Petstore is a full API application that integrates Apigee Edge with API BaaS to provide data about mobile food carts.
Learn how to install, set up, and use Petstore, on the doc wiki.
Petstore illustrates the following:
- Multiple client-facing proxies calling a single internal proxy (using proxy chaining) to share a connection with a backend resource.
- Authentication with Edge OAuth policies.
- Authorization with API BaaS user groups, roles, and permissions.
- Enforcing two distinct client access levels with the Quota policy.
- Suppressing traffic spikes with the Spike Arrest policy.
- Node.js modules to integrate an API BaaS data store with Edge proxies.
- Storing sensitive credential data in the Edge secure store (vault).
Petstore integrates a set of Edge API proxies with an API BaaS data store. You might be interested in:
- Descriptions of the Petstore API proxies.
- OpenAPI documentation on the Petstore API.
- An explanation of how Petstore accesses the data store.
- Using a client to call its APIs. The repository includes collections and environments for the Postman tool. For more on using these, see Petstore Postman client.