diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index a748b1f79..2f3c6243f 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -7,21 +7,13 @@ The `ops` library is a Python framework for developing and testing Kubernetes an > - `ops` is [available on PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/ops/). > - The latest version of `ops` requires Python 3.8 or above. -|||| -|-|-|- | -|| [Juju](https://juju.is/docs/juju) | Learn how to quickly deploy, integrate, and manage charms on any cloud with Juju.
_It's as simple as `juju deploy foo`, `juju integrate foo bar`, and so on -- on any cloud._ | -|||| -|| [Charmhub](https://charmhub.io/) | Sample our existing charms on Charmhub.
_A charm can be a cluster ([OpenStack](https://charmhub.io/openstack-base), [Kubernetes](https://charmhub.io/charmed-kubernetes)), a data platform ([PostgreSQL](https://charmhub.io/postgresql-k8s), [MongoDB](https://charmhub.io/mongodb), etc.), an observability stack ([Canonical Observability Stack](https://charmhub.io/cos-lite)), an MLOps solution ([Kubeflow](https://charmhub.io/kubeflow)), and so much more._ | -|||| -|👉| [Charm SDK](https://juju.is/docs/sdk) | Write your own charm!
_Juju is written in Go, but our SDK supports easy charm development in Python._ | - ## Give it a try Let's use `ops` to build a Kubernetes charm: ### Set up -> See [Charm SDK | Set up an Ubuntu `charm-dev` VM with Multipass](https://juju.is/docs/sdk/dev-setup#heading--automatic-set-up-an-ubuntu-charm-dev-vm-with-multipass).
Choose the MicroK8s track. +> See [Juju | Set things up](https://canonical-juju.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/user/howto/manage-your-deployment/manage-your-deployment-environment/#set-things-up).
Choose the automatic track and MicroK8s. ### Write your charm @@ -150,27 +142,10 @@ Congratulations, you’ve just built your first Kubernetes charm using `ops`! ### Clean up -> See [Charm SDK | Clean up](https://juju.is/docs/sdk/dev-setup#heading--automatic-set-up-an-ubuntu-charm-dev-vm-with-multipass). +> See [Juju | Tear things down](https://canonical-juju.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/user/howto/manage-your-deployment/manage-your-deployment-environment/#tear-things-down).
Choose the automatic track. ## Next steps -### Learn more -- Read our [user documentation](https://juju.is/docs/sdk/ops), which includes other guides showing `ops` in action -- Dig into the [`ops` API reference](https://ops.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) - -### Chat with us - -Read our [Code of conduct](https://ubuntu.com/community/code-of-conduct) and: -- Join our chat: [Mattermost](https://chat.charmhub.io/charmhub/channels/ops) -- Join our forum: [Discourse](https://discourse.charmhub.io/) - -### File an issue - -- Report an `ops` bug using [GitHub issues](https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues) -- Raise a general https://juju.is/docs documentation issue on [GitHub | juju/docs](https://github.com/juju/docs) - -### Make your mark - -- Read our [documentation contributor guidelines](https://discourse.charmhub.io/t/documentation-guidelines-for-contributors/1245) and help improve a doc -- Read our [codebase contributor guidelines](https://github.com/canonical/operator/blob/main/HACKING.md) and help improve the codebase -- Write a charm and publish it on [Charmhub](https://charmhub.io/) +- Read the [docs](https://ops.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). +- Read our [Code of conduct](https://ubuntu.com/community/code-of-conduct) and join our [chat](https://matrix.to/#/#charmhub-ops:ubuntu.com) and [forum](https://discourse.charmhub.io/) or [open an issue](https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues). +- Read our [CONTRIBUTING guide](https://github.com/canonical/operator/blob/main/HACKING.md) and contribute! diff --git a/docs/.sphinx/_static/logos/juju-logo-no-text.png b/docs/.sphinx/_static/logos/juju-logo-no-text.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..989120205 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/.sphinx/_static/logos/juju-logo-no-text.png differ diff --git a/docs/custom_conf.py b/docs/custom_conf.py index e5bc31509..4430eeec1 100644 --- a/docs/custom_conf.py +++ b/docs/custom_conf.py @@ -113,7 +113,8 @@ # Add your product tag (the orange part of your logo, will be used in the # header) to ".sphinx/_static" and change the path here (start with "_static") # (default is the circle of friends) - 'product_tag': '_static/tag.png', + # Assumes the current directory is .sphinx. + 'product_tag': '_static/logos/juju-logo-no-text.png', # Change to the discourse instance you want to be able to link to # using the :discourse: metadata at the top of a file # (use an empty value if you don't want to link)