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Releases: canonical/operator


30 Oct 17:25
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  • We added quite a few docstrings, and a test that will fail if something
    is missing docstrings.

  • We're more tolerant of missing fields in the output of network-get,
    which can happen in some situations.
    Thanks to @johnsca for this one.

  • Charm authors can run self.config from a charm method instead of having
    to do self.model.config.
    Thanks to @johnsca for this one.

  • Some ways of installing ops can result in not loading the libyaml
    extensions from PyYAML, giving a performance penalty. ops will warn
    when this happens so it can be remedied, but it would also warn when
    running the test suite which raises the barrier for developers wanting to
    contribute to ops itself. So now we ignore that.
    Thanks to @johnsca for this one.

  • The hooks_disabled context manager can now be nested.
    Thanks to @stub42 for this one.

  • When using Juju for storage (either automatically by running on
    kubernetes with a new enough Juju, or manually via passing
    use_juju_for_storage=True to main), events defered would never be
    re-emitted. This is #438, found with help from @davigar15.

  • ObjectEvents now have a __repr__ which lists all events it knows about,
    which can be helpful when debugging (or even developing) a complex charm.

  • sys.breakpointhook is only set from main, not from
    Framework.__init__, meaning it won't interfere with using the
    breakpoint() builtin from tests.

  • tests will now fail if a docstring is missing (or malformed).

This is version 0.10.0 of `ops`, the Operator Framework for Juju charms.

29 Sep 10:57
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Changes include:

  • deleting a non-existent key from relation data will no longer fail.
    Thanks to @stub42 for the fix.

  • calling begin_with_initial_hooks() on the testing harness of a charm
    that has a relation that isn't set up before the call will no longer fail.
    Thanks to @zzehring for the fix.

  • the testing harness now starts with default config values, specified in the
    same way as for actions.yaml and metadata.yaml (i.e. snippets if given,
    otherwise from the canonical yaml file).
    Thanks to @johnsca for the work.

  • some classes now have custom __repr__ methods that should aid debugging.

  • event deferral and reëmission is now logged (at DEBUG).

  • if use_juju_for_storage is specified for a charm running in a Juju that does
    not support this feature, a clear and explicit error is raised.

  • the public attributes of model are now immutable. This is to discourage
    people from overwriting these attributes in tests, given there is a fair
    amount of internal state. Please use the harness instead (or mocking if you

  • the test suite now passes on Windows, and we run the full suite on Windows for
    every commit, as we do for linux and macos.

0.9.0 highlights:

02 Sep 08:11
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Release highlights:

  • Controller-side storage is now used automatically (i.e. without the
    charm author needing to set the use_juju_for_storage flag on
    main) when we're sure it's needed. It can still be forced on or
    off via that flag to main.

  • A workaround for Juju's lp:1880637 to address #293, so
    pod.set_spec's k8s_resources works as expected. But note #387,
    as "as expected" might not be as you expect.

  • If charm code is run in an environment that does not set
    JUJU_VERSION, default to 0.0.0 instead of raising an exception. This
    means all the feature checks will fail, but the charm can still
    progress. Please let us know if this is not what you want; this
    impacts #372.

  • Charm authors can now use harness.hooks_disabled() as a context
    manager to run a block of code without events being fired for them.
    Without this you'd have to wrap that code in disable/enable

This is version 0.8.0 of `ops`, the Operator Framework for Juju charms.

06 Aug 18:37
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Changes include:

  • testing Harness updates

    • Harness.begin_with_initial_hooks() will cause the testing Harness to
      emit all of the events that Juju normally does while a charm is
      'starting'. (install, leader-elected, etc.). While most unit tests
      should be more focused on a single hook interaction, this gives a bit more
      confidence that the whole initialization step of the charm operates in a
      good manner.

    • Harness.get_pod_spec() allows a test to introspect what pod spec was set
      in response to their update event. Eg.,

      harness = Harness(MyCharm)
      # ... initial setup
      harness.update_config({'foo': 'bar'})
      pod_spec, k8s_resources = harness.get_pod_spec()
      self.assertEqual(pod_spec['blah']['blah'], 'bar')
    • Harness.cleanup() is now available to ensure that any temporary
      files/directories created by the harness are cleaned up. For unittest you
      would use this as:

      harness = Harness(MyCharm)

      This is currently only relevant if you are running tests that make use of
      resources (either add_oci_resource or add_resource). However, it is good
      practice to start making use of it, in case there are other resources
      associated with Harness that will need to be cleaned up.

    • Harness.add_resource() is now also available so that you can feed your
      charm code file content that it would get from resource-get.

  • You no longer need to call ops.lib.autoimport before your first call to
    ops.lib.use; you only need to do it if the library information is out of
    date (e.g. if you installed or otherwise altered what the system would find).
    Also a lot more logging of the process of autodiscovery has been added.
    Thanks to @stub42 for pointing out how needing the first call was
    counter-intuitive, and the process hard to debug.

  • Libraries used via ops.lib.use can now have subpackages or modules.

  • dispatch-aware charms that set JUJU_DISPATCH_PATH before calling into the
    framework caused the framework to think the Juju it was running on supported
    dispatch, even if the version was clearly too old for that. This meant that
    non-initial hooks were never called on these charms on those
    Jujus. Unfortunately charms created with charmcraft 0.3 fell into this
    category. The framework now looks directly at the Juju version to determine
    dispatch support. Thanks to @gnuoy for finding reporting this.


30 Jun 21:42
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0.7.0 release highlights:

  • opt-in to test controller-side state via Juju 2.8's state-get/state-set (#317, #323)
  • support for running on Juju pre-2.7 (#324)
  • exceptions now logged via an ad-hoc excepthook (#322)
  • performance improvement for large yaml blobs (#325)
  • bug fixes :-)


01 Jun 21:45
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  • Fix a regression when running a non-dispatch-enabled charm on a dispatch-aware juju.
  • Also a fix for status-get, which isn't a regression but has been deemed safe for a .1.


29 May 15:04
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This is the first “official” release, and includes a few breaking changes from what was in master until very recently. From now on, breaking changes will be announced, and we’ll have a deprecation procedure to ease things in (or rather, out). These breaking changes are:

  • The Framework object’s observe method’s second argument can no longer be an instance, and must be a method on an instance. That is, where previously you could write

    self.framework.observe(self.on.install, self)

    as a shortcut, but we found that this pushes people down a path that actually makes their charms less maintainable. Especially when it comes to writing components, it is better to have clearly named functions and clearly defined targets.

    So from now on the only supported way is to explicitly specify the callback method,

    self.framework.observe(self.on.install, self._on_install)

    (note we also recommend event handlers to be clearly marked as non-public).

  • Relations' role attribute is now an enum, and in particular peer relation's role is now "peer" (it used to be "peers" which was just wrong).

This release includes full support for Juju 2.8's dispatch mechanism,including both use cases of dispatch being a symlink to the charm code, and dispatch being a small shim that executes the charm. The latter is an incremental improvement over what we mentioned in the last dev summary, and is already being used by charmcraft.

Lastly, Model objects now have a name property (populated from JUJU_MODEL_NAME). This was a feature requested by charmers.