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My-Business is a business management tool featuring accounts, invoices, partners, projects, and server.


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My Buisness is a business management tool featuring featuring accounts, invoices, partners, projects, and server.


Make sure Python >= 3.6 and pip are installed before proceeding with the installation instructions.

Note: If you are following these instructions when deploying My Buisness, it is highly recommended that you clone the repository in /srv.

  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Change the directory to my-buisness using $ cd my-buisness/.

  3. Create a virtual environment using $ python3 -m venv venv.

  4. Activate the virtual environment using $ source venv/bin/activate.

  5. Install the external pdftk dependency using $ apt install pdftk for Debian based distributions.

    Note: You may face issues installing pdftk on Ubuntu 18.04. Visit this link for further instructions.

  6. Install the Python dependencies using $ pip install -r requirements.txt.

    Note: You can safely ignore any errors about bdist_wheel.

  7. Change the directory to My Business using $ cd My Business/.

  8. Create config.ini by making of copy of config.ini.defaults using $ cp config.ini.defaults config.ini.

  9. Edit config.ini with your preferred text editor and make changes to the configuration (if necessary).

    Note:My Buisness is using a SQLite3 database while DEBUG=True. You don't need to specify a database user or password.

  10. Apply the migrations using $ python migrate.

  11. Create a superuser account using $ python createsuperuser.

  12. Enable the Cron Jobs using $ python crontab add. (You need to be logged in as the user that's running the server).

You should now have a development version of the My Buisnessaccessible atlocalhost:8000or127.0.0.1:8000`.


Always activate the virtual environment before performing operations.

  • Run the server using $ python runserver.

  • Stop the server by pressing Ctrl-C.

If you want My Buisness to send emails to the console while developing, edit my-buisness/common/ and replace the value of EMAIL_BACKED with 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend'. Don't forget to undo this before committing!


Follow the installation instructions before continuing. If you are running the Django server, press Control-C to close it.

Make sure you have root privileges.

Django configuration

  1. Collect the static files (by default in /var/www/my-buisness/static/) using $ python collectstatic.

  2. Generate a SECRET_KEY using $ python -c 'from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())'.

  3. Copy the returned key to your clipboard because we will need it soon.

  4. Edit config.ini with your preferred text editor and replace the current SECRET_KEY with the one you generated earlier (it's in your clipboard, right!?).

Firewall configuration

If you have a firewall set up (recommended), make sure to open ports 80 and 443.

  • If you have UFW set up:

    • Run $ ufw allow http.
    • Run $ ufw allow https.
  • If don't have UFW and have only iptables set up:

    • Open /etc/sysconfig/iptables for editing using your preferred text editor.
    • Add the following lines to the file if they do not already exist, then save and exit:
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT

Installing additional dependencies

  • Install Gunicorn using $ pip install gunicorn.
  • Install Nginx using $ apt install nginx.
  • Install Certbot using $ apt install python3-certbot-nginx.

Note: Make sure to edit the file and directory paths accordingly in the instructions below.

Setting up the Gunicorn service

  • Edit /etc/systemd/system/gunicorn_bt.socket using your preferred text editor and add the following to the file:
Description=gunicorn bt socket


  • Edit /etc/systemd/system/gunicorn_bt.service using your preferred text editor and add the following to the file:
Description=gunicorn bt daemon

ExecStart=/srv/business-tracer/venv/bin/gunicorn \
          --access-logfile - \
          --workers 3 \
          --bind unix:/run/gunicorn_bt.sock \

  • Start the Gunicorn socket using $ systemctl start gunicorn_bt.socket.
  • Enable the Gunicorn socket (to run at startup) using $ systemctl enable gunicorn_bt.socket.

Setting up Nginx

  • Remove the default configuration from sites-enabled using $ rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default.
  • Edit /etc/nginx/sites-available/blog using your preferred text editor and add the following to the file:

*Note: Make sure to replace YOUR_FULLY_QUALIFIED_DOMAIN_NAME with your FQDN.

server {
    listen 80;

    location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; }

    location /static/ {
        root /var/www/my-buisness;

    location /media/ {
        root /var/www/my-buisness;

    location / {
        include proxy_params;
        proxy_pass http://unix:/run/gunicorn_bt.sock;
  • Enable the Nginx config using $ ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/my-buisness /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/my-buisness.
  • Restart Nginx using $ systemctl restart nginx.

Setting up the HTTPS certificate

*Note: Make sure to replace YOUR_FULLY_QUALIFIED_DOMAIN_NAME with your FQDN.

  • Create an HTTPS certificate with Certbot using $ certbot --nginx -d YOUR_FULLY_QUALIFIED_DOMAIN_NAME.
  • Follow the script instructions.
  • You should choose option 2 (Redirect) when the script asks if you want users to be redirected to the HTTPS version of the website if they try accessing the HTTP version.

Good job! You should now have a running instance of My Buisness.

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My-Business is a business management tool featuring accounts, invoices, partners, projects, and server.







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  • Python 59.1%
  • HTML 29.7%
  • JavaScript 9.4%
  • CSS 1.8%