From b7c264884c0d9496d84042bf0b66fdbac5b8aee2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marcelo Henrique Diniz de Araujo <> Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 00:58:28 -0300 Subject: [PATCH] FUSETOOLS2-2207: Generate sbom for vscode extensions on jenkins - Add step to generate sbom using cyclonedx and cyclonedx-npm - Add cyclonedx to the install requirements step --- Jenkinsfile | 19 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+) diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile index 418083f40..dff0713d8 100644 --- a/Jenkinsfile +++ b/Jenkinsfile @@ -15,6 +15,11 @@ node('rhel8'){ sh "curl -Ls | bash -s - app setup" env.PATH="~/.jbang/bin:${env.PATH}" sh "jbang trust add" + //install cyclonedx-npm + sh "npm install --global @cyclonedx/cyclonedx-npm" + //install cyclonedx: + sh "wget" + sh "chmod +x cyclonedx-linux-x64" } stage('Build') { @@ -51,6 +56,20 @@ node('rhel8'){ sh "sftp -C ${UPLOAD_LOCATION}/snapshots/vscode-apache-camel/ <<< \$'put -p -r ${tgzFilesToPush[0].path}'" } } + + stage('Generate SBOM'){ + packageVersion = sh(script: 'jq -rcM .version < package.json', returnStdout: true ).trim() + sh "cyclonedx-npm --omit dev --output-file node-sbom.json" + sh """./cyclonedx-linux-x64 merge \ + --hierarchical \ + --group com.github.camel-tooling \ + --name vscode-apache-camel \ + --version ${packageVersion} \ + --input-files node-sbom.json camel-ls-sbom.json \ + --output-file manifest.json + """ + archiveArtifacts artifacts:"manifest.json" + } } node('rhel8'){