Easily grab player stats for the game Rainbow 6: Siege https://pypi.org/project/r6-stats/
R6_Stats is a simple Python package aimed to get player stats for any platform in just a simple function. This project is still a work-in-progress (WiP) so expect bugs. Please open an issue so I can fix any errors!
pip install requests
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install lxml
This will be shortened in the future as I still have some debugging to do
pip install r6_stats
from r6_stats import *
platform = 'pc'
username = 'Spoit.M80'
print(get_profile_views(platform, username))
# 2833937
print(get_profile_level(platform, username))
# 522
print(get_season_info(platform, username))
# {'Heavy Mettle': {'MMR': '2,131', 'Matches': 'Matches 28', 'KD': 'K/D 0.80'}}
# (Spoit's season info was too long so I used mine 😂)
# https://imgur.com/Q5Qpcmt.png
print(get_general_stats(platform, username))
# {
# "Headshot %": "61%",
# "K/D": "1.73",
# "Kills": "90,635",
# "Deaths": "52,242",
# "Wins": "10,332",
# "Losses": "2,856",
# "Win %": "74.4%",
# "Time Played": "3,897h",
# "Matches Played": "13,882",
# "Player Level": "522",
# }
print(get_ranked_stats(platform, username))
# {
# "Time Played": "3,551h 57m 9s",
# "Wins": "9,212",
# "Losses": "2,500",
# "Matches Played": "11,718",
# "Deaths": "46,482",
# "Kills": "78,303",
# "Win %": "78.6%",
# "K/D": "1.68",
# "Kills/Match": "6.68",
# "Kills/Min": "0.37",
# "Current Rank": "CHAMPION",
# "Player Level": "522",
# }