- Pattern updates
- Support special characters in the registration form - Name, street, region, city and postal code
- updated company region field to accept hyphens
- Registration Step "Select Company Role"
- migrated from Create React App (webpack) to Vite (rollup)
- switched from deprecated CRA to new framework for build scripts and development server
- use React 18 instead of 17
- upgraded dependencies
- set node version explicitly
- introduced codeql scan
- introduced dependabot.yml
- removed veracode workflow
- upgraded gh actions and change to pinned actions full length commit sha
- CONTRIBUTING.md: linked to contribution details
- renamed docker notice file
- updated eclipse dash tool for dependencies check
- reworked year in file header
- upgraded keycloak-js dependency to v23.0.7
- move config values from code to config (clientID, realm name, etc.)
- Changed API calls to use RTK queries for improved performance and code organization
- Removed references to consortia environments
- Updated documentation and help links to reflect the updated directory structure in portal-assets
- Implemented login navigation based on application type and status for a more customized user experience
- Replaced the country input field in step 1 with a country select list; including an auto-complete functionality
- Upgraded dependencies to address vulnerabilities in axios, follow-redirects, postcss, @adobe/css-tools, and serialize-javascript
- Added a build check at pull request to ensure code quality and prevent issues in the future
- Updated the file header template
- Added additional image tags of type semver to release workflows for better version control and tracking
- Enabled container for readOnlyRootFilesystem with a symlink to tmp for index.html
- Changed portal-cd references to portal due to repository renaming
- Updated README.md
- mentioned
folder in portal-assets repository - referenced docker notice files in notice section instead of duplicating the content
- mentioned
- Added an asterisk to the identifier type select field to indicate the required field
- Fixed the user logout redirect; ensuring users are properly redirected after logging out
- Fixed error handling configuration for all page components to display backend errors to the user in all cases
- Adjusted the frontend logic for the 'Company Roles' step in the company registration process to properly handle unsuccessful API calls. The failed calls are now saved in the redux store and used as a basis for the next API POST consent call
- Legal information for distributions TRG 7.05
- added legal info at build
- updated verify registration help link with valid link
- added pull request linting
- Backend api errors are partially not handled on FE side, user receives on certain system error scenarios no message on the UI (e.g. if the GET /companyRoles has issues to fetch the already selected roles from the backend) - the issue only appears if the FE and BE are not correctly integrated or if the backend has business logic issues/db service issues
- Trivy scan: changed to no failure on high findings, as it should only fail if there is an error/misconfiguration
- Vulnerability from dependency
- upgrade axios dependency from 0.27.2 to v1.6.1 and implement changes due to major version upgrade
- Sonar - fixed low bugs
- Company Registration - Submit button logic of the registration submission updated to handle "inactive"/"disabled" state in case of missing document upload
- Backend api errors are partially not handled on FE side, user receives on certain system error scenarios no message on the UI (e.g. if the GET /companyRoles has issues to fetch the already selected roles from the backend) - the issue only appears if the FE and BE are not correctly integrated or if the backend has business logic issues/db service issues
- updated help links with valid help application hyperlinks
- upgraded dependencies to latest version
- Vulnerability from dependency
- Set resolution for @babel/traverse (CVE-2023-45133), for axios and css-what
- Company Role Select Form Step - updated OSP value to human readable text instead of displaying technical keys
- Backend api errors are partially not handled on FE side, user receives on certain system error scenarios no message on the UI (e.g. if the GET /companyRoles has issues to fetch the already selected roles from the backend) - the issue only appears if the FE and BE are not correctly integrated or if the backend has business logic issues/db service issues
- updated translations
- Build images also for arm64, in addition to amd64
- Security.md updated
- npm-get-version action updated
- removed country_de property from all api connected business logics and UI field
- Company Data Step
- enabled change of country identifier for pre-saved company data
- enhanced 'City' and 'Region' input patterns to allow numeric values on top
- Company Data Step
