= ok

And extract the fields from them.

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(name:"Jake", age:23);
|   print(
|   if j.age > 20 {
|     print("Older than twenty")
|   } else {
|     print("Underage")
|   }
| }
= Jake
= Older than twenty

Structs must be defined somewhere.

| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(name:"Jake", age:23);
|   j
| }
? undefined

Structs need not be defined before use.

| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(name:"Jake", age:23);
|   j.age
| }
| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
= 23

Structs may not contain structs which don't exist.

| struct person { name: string; age: foobar }
| main = fun() { 333 }
? undefined

Types must match when making a struct.

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(name:"Jake", age:"Old enough to know better");
|   j.age
| }
? type mismatch

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(name:"Jake");
|   j.age
| }
? argument mismatch

| struct person { name: string }
| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(name:"Jake", age:23);
|   j.age
| }
? argument mismatch

Order of field initialization when making a struct doesn't matter.

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(age: 23, name:"Jake");
|   j.age
| }
= 23

Structs cannot be tested for equality with the == or !== operators.

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(age: 23, name:"Jake");
|   k = make person(name:"Jake", age: 23);
|   j == k
| }
? structs cannot be compared

| struct person { age: integer; name: string }
| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(age: 23, name:"Jake");
|   k = make person(age: 21, name:"Jake");
|   j != k
| }
? structs cannot be compared

Structs of two different types cannot be tested for equality.

| struct person { age: integer; name: string }
| struct individual { age: integer; name: string }
| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(age: 23, name:"Jake");
|   k = make individual(age: 23, name:"Jake");
|   j == k
| }
? mismatch

If you really want to compare two structs for equality, you'll have to write the equality predicate function yourself.

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| equ_person = fun(a: person, b: person) {
|   a.age == b.age and ==
| }
| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(age: 23, name:"Jake");
|   k = make person(name:"Jake", age: 23);
|   equ_person(j, k)
| }
= True

Structs cannot be compared for ordering.

| struct person { age: integer; name: string }
| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(age: 23, name:"Jake");
|   k = make person(age: 21, name:"Jake");
|   j > k
| }
? structs cannot be compared

Structs can be passed to functions.

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| fun wat(bouncer: person) { bouncer.age }
| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(name:"Jake", age:23);
|   wat(j)
| }
= 23

Structs have name equivalence, not structural.

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| struct city { name: string; population: integer }
| fun wat(hometown: city) { hometown }
| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(name:"Jake", age:23);
|   wat(j)
| }
? type mismatch

Struct fields must all be unique.

| struct person { name: string; name: string }
| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(name:"Jake", name:"Smith");
| }
? defined

Values can be retrieved from structs.

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| fun age(bouncer: person) { bouncer.age }
| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(name:"Jake", age:23);
|   age(j)
| }
= 23

| struct person { name: string }
| fun age(bouncer: person) { bouncer.age }
| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(name:"Jake");
|   age(j)
| }
? undefined

Different structs may have the same field name in different positions.

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| struct city { population: integer; name: string }
| main = fun() {
|   j = make person(name:"Jake", age:23);
|   w = make city(population:600000, name:"Winnipeg");
|   print(
|   print(
| }
= Jake
= Winnipeg

Can't define the same struct multiple times.

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| struct person { name: string; age: string }
| fun main() { 333 }
? duplicate

Structs may refer to themselves.

| struct recursive {
|   next: recursive;
| }
| fun main() { 333 }
= 333

| struct odd {
|   next: even;
| }
| struct even {
|   next: odd;
| }
| fun main() { 333 }
= 333

But you can't actually make one of these infinite structs.

| struct recursive {
|   next: recursive;
| }
| fun main() { make recursive(next:make recursive(next:"nooo")) }
? type mismatch

Union Types

Values of union type are created with the type promotion operator, as .... Type promotion has a very low precedence, and can be applied to any expression.

The type after the as must be a union.

| fun main() {
|   a = 20;
|   b = 30;
|   a + b as integer
| }
? bad cast

The type of the value being cast by the as must be one of the types in the union.

| fun main() {
|   a = 20;
|   b = 30;
|   a + b as string|void
| }
? bad cast

The type after the as must be the type of the expression.

| fun main() {
|   a = 20;
|   b = 30;
|   c = a + b as integer|string
|   print("ok")
| }
= ok

Each of the individual types named in the union type must be unique.

| fun foo(a, b: integer|string) {
|   print("ok")
| }
| fun main() {
|   a = 20;
|   b = 30;
|   c = a + b as integer|integer|string
|   foo(a, c)
| }
? bad union type

