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Releases: canonical/operator

2.5.0: Collect-status, Harness.get_filesystem_root, Pebble service context

31 Jul 22:26
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This release includes three significant additions:

  1. Multi-status: An initial version of the much-discussed "multi-status" handling in the form of the new collect_app_status and collect_unit_status events. This is useful for letting the framework automatically evaluate application (or unit) status from various components of the charm. We'll be documenting this properly soon, but in the meantime, read the API reference docs on CollectStatusEvent. PR #954.
  2. Harness.get_filesystem_root: Overhauling the Harness's test filesystem from an in-memory filesystem to use a temp directory on the real filesystem; use Harness.get_filesystem_root to get the temp filesystem directory for a specific container. This makes testing container filesystem operations significantly easier and allows tests to use the regular Python file APIs to interact with it. Thanks @weiiwang01 for his efforts on this in #960.
  3. Service context: Added support for Pebble's new "service context" feature, to allow you to exec commands in the context of a specified service (where context means environment variables, working directory, and user/group). PR #957.

Other notable changes:

In addition, the following developers made their first contribution:

  • @paulomach in #975 (Add kill-delay to pebble ServiceDict type)
  • @sobolevn in #978 (Replace typing.AnyStr with Union[str, bytes])
  • @syu-w in #977 (Support reading charmcraft.yaml in testing harness)

We also made several other minor improvements to type annotations and a few other tweaks. See the full changelog: 2.4.1...2.5.0

2.4.1: Add type annotation for PebbleReadyEvent.workload

04 Jul 04:58
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This is a patch release: a minor but important type annotation forgotten in 2.4.0. Without it, charms that use type annotation on the pebble-ready events will fail type checking, because attributes of the workload won't be available as Pyright/MyPy doesn't know the type.

Fix in #962.

2.4.0: Improvements to API docs and type annotations

04 Jul 03:42
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This release has no new functionality, but includes various improvements to API docs (docstrings) and type annotations, as well as a couple of minor bug fixes. Our API reference docs on Read The Docs look nicer, are more consistent, and have better types.

One change that may affect charms that use type checking: the new ops.X syntax will now work with type checkers (Pyright and MyPy) due to adding an explicit __all__ to ops/ (#937). Oh, and we fixed a bug with relative paths in Container.push_path -- thanks @yanksyoon!

See the full list of PRs merged below.

What's Changed

  • Lock docs dependencies; build docs with recent Sphinx version by @benhoyt in #938
  • Explicitly add all public ops.X names to __all__ in by @benhoyt in #937
  • Use Canonical-ish theme from canonical/sphinx-docs-starter-pack by @benhoyt in #941
  • Use PurePath type annotation when path casted to string by @carlcsaposs-canonical in #946
  • Update Pyright version to latest (1.1.313) by @benhoyt in #944
  • Fix sphinx-build warnings and turn warnings into errors by @benhoyt in #942
  • Reinstate alertmanager-k8s-operator CI tests now that issue is fixed by @benhoyt in #951
  • Remove jargon from and simplify README by @benhoyt in #950
  • Fix issue with relative paths in Container.push_path by @yanksyoon in #949
  • Avoid error in FileInfo repr due to permissions being None by @benhoyt in #956
  • Various docstring and type annotation updates by @benhoyt in #953
  • Add "-> None" to methods without other types by @benhoyt in #961

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.3.0...2.4.0

2.3.0: Fix planned_units to exclude dying

31 May 00:28
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This release includes only one minor functional changes: a fix to Application.planned_units to exclude dying units from the total (#936).

Also included is a type annotation fix to an internal testing method (#926).

To use this version, update the ops line in your requirements.txt to ops==2.3.0.

1.5.5: Backport "error" status fix to 1.5

25 Apr 12:42
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This releases the backport of the "error" status fix #875 to the 1.5-maintenance branch (PR #927).

2.2.0: Harness.add_network, simplified "import ops"

27 Mar 23:34
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This is version 2.1.0 of ops, which includes the following changes:


In #846 we added Harness.add_network, which allows developers who write charm unit tests to easily add simulated data for the bind address and network information. This is a small but long-requested feature that will avoid charmers patching internal ops methods. Fixes #456.

Simplified way to import ops

In #910 we added a simplified way to import ops: it pulls most of the names in the various sub-modules into the top-level ops module so that charmers don’t have to remember which sub-module each class comes from. This also makes the various ops classes more discoverable with an IDE’s autocomplete. Fixes #731.

