Relational data generator
This tool was written to test database performance.
It parses a data schema containing table structure, relations and constraints and generates random data which satisfies those given conditions.
$ python2 [-h] -f data_definition.rel [-sgbd {mysql|postgresql} -sdb sql_database [-shost sql_host [-sport sql_port]] [-suser sql_user [-spass sql_pass]] [-sdel]]
-h Show this help
-f File to load data definition from
-sgbd Insert data in a database of given type. MySQL and PostgreSQL are supported (optional)
-sdb Database to use
-shost Host of the SQL server (optional)
-sport Port of the SQL server (optional)
-suser SQL user to use (optional)
-spass SQL password to use (optional)
-sdel Delete all rows from table before insertion (optional)
-snri Disable referetial integrity before insertion (optional)
-sni Do not execute any INSERT query (optional)
Config files have .rel extension. Some examples are provided in this repository.
Config's format is a JSON list of objects, where each object represents a table. For example:
"name": "table_a",
"fields": [],
"n": 100
"name": "table_b",
"fields": [],
"n": 200
Where "name" is the table's name in the DBMS, n is the number of rows the tool will generate and fields is a list of objects.
A field is defined like this:
"name": "field_1", # field's name in the table
"gentype": GEN_TYPE, # see below
"references": [ # foreign references (the value inserted in this table's field must exist in all the
"table_x.field_1", # referenced table's fields) (optional, defaults to [])
"unique": True/False # if true, this field cannot have repeated values in the whole table (optional, defaults to False)
"filter": "filt_name",# pass generated values through named boolean filter until it returns true (optional, defaults to none)
"prefix": "p-", # string to prefix random data with (optional, defaults to "")
"suffix": "-s", # string to suffix random data with (optional, defaults to "")
"charset": "abcd", # charset to use with random string generator (optional, defaults to lowercase alphanumeric)
"genlen": 8, # length of the generated data (optional, applies to string, defaults to 10)
"genbegin": "", # start value for the random generator (optional, applies to int and date)
"genend": "", # end value for the random generator (optional, applies to int and date)
"values": [1, 2, 3], # list of values to choose from if using the choose generator (mandatory if using said generator)
- inc_int incrementally generates integers starting from 0 or genbegin
- rand_int generates random integets ranging from genbegin (defaults to 0) to genend (defaults to 9001)
- randstr generates random strings
- randdate generates random dates
- inc_date incrementally generates dates from genbegin
- randtime generates random timestamps
- inc_time incrementally generates timestamps from genbegin
- randchoose returns a random value from those given in the "values" parameter
- The tool will not detect the case when the configured restrictions will make the generator generate fewer results than those needed. This will make the tool hang.
- Documentation was written some years after the tool was written, and thus is incomplete and maybe wrong.
- More, probably.