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Posted color scheme and asked for new commands
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carsongee committed Sep 4, 2016
1 parent adbddf1 commit 579495b
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,052 additions and 5 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions _posts/
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ img: /img/posts/software_rules.jpg

I feel like this shouldn't have to be on the list, but seriously,
follow the pack on this one. I'm normally all about that underground
software choice that is technically superior but lesser know, but when
software choice that is technically superior but lesser known, but when
it comes to something like VCS, just take what everyone else is
currently developing tools against. More people can collaborate,
deployment and testing integrations are easier, and shared knowledge
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ happy because they get a sneak preview of what breaks on release

Branch two is where the development branch gets merged to when you want
customers to see the change. That branch kicks of the Continuous
customers to see the change. That branch kicks off the Continuous
Deployment pipeline (approvals, QA, etc).

### When to Ignore
Expand All @@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ enough methods to be useful, etc.

### When to Ignore

Lint, never, there are linters for everything, they teach you things
you never knew about and worth the educational value alone, let alone
Never for linting. There are linters for everything, they teach you things
you never knew about and are worth the educational value alone, let alone
security issues, and making code readable to yourself 6 months down
the road. Tests and coverage, sometimes these don't make sense, like
a documentation project or something with so few moving parts you can
Expand All @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ embedded, or desktop applicaion projects, but to prevent three
branches, or some other process that slows things down, have the
release branch deploy to alternating environments for production. In
addition to this giving you a release stack to QA before final
customer release it also gives you a fast fallback stance to a
customer release, it also gives you a fast fallback stance to a
previous release if it all catches on fire.

The catch for this is that backend storage models have to be forward
Expand Down
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions _posts/
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
layout: post
title: "¡Colors and Commands!"
short_description: "Want this site's color scheme? Now we can!"
description: |
This site is based on a terminal color scheme I made inside a
a Trough of Disillusionment while redesigning this site. I
was feeling stuck on the design when a lightbulb lit.
Why not a terminal Website? Here we are. It comes with an
invite to add new and awesome commands to this site, and
payment in the form of the color schemes for several terminal
emulators and Emacs.
img: /img/posts/colors.jpg

This site is based on a terminal color scheme I made inside a *Trough
of Disillusionment* while redesigning this site. I was feeling stuck
on the design when a lightbulb lit. Why not a terminal Website?
Here we are. It comes with an invite to add new and awesome commands
to this site, and payment in the form of the color schemes for several
terminal emulators and Emacs. First up, the "gift":

## Clipped Compound Color Scheme

I'm all about collaboration and open source tasties. So, PRs to these themes can be done
directly to this site at the
[ repo](
It was blast making them, and I'd highly recommend making your own. I
used []( for making the terminal
schemes and
[Emacs Theme Creator]( for
making the emacs theme. Very nice.

Without further adieu:

- [Emacs Theme (24.x+)](/files/posts/clipped-compound/cg-cc0-theme.el)
- [Gnome Terminal](/files/posts/clipped-compound/
- [iTerm](/files/posts/clipped-compound/cg-cc0.itermcolors)
- [Konsole](/files/posts/clipped-compound/cg-cc0.konsole.coloscheme)
- [ (built-in Mac terminal)](/files/posts/clipped-compound/cg-cc0.terminal)

and now the "ask":

## Make New Commands

So I've implemented quite a few of your basic folder walking commands
(and a few `secret` commands), but I'd really love to see some new
ones added, no matter how silly. In fact the sillier the betterer.
So, if you have a command you want to add, it is pretty easy, just
submit a pull request to this
[site repo](, by just
adding another key and function to the
[commands object]( Or...or...if
you want to a super-de-duper secret version, add something to the
[`unpublishedCommands` object](
256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions files/posts/clipped-compound/cg-cc0-theme.el
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@

;;; cg-cc0-theme.el --- Emacs theme with a dark background.

;; Copyright (C) 2014 , Carson Gee

;; Author: Carson Gee
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
;; Created with emacs-theme-generator,

;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.

;; This file is not part of Emacs.

