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QE: How to try Camel Language server in Eclipse Standalone

Aurélien Pupier edited this page Sep 15, 2021 · 2 revisions

If you want to try the latest server (built from main branch) or your contribution (built from your fork/branch) in Eclipse standalone, please proceed with the following step-by-step guide.

How to install local build of Apache Camel LSP into Eclipse IDE

  1. Install Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers from
  2. Clone camel-language-server repository git clone
  3. Clone camel-lsp-client-eclipse repository git clone
  4. Build camel-language-server --> mvn clean package
  5. Build camel-lsp-client-eclipse --> mvn clean package
  6. Run Eclipse IDE
  7. Install Camel LSP Client for Eclipse
    1. Open Install dialog via Help --> Install New Software... and click on Add... button
    2. Click on Local... and locate the fresh build of Camel LSP Client for Eclipse on your local system
    3. Select Tooling for Apache Camel and click on Next button_
    4. Click Next button and accept the terms of license agreement
    5. Click Finish button
    6. Ignore security warning about unsigned software and click Install anyway
    7. Restart IDE to load the Tooling for Apache Camel
  8. Replace the Apache Camel LSP server inside the plugin with the one you built in step 4
    1. you will find the build of Apache Camel LSP server in camel-language-server/target/camel-lsp-server-X.Y.Z-SNAPSHOT.jar
    2. you will find the jar with Apache Camel LSP server in Eclipse installation eclipse/plugins/com.github.camel-tooling.eclipse.client_1.0.0.201901101540/libs/camel-lsp-server-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Now your build of Tooling for Apache Camel is installed into Eclipse IDE. Let the fun begin ;-)

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