Other minor changes

There are also a few other minor changes, including the addition of Layer.__eq__ to allow you to compare pebble.Layer objects with the == operator. See the full list of commits in this release.

2.1.1 (fixes install issues with 2.1.0)

01 Mar 02:10
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This patch release fixes issues with the missing requirements.txt file during pip install: #914.


28 Feb 23:23
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This is version 2.1.0 of ops, which includes the following changes:

Open-port support

We added Pythonic APIs to interface to the open-port, close-port, and opened-ports hook tools in PR #905. This allows charms to ask Juju to open ports in VM charms and in K8s sidecar charms (with some issues in the latter being fixed in juju/juju#15225). See the Unit.open_port() API reference.

Other minor changes

  • Use f-strings (almost) everywhere (#889)
  • Un-vendor websocket library (#891) -- thanks @tinvaan
  • A few minor tweaks now that we're on Python 3.8 (#890)
  • Define all dependences in requirements files (#894) -- thanks @tinvaan
  • Make testing pull() raise pebble.PathError and improve docs (#897)
  • Don't call secret-info-get with both ID and label (#900)
  • Add ops.lib deprecation notice (#901)
  • Add debug logging for custom events (#843) -- thanks @PietroPasotti
  • Replace "# type: T" comments with proper variable type annotations (#904)

View the full list of commits between 2.0.0 and 2.1.0.

2.0.0 final

25 Jan 00:52
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This is version 2.0.0 of ops, which includes the following changes:

Major changes

  • APIs to interact with Juju Secrets, along with a testing harness. Read the tutorial or the code (#861).
  • Ops 2.0.0 requires Python 3.8+ (ops 1.5.x works down to Python 3.5). Note that Python 3.8 is the version installed by default on Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal), where Python 3.5 was installed on Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial). As a result, ops 2.0.0 is intended for use with Juju 3.0+, which only supports Ubuntu 20.04 and above. We started using some Python 3.8 features in #871, and plan to use more in future ops 2.x releases.
  • Removed SIMULATE_CAN_CONNECT from the testing harness (#871). When we introduced can_connect it would have been a breaking change to enable it by default, so we added the SIMULATE_CAN_CONNECT global to enable it, with a warning that we'd enable it by default in a future release. This release removes the global flag and enables simulation by default.
  • Made begin_with_initial_hooks() trigger pebble-ready in the testing harness (#871). The default value of container.can_connect() is still False when using begin() ("manual mode"), but this release updates begin_with_initial_hooks() to set can_connect to True and fire pebble-ready for all containers in the charm's metadata.

Note that the SIMULATE_CAN_CONNECT and begin_with_initial_hooks() changes won't change or break your charms, however, they may break charm tests -- for example, tests that aren't expecting pebble-ready to be fired when calling begin_with_initial_hooks().

Other breaking changes

  • Deprecate controller storage: #882. This deprecate use_juju_for_storage=True (it's intended for pod-spec charms).
  • Remove Windows support: #872. Juju 3.0 no longer supports Windows deployments, so ops doesn't need to either.

Minor changes

  • Fix logging in can_connect, add tests; remove pebble.Error methods: #860. This fixes a couple of logging calls, but also removes the name() and message() methods from the ops.pebble.Error exception subclass. This is theoretically a breaking change, but it is very unlikely these methods were used by charms.
  • Add ErrorStatus #875. This adds a missing unit status value, error.
  • Add Pebble idempotency behavior #876. This makes the testing harness's emulated versions of start() and stop() match Pebble's current behaviour, which makes them idempotent: start() now does nothing if the service is already started, and similarly stop() does nothing if the service is already stopped.
  • Clarifies the warning message when local storage is chosen: "not a Kubernetes podspec charm" instead of "not a kubernetes charm" (the latter is incorrect). This was done in #882.
  • Removes the long-deprecated key argument to charm's __init__. This was done in #882.
  • Removes the deprecated (and private!) Harness._oci_resources attribute. This was done in #882.


12 Jan 04:14
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2.0.0rc2 Pre-release

This is a release candidate for the next major release of ops (2.0.0, which we plan to release late January). To try it in your charms, please update the ops line in your requirements.txt file to say:


For details of the changes since 1.x, see the 2.0.0 final release notes.