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(deftheme cg-cc0)
(let ((class '((class color) (min-colors 89)))
(fg1 "#A47EA5")
(fg2 "#967397")
(fg3 "#886989")
(fg4 "#7a5f7b")
(bg1 "#0D090C")
(bg2 "#1e1c1e")
(bg3 "#2e2c2e")
(bg4 "#3f3d3f")
(key2 "#3f9684")
(key3 "#1c7968")
(builtin "#6C2D82")
(keyword "#1A8976")
(const "#B9BCBA")
(comment "#5D656D")
(func "#6F90B0")
(str "#a7abb5")
(type "#aec4e8")
(var "#de21cb")
(warning "#cf4c23"))
`(default ((,class (:background ,bg1 :foreground ,fg1))))
`(font-lock-builtin-face ((,class (:foreground ,builtin))))
`(font-lock-comment-face ((,class (:foreground ,comment))))
`(font-lock-negation-char-face ((,class (:foreground ,const))))
`(font-lock-reference-face ((,class (:foreground ,const))))
`(font-lock-constant-face ((,class (:foreground ,const))))
`(font-lock-doc-face ((,class (:foreground ,comment))))
`(font-lock-function-name-face ((,class (:foreground ,func :bold t))))
`(font-lock-keyword-face ((,class (:bold ,class :foreground ,keyword))))
`(font-lock-string-face ((,class (:foreground ,str))))
`(font-lock-type-face ((,class (:foreground ,type ))))
`(font-lock-variable-name-face ((,class (:foreground ,var))))
`(font-lock-warning-face ((,class (:foreground ,warning :background ,bg2))))
`(region ((,class (:background ,fg1 :foreground ,bg1))))
`(highlight ((,class (:foreground ,fg3 :background ,bg3))))
`(hl-line ((,class (:background ,bg2))))
`(fringe ((,class (:background ,bg2 :foreground ,fg4))))
`(cursor ((,class (:background ,bg3))))
`(show-paren-match-face ((,class (:background ,warning))))
`(isearch ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,warning :background ,bg3))))
`(mode-line ((,class (:box (:line-width 1 :color nil) :bold t :foreground ,fg4 :background ,bg2))))
`(mode-line-inactive ((,class (:box (:line-width 1 :color nil :style pressed-button) :foreground ,key3 :background ,bg1 :weight normal))))
`(mode-line-buffer-id ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,func :background nil))))
`(mode-line-highlight ((,class (:foreground ,keyword :box nil :weight bold))))
`(mode-line-emphasis ((,class (:foreground ,fg1))))
`(vertical-border ((,class (:foreground ,fg3))))
`(minibuffer-prompt ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,keyword))))
`(default-italic ((,class (:italic t))))
`(link ((,class (:foreground ,const :underline t))))
`(org-code ((,class (:foreground ,fg2))))
`(org-hide ((,class (:foreground ,fg4))))
`(org-level-1 ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,fg2 :height 1.1))))
`(org-level-2 ((,class (:bold nil :foreground ,fg3))))
`(org-level-3 ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,fg4))))
`(org-level-4 ((,class (:bold nil :foreground ,bg4))))
`(org-date ((,class (:underline t :foreground ,var) )))
`(org-footnote ((,class (:underline t :foreground ,fg4))))
`(org-link ((,class (:underline t :foreground ,type ))))
`(org-special-keyword ((,class (:foreground ,func))))
`(org-block ((,class (:foreground ,fg3))))
`(org-quote ((,class (:inherit org-block :slant italic))))
`(org-verse ((,class (:inherit org-block :slant italic))))
`(org-todo ((,class (:box (:line-width 1 :color ,fg3) :foreground ,keyword :bold t))))
`(org-done ((,class (:box (:line-width 1 :color ,bg3) :bold t :foreground ,bg4))))
`(org-warning ((,class (:underline t :foreground ,warning))))
`(org-agenda-structure ((,class (:weight bold :foreground ,fg3 :box (:color ,fg4) :background ,bg3))))
`(org-agenda-date ((,class (:foreground ,var :height 1.1 ))))
`(org-agenda-date-weekend ((,class (:weight normal :foreground ,fg4))))
`(org-agenda-date-today ((,class (:weight bold :foreground ,keyword :height 1.4))))
`(org-agenda-done ((,class (:foreground ,bg4))))
`(org-scheduled ((,class (:foreground ,type))))
`(org-scheduled-today ((,class (:foreground ,func :weight bold :height 1.2))))
`(org-ellipsis ((,class (:foreground ,builtin))))
`(org-verbatim ((,class (:foreground ,fg4))))
`(org-document-info-keyword ((,class (:foreground ,func))))
`(font-latex-bold-face ((,class (:foreground ,type))))
`(font-latex-italic-face ((,class (:foreground ,key3 :italic t))))
`(font-latex-string-face ((,class (:foreground ,str))))
`(font-latex-match-reference-keywords ((,class (:foreground ,const))))
`(font-latex-match-variable-keywords ((,class (:foreground ,var))))
`(ido-only-match ((,class (:foreground ,warning))))
