kotlin-unreal: Use the amazing Kotlin language with UnrealEngine 4
Uses Unreal.js wich is a Javascript runtime built for UE4
- Access to all Blueprint functions and classes
- A KotlinComponent attachable to an actor to control its behavior
- Interoperation between variables and functions defined at the Blueprint level
- Customizable Hot Reload: Apply code updates to everything or to the actors you're interested in, while in play mode.
Unreal 4.26.1 and Kotlin 1.4.31, but may work with other versions too.
IntelliJ IDEA Community: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/
- Install Unreal.js plugin in your engine. The easiest way is finding it on the Unreal Marketplace: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/unrealjs
- Clone or download this repository
- You should be able to right click the file "KotlinUnreal.uproject" and select "Launch Game"
- You might be asked to recompile or update the project to your engine version and after that you should be seeing the First Person Game example.
Open the project with the Unreal Editor and open and play the maps located on the Maps directory inside the Content folder. Some of them might look empty at first, but the Kotlin magic will fill them with surprises when you get into the Play mode.
Check out the wiki for details, tutorials and guides:
Playlist on Youtube
First Person Game example (watch on Youtube):
Hello World example:
Rotating cubes example:
Adventure example (Kotlin Coroutines):
First Person example:
Third Person example:
Scene Lights example:
Hello Blueprints example:
Hello Blueprint example: