Sugar Meter Flutter Project
Implementation of an App using Firebase as its database manager and featuring the use of Blocs for state management and Navigation Routes
An user will save the ammount of times they've eaten things containing sugar and will be able to see their history, the purpose is to raise awareness of how much sugar they consume in the long term. I'm not looking for numbers! I'm trying to save at least one from the sugar rush!! and hoping to help developers in their way ;)
Feel Free to use this code in your own apps!
To build the app you need to create your own firebase project, add an app and generate your own google-services.json/GoogleService-Info.plist
Firebase shows a pretty straightforward steps list when you create your own firebase app:
In order to rename the apps domain or id's you can follow this steps:
You might need to update Gradle and Kotlin in the new generated projects
I learnt how to do this app thanks to Andrea Bizzotto and Yayo Arellano! Support them following their Github Profiles and giving them stars!