`(org-sexp-date ((,class (:foreground ,fg4))))
`(ido-first-match ((,class (:foreground ,keyword :bold t))))
`(gnus-header-content ((,class (:foreground ,keyword))))
`(gnus-header-from ((,class (:foreground ,var))))
`(gnus-header-name ((,class (:foreground ,type))))
`(gnus-header-subject ((,class (:foreground ,func :bold t))))
`(mu4e-view-url-number-face ((,class (:foreground ,type))))
`(mu4e-cited-1-face ((,class (:foreground ,fg2))))
`(mu4e-cited-7-face ((,class (:foreground ,fg3))))
`(mu4e-header-marks-face ((,class (:foreground ,type))))
`(ffap ((,class (:foreground ,fg4))))
`(js2-private-function-call ((,class (:foreground ,const))))
`(js2-jsdoc-html-tag-delimiter ((,class (:foreground ,str))))
`(js2-jsdoc-html-tag-name ((,class (:foreground ,key2))))
`(js2-external-variable ((,class (:foreground ,type ))))
`(js2-function-param ((,class (:foreground ,const))))
`(js2-jsdoc-value ((,class (:foreground ,str))))
`(js2-private-member ((,class (:foreground ,fg3))))
`(js3-warning-face ((,class (:underline ,keyword))))
`(js3-error-face ((,class (:underline ,warning))))
`(js3-external-variable-face ((,class (:foreground ,var))))
`(js3-function-param-face ((,class (:foreground ,key3))))
`(js3-jsdoc-tag-face ((,class (:foreground ,keyword))))
`(js3-instance-member-face ((,class (:foreground ,const))))
`(warning ((,class (:foreground ,warning))))
`(ac-completion-face ((,class (:underline t :foreground ,keyword))))
`(info-quoted-name ((,class (:foreground ,builtin))))
`(info-string ((,class (:foreground ,str))))
`(icompletep-determined ((,class :foreground ,builtin)))
`(undo-tree-visualizer-current-face ((,class :foreground ,builtin)))
`(undo-tree-visualizer-default-face ((,class :foreground ,fg2)))
`(undo-tree-visualizer-unmodified-face ((,class :foreground ,var)))
`(undo-tree-visualizer-register-face ((,class :foreground ,type)))
`(slime-repl-inputed-output-face ((,class (:foreground ,type))))
`(trailing-whitespace ((,class :foreground nil :background ,warning)))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face ((,class :foreground ,fg1)))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face ((,class :foreground ,type)))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face ((,class :foreground ,var)))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face ((,class :foreground ,const)))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face ((,class :foreground ,keyword)))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face ((,class :foreground ,fg1)))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face ((,class :foreground ,type)))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face ((,class :foreground ,var)))
`(magit-item-highlight ((,class :background ,bg3)))
`(magit-section-heading ((,class (:foreground ,keyword :weight bold))))
`(magit-hunk-heading ((,class (:background ,bg3))))
`(magit-section-highlight ((,class (:background ,bg2))))
`(magit-hunk-heading-highlight ((,class (:background ,bg3))))
`(magit-diff-context-highlight ((,class (:background ,bg3 :foreground ,fg3))))
`(magit-diffstat-added ((,class (:foreground ,type))))
`(magit-diffstat-removed ((,class (:foreground ,var))))
`(magit-process-ok ((,class (:foreground ,func :weight bold))))
`(magit-process-ng ((,class (:foreground ,warning :weight bold))))
`(magit-branch ((,class (:foreground ,const :weight bold))))
`(magit-log-author ((,class (:foreground ,fg3))))
`(magit-hash ((,class (:foreground ,fg2))))
`(magit-diff-file-header ((,class (:foreground ,fg2 :background ,bg3))))
`(lazy-highlight ((,class (:foreground ,fg2 :background ,bg3))))
`(term ((,class (:foreground ,fg1 :background ,bg1))))
`(term-color-black ((,class (:foreground ,bg3 :background ,bg3))))
`(term-color-blue ((,class (:foreground ,func :background ,func))))
`(term-color-red ((,class (:foreground ,keyword :background ,bg3))))
`(term-color-green ((,class (:foreground ,type :background ,bg3))))
`(term-color-yellow ((,class (:foreground ,var :background ,var))))
`(term-color-magenta ((,class (:foreground ,builtin :background ,builtin))))
`(term-color-cyan ((,class (:foreground ,str :background ,str))))
`(term-color-white ((,class (:foreground ,fg2 :background ,fg2))))
`(rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face ((,class :foreground ,warning)))
`(helm-header ((,class (:foreground ,fg2 :background ,bg1 :underline nil :box nil))))
