A documentation of highly-specific literature searches and data visualizations used to examine bibliographic literature trends in the area of early mobility and critical illness.
These searches can be used in three bibliographic literature databases: PubMed, which is freely available, and Scopus and Web of Science, which are subscription-based.
You will need institutional or organizational access to Scopus and/or Web of Science in order to use the respective searches.
- VOSviewer - The network visualization platform used
- Tableau Public - The impact visualization platform used
- LibGuides - Used to post visualizations and hold further documentation
- PubMed - Biomedical literature database from the U.S. National Library of Medicine
- Scopus - Subscription literature database from Elsevier
- Web of Science - Subscription literature database from Clarivate Analytics
- Welch Medical Library's Early Mobility Research Guide - A platform for librarian-curated content
- Carrie Price - carrieprice78
Creative Commons License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.
- Hat tip to Simon Robins, MLIS for previous work and inspiration