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Strapi Upload Provider for Azure Blob Storage (TypeScript)

A upload provider for Strapi v4-5 that allows you to upload files to Azure Blob Storage using TypeScript. This provider supports uploading, streaming, and deleting files, and is compatible with the latest Azure SDKs.

Table of Contents


  • Upload Files to Azure Blob Storage: Seamlessly upload files from your Strapi application to Azure Blob Storage.
  • Delete Files: Remove files from Azure Blob Storage when they are deleted from Strapi.
  • TypeScript Support: Written in TypeScript for type safety and better maintainability.
  • Configuration Options: Customize various aspects of the provider, including paths, cache control, and URLs.
  • Supports SAS Tokens and Account Keys: Authenticate using either an account key or a SAS token.


  • Strapi v4: This provider is compatible with Strapi version 4.x.
  • Node.js v14 or higher: Ensure you have Node.js version 14 or newer.
  • Azure Blob Storage Account: An Azure storage account with a Blob container.


Using npm

Install the provider using npm:

npm install strapi-provider-upload-azure-sa

Using yarn

Install the provider using yarn:

yarn add strapi-provider-upload-azure-sa

Using pnpm

Install the provider using pnpm:

pnpm add strapi-provider-upload-azure-sa


Provider Options

Option Type Required Default Description
account string Yes Your Azure storage account name.
accountKey string Conditional Your Azure storage account key. Required if sasToken is not provided.
sasToken string Conditional Shared Access Signature token for your storage account. Required if accountKey is not provided.
containerName string Yes The name of the Blob container where files will be stored.
defaultPath string No 'uploads' The default path inside the container where files will be uploaded.
cdnBaseURL string No If you're using a CDN or custom domain, specify the base URL here.
serviceBaseURL string No Custom base URL for the Azure Blob service (e.g., if using a sovereign cloud).
defaultCacheControl string No Set the Cache-Control header for uploaded files.
removeCN string No Set to 'true' to remove the container name from the file URL.

Configure the Provider in Strapi

Create or update the config/plugins.js or config/plugins.ts file in your Strapi project:

// config/plugins.js

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  upload: {
    config: {
      provider: 'strapi-provider-upload-azure-sa',
      providerOptions: {
        account: env('AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME'),
        accountKey: env('AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY'),
        sasToken: env('AZURE_SAS_TOKEN'),
        containerName: env('AZURE_CONTAINER_NAME'),
        defaultPath: env('AZURE_DEFAULT_PATH', 'uploads'),
        cdnBaseURL: env('AZURE_CDN_BASE_URL'),
        serviceBaseURL: env('AZURE_SERVICE_BASE_URL'),
        defaultCacheControl: env('AZURE_DEFAULT_CACHE_CONTROL'),
        removeCN: env('AZURE_REMOVE_CN'),

Set Environment Variables

Create or update your .env file at the root of your Strapi project:

# Azure Storage Account Credentials

# Optional: SAS Token (if not using account key)

# Azure Blob Storage Configuration

# Optional: CDN Base URL

# Optional: Custom Service Base URL

# Optional: Cache Control Header
AZURE_DEFAULT_CACHE_CONTROL=public, max-age=31536000, immutable

# Optional: Remove Container Name from URL

Security Middleware Configuration

Due to the default settings in the Strapi Security Middleware, you need to modify the contentSecurityPolicy settings to properly see thumbnail previews in the Media Library. Replace the "strapi::security" string with the object below, as explained in the middleware configuration documentation.

To allow the Azure storage content to be displayed, edit the file at ./config/middlewares.js. Replace the "strapi::security" string with the following object:

// ./config/middlewares.js

module.exports = [
  // ...
    name: "strapi::security",
    config: {
      contentSecurityPolicy: {
        useDefaults: true,
        directives: {
          "connect-src": ["'self'", "https:"],
          "img-src": [
            "", // Required for Strapi < 4.10.6; you can remove it otherwise
            "