`(helm-source-header ((,class (:foreground ,keyword :background ,bg1 :underline nil :weight bold))))
`(helm-selection ((,class (:background ,bg2 :underline nil))))
`(helm-selection-line ((,class (:background ,bg2))))
`(helm-visible-mark ((,class (:foreground ,bg1 :background ,bg3))))
`(helm-candidate-number ((,class (:foreground ,bg1 :background ,fg1))))
`(helm-separator ((,class (:foreground ,type :background ,bg1))))
`(helm-time-zone-current ((,class (:foreground ,builtin :background ,bg1))))
`(helm-time-zone-home ((,class (:foreground ,type :background ,bg1))))
`(helm-buffer-not-saved ((,class (:foreground ,type :background ,bg1))))
`(helm-buffer-process ((,class (:foreground ,builtin :background ,bg1))))
`(helm-buffer-saved-out ((,class (:foreground ,fg1 :background ,bg1))))
`(helm-buffer-size ((,class (:foreground ,fg1 :background ,bg1))))
`(helm-ff-directory ((,class (:foreground ,func :background ,bg1 :weight bold))))
`(helm-ff-file ((,class (:foreground ,fg1 :background ,bg1 :weight normal))))
`(helm-ff-executable ((,class (:foreground ,key2 :background ,bg1 :weight normal))))
`(helm-ff-invalid-symlink ((,class (:foreground ,key3 :background ,bg1 :weight bold))))
`(helm-ff-symlink ((,class (:foreground ,keyword :background ,bg1 :weight bold))))
`(helm-ff-prefix ((,class (:foreground ,bg1 :background ,keyword :weight normal))))
`(helm-grep-cmd-line ((,class (:foreground ,fg1 :background ,bg1))))
`(helm-grep-file ((,class (:foreground ,fg1 :background ,bg1))))
`(helm-grep-finish ((,class (:foreground ,fg2 :background ,bg1))))
`(helm-grep-lineno ((,class (:foreground ,fg1 :background ,bg1))))
`(helm-grep-match ((,class (:foreground nil :background nil :inherit helm-match))))
`(helm-grep-running ((,class (:foreground ,func :background ,bg1))))
`(helm-moccur-buffer ((,class (:foreground ,func :background ,bg1))))
`(helm-source-go-package-godoc-description ((,class (:foreground ,str))))
`(helm-bookmark-w3m ((,class (:foreground ,type))))
`(company-echo-common ((,class (:foreground ,bg1 :background ,fg1))))
`(company-preview ((,class (:background ,bg1 :foreground ,key2))))
`(company-preview-common ((,class (:foreground ,bg2 :foreground ,fg3))))
`(company-preview-search ((,class (:foreground ,type :background ,bg1))))
`(company-scrollbar-bg ((,class (:background ,bg3))))
`(company-scrollbar-fg ((,class (:foreground ,keyword))))
`(company-tooltip ((,class (:foreground ,fg2 :background ,bg1 :bold t))))
`(company-tooltop-annotation ((,class (:foreground ,const))))
`(company-tooltip-common ((,class ( :foreground ,fg3))))
`(company-tooltip-common-selection ((,class (:foreground ,str))))
`(company-tooltip-mouse ((,class (:inherit highlight))))
`(company-tooltip-selection ((,class (:background ,bg3 :foreground ,fg3))))
`(company-template-field ((,class (:inherit region))))
`(web-mode-builtin-face ((,class (:inherit ,font-lock-builtin-face))))
`(web-mode-comment-face ((,class (:inherit ,font-lock-comment-face))))
`(web-mode-constant-face ((,class (:inherit ,font-lock-constant-face))))
`(web-mode-keyword-face ((,class (:foreground ,keyword))))
`(web-mode-doctype-face ((,class (:inherit ,font-lock-comment-face))))
`(web-mode-function-name-face ((,class (:inherit ,font-lock-function-name-face))))
`(web-mode-string-face ((,class (:foreground ,str))))
`(web-mode-type-face ((,class (:inherit ,font-lock-type-face))))
`(web-mode-html-attr-name-face ((,class (:foreground ,func))))
`(web-mode-html-attr-value-face ((,class (:foreground ,keyword))))
`(web-mode-warning-face ((,class (:inherit ,font-lock-warning-face))))
`(web-mode-html-tag-face ((,class (:foreground ,builtin))))
`(jde-java-font-lock-package-face ((t (:foreground ,var))))
`(jde-java-font-lock-public-face ((t (:foreground ,keyword))))
`(jde-java-font-lock-private-face ((t (:foreground ,keyword))))
`(jde-java-font-lock-constant-face ((t (:foreground ,const))))
`(jde-java-font-lock-modifier-face ((t (:foreground ,key3))))
`(jde-jave-font-lock-protected-face ((t (:foreground ,keyword))))
`(jde-java-font-lock-number-face ((t (:foreground ,var))))))

(when load-file-name
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path
(file-name-as-directory (file-name-directory load-file-name))))

(provide-theme 'cg-cc0)

;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; End:

;;; cg-cc0-theme.el ends here

0 comments on commit 579495b

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