- enhanced 'City' and 'Region' input patterns to allow numeric values
- System Behavior
- Add Company Data (Step 1) input field "Country Code" case sensitive function disabled
- Enhanced "Invite" button to display load element till backend response is received
- changed license notice for images
- changed container registry for Trivy scan to Docker Hub
- fixed code smells and bugs from Sonarcloud
- upgraded dependencies and set resolution for tough-cookie library to v4.1.3
- Company Data (Step 1) input field "street" does not allow special characters such as specific polish letters
- About page for legal notice
- About card added
- About page added and linked in footer component
- card component integrated in About page
- Third-party-licenses page removed (replaced by About page)
- About page
- enabled build and release workflows to provide content
- changed release workflow to retrieve tag from github.ref_name (set-output command deprecated)
- added release workflow for release-candidates
- changed container registry to Docker Hub
- added pull request template
- added support for multiline in personal note field
- Updating style for /nextStep page (beautify UI)
- Company Role Step – document download used api endpoint path updated
- added temp fix for CVE-2023-0464
- added build workflow for v1.3.0 release candidate phase
- updated actions workflows
- Visually highlight mandatory company data input fields
- Update "Submit" registration button to support delays, network latency via loading element
- Change local port to run behind reverse proxy
- Updated registration "Submit" button to load button
- Company Data - added region field optionally as well as mandatory for a given number of countries
- Released error page for 4xx and 5xx errors when accessing/loading the registration app
- Added temp fix for CVE-2023-23916
- Company Data - display company name as 'Legal Entity Name' and 'Registered Name'
- Company Data - errors displayed for "bpn does not exist" reduced to input field error only, additionally style updated
- Company Data - confirm button disabled till all company data are added
- Fix redirect url issue in case of redirection to portal homepage
- Updated regular expression of street name pattern for company data input field
- Fix unique identifier display option for bpdm company data autofill
- Redirect user to "closed"; "under validation" or portal page based on application status
- Company Data Unique Identifier field value irritation when entering the unique identifier value
- resolve dependabot finding
- temp fix for cve-2023-0286
- add missing '--no-cache': apk update && apk add
- Change companyRoleAgreementData API response (new structure of the response body)
- Company Data Unique Identifier
- Identifier type ui issue when entering the value fixed
- Identifier number change enabled even after initial save
- Identifier number pattern error validation updated (fe)
- add error pop-up for step 3 - select company role and commit to t&c's
- city data input pattern updated
- help page handling
- CVE-2022-46175 - Prototype Pollution in JSON5 via Parse Method - upgraded all dependencies
- enabled company data input form to support unique identifier handling for companies based on company location country code.
- translation fixes on static text values
- implemented in the step 1 "company data" error handling for unsuccessful company data save function
- updated postal code validation for registration step 1 to allow international codes
- update of company role agreement frontend logic to display agreements with and without documents
- updated document deletion endpoint (from administration service to registration service) and added error/success messages
- Added missing image to the registration finished / successfully submitted page
- Registration Step 3 (company role and consent agreement); fetching agreement document from the portal backend and enabling direct document download.
- Registration submission validations as well as registration request validation enhanced/fixed.
- Company registration submission for companies without BPN got activated.
- Registration Step 1 "Company Data Input Form": Country input field updated to country code incl. input validation
- n/a
- Registration Welcome: Introduction of a welcome page including a "how to" for the following registration steps
- Registration Submission: Support of the registration submission incl. new page for successful submission and triggered email to the registrator
- Registration Closed Function: Company registrations in status "submitted", "approved" or "declined" cannot re-visit the registration document. A closed registration information gets displayed.
- n/a
- Bugfix - Add company data - payload update to include bpn when posting the company data
- Bugfix - Submit registration - added applicationId into the post job
- Bugfix - Company Roles - company role description moved from hardcoded values to api (db)