This website provides technical documentation for the eligibility-server
application, a part of the benefits
application, from the California Integrated Travel Project (Cal-ITP).
Eligibility Server is open-source software that is designed, developed, and maintained by Compiler LLC on behalf of Caltrans, Cal-ITP, and our agency partners.
is a Flask web application that implements an Eligibility Verification API.
The API is designed for privacy and security of user information:
- The API communicates with signed and encrypted JSON Web Tokens containing only the most necessary of user data for the purpose of eligibility verification
- The application requires no user accounts and stores no information about the user
- Interaction with the application is anonymous, with only minimal event tracking for usage and problem analysis
The server is published as a Docker container on the GitHub Container Registry.
Running the application locally is possible with Docker and Docker Compose.
cp .env.sample .env
docker compose build server
docker pull