One can, vacuously, promote a union type to itself.

| fun main() {
|   a = 20;
|   b = 30;
|   c = a + b as integer|string
|   d = c as integer|string
|   print("ok")
| }
= ok

One can promote a union type to another union type, so long as it is a superset.

| fun main() {
|   a = 20;
|   b = 30;
|   c = a + b as integer|string
|   d = c as integer|string|void
|   print("ok")
| }
= ok

One cannot promote a union type to a union type that is not a superset.

| fun main() {
|   a = 20;
|   b = 30;
|   c = a + b as integer|string
|   d = c as integer|void
|   print("ok")
| }
? bad cast

Values of union type can be passed to functions.

| fun foo(a, b: integer|string) {
|   a + 1
| }
| main = fun() {
|   a = 0;
|   a = foo(a, 333 as integer|string);
|   a = foo(a, "hiya" as integer|string);
|   a
| }
= 2

Order of types in a union doesn't matter.

| fun foo(a, b: integer|string) {
|   a + 1
| }
| main = fun() {
|   a = 0;
|   a = foo(a, 333 as integer|string);
|   a = foo(a, "hiya" as string|integer);
|   a
| }
= 2

Trivial use of typecase.

| main = fun() {
|   a = 333 as integer|string;
|   typecase a is integer {
|     print("int")
|   };
| }
= int

Inside a typecase the variable can be used as a value of the determined type.

| main = fun() {
|   a = 333 as integer|string;
|   typecase a is integer {
|     print(str(a))
|   };
|   typecase a is string {
|     print(a)
|   };
| }
= 333

The typecase construct can operate on the "right" type of a union.

| fun foo(a, b: integer|string) {
|   r = a;
|   typecase b is integer {
|     r = r + b;
|   };
|   typecase b is string {
|     r = r + len(b);
|   };
|   r
| }
| main = fun() {
|   a = 0;
|   a = foo(a, 333 as integer|string);
|   a = foo(a, "hiya" as integer|string);
|   a
| }
= 337

The expression in a typecase must be a variable.

| main = fun() {
|   a = 333 as integer|string;
|   typecase 333 is integer {
|     print("what?")
|   };
| }
? identifier

The expression in a typecase can be an argument to the function in which the typecase occurs.

| fun wat(j: integer|string) {
|   typecase j is integer {
|     print("integer")
|   };
| }
| main = fun() {
|   wat(444 as integer|string)
| }
= integer

The expression in a typecase cannot effectively be a global, as globals must be literals and there is no way (right now) to make a literal of union type.

Inside a typecase the variable cannot be updated.

| main = fun() {
|   a = 333 as integer|string;
|   typecase a is integer {
|     a = 700;
|   };
| }
? cannot assign

The union can include void.

| main = fun() {
|   j = null as void|integer;
|   typecase j is void {
|     print("nothing there")
|   };
| }
= nothing there

Struct Types + Union Types

Union types may be used to make fields of a struct "nullable", so that you can in actuality create recursive, but finite, data structures.

| struct list {
|   value: string;
|   next: list|integer;
| }
| main = fun() {
|   l = make list(
|     value: "first",
|     next: make list(
|       value: "second",
|       next:0 as list|integer
|     ) as list|integer)
|   s =
|   typecase s is list {
|     print(s.value)
|   }
| }
= second

You may want to use helper functions to hide this ugliness.

| struct list {
|   value: string;
|   next: list|void;
| }
| fun empty() {
|   return null as list|void
| }
| fun cons(v: string, l: list|void) {
|   make list(value:v, next:l) as list|void
| }
| fun nth(n, l: list|void) {
|   u = l;
|   v = u;
|   k = n;
|   while k > 1 {
|     typecase u is void { break; }
|     typecase u is list { v =; }
|     u = v;
|     k = k - 1;
|   }
|   return u
| }
| main = fun() {
|   l = cons("first", cons("second", cons("third", empty())));
|   h = nth(2, l);
|   typecase h is list { print(h.value); }
| }
= second

And in fact, you can restrict the union types to smaller sets to better indicate the allowable types of the functions. For example, cons always returns a list, so that should be its return type, not list|void. Likewise, nth requires a list. In this way we can implement some of the "Parse, don't Validate" approach.

| struct list {
|   value: string;
|   next: list|void;
| }
| fun cons(v: string, l: list) {
|   make list(value:v, next:l as list|void)
| }
| fun singleton(v: string) {
|   make list(value:v, next:null as list|void)
| }
| fun nth(n, l: list) {
|   u = l as list|void;
|   v = u;
|   k = n;
|   while k > 1 {
|     typecase u is void { break; }
|     typecase u is list { v =; }
|     u = v;
|     k = k - 1;
|   }
|   return u
| }
| main = fun() {
|   l = cons("first", cons("second", singleton("third")));
|   h = nth(2, l);
|   typecase h is list { print(h.value); }
| }
= second

Structs may be empty.

| struct red { }
| fun show(color: red) {
|   print("hi")
| }
| main = fun() {
|   show(make red());
| }
= hi

In combination with unions, this lets us create "typed enums".

| struct red { }
| struct green { }
| struct blue { }
| fun show(color: red|green|blue) {
|   typecase color is red { print("red"); }
|   typecase color is green { print("green"); }
|   typecase color is blue { print("blue"); }
| }
| main = fun() {
|   show(make red() as red|green|blue);
|   show(make blue() as red|green|blue);
| }
= red
= blue

Scoped Structs

When a struct is declared, it may be associated with a set of identifiers. Functions with these global names are the only function definitions which can make such a struct, or see that it has fields; to all other functions, these operations will not be available. It is in this way that encapsulation is accomplished.

| struct list {
|   value: string;
|   next: list|void;
| } for (cons, singleton, length)
| fun cons(v: string, l: list) {
|   make list(value:v, next:l as list|void)
| }
| fun singleton(v: string) {
|   make list(value:v, next:null as list|void)
| }
| length : list|void -> integer
| fun length(l: list|void) {
|   typecase l is void { return 0 }
|   typecase l is list { return 1 + length( }
| }
| fun main() {
|   l = cons("first", cons("second", singleton("third")));
|   print(str(length(l as list|void)));
| }
= 3

| struct list {
|   value: string;
|   next: list|void;
| } for (cons, singleton, length)
| fun cons(v: string, l: list) {
|   make list(value:v, next:l as list|void)
| }
| fun singleton(v: string) {
|   make list(value:v, next:null as list|void)
| }
| length : list|void -> integer
| fun length(l: list|void) {
|   typecase l is void { return 0 }
|   typecase l is list { return 1 + length( }
| }
| fun main() {
|   l = make list(value:"first", next:null as list|void);
|   print(str(length(l as list|void)));
| }
? make

| struct list {
|   value: string;
|   next: list|void;
| } for (cons, singleton, length)
| fun cons(v: string, l: list) {
|   make list(value:v, next:l as list|void)
| }
| fun singleton(v: string) {
|   make list(value:v, next:null as list|void)
| }
| fun main() {
|   l = cons("first", cons("second", singleton("third")));
|   print(l.value);
| }
? struct

One can use this facility to implement abstract data types.

| struct assoc {
|   key: string;
|   value: string;
|   next: assoc|void;
| } for (singleton, update, lookup, remove)
| fun singleton(k: string, v: string) {
|   make assoc(key:k, value:v, next:null as assoc|void)
| }
| fun update(k: string, v: string, a: assoc) {
|   make assoc(key:k, value:v, next:a as assoc|void)
| }
| lookup : assoc, string -> string|void
| fun lookup(a: assoc, k: string) {
|   if a.key == k {
|     return a.value as string|void
|   }
|   n =
|   typecase n is void {
|     return null as string|void
|   }
|   typecase n is assoc {
|     return lookup(n, k)
|   }
| }
| fun main() {
|   a = update("1", "first", update("2", "second", singleton("3", "third")));
|   r = lookup(a, "2");
|   print("um");
|   typecase r is void { print("NOT FOUND"); }
|   typecase r is string { print(r); }
|   print("ya");
| }
= um
= second
= ya

This program should work even with a redundant upcast in it.

| struct assoc {
|   key: string;
|   value: string;
|   next: assoc|void;
| } for (singleton, update, lookup, remove)
| fun singleton(k: string, v: string) {
|   make assoc(key:k, value:v, next:null as assoc|void)
| }
| fun update(k: string, v: string, a: assoc) {
|   make assoc(key:k, value:v, next:a as assoc|void)
| }
| lookup : assoc, string -> string|void
| fun lookup(a: assoc, k: string) {
|   if a.key == k {
|     return a.value as string|void
|   }
|   n =
|   typecase n is void {
|     return null as string|void
|   }
|   typecase n is assoc {
|     return lookup(n, k) as string|void
|   }
| }
| fun main() {
|   a = update("1", "first", update("2", "second", singleton("3", "third")));
|   r = lookup(a, "2");
|   print("um");
|   typecase r is void { print("NOT FOUND"); }
|   typecase r is string { print(r); }
|   print("ya");
| }
= um
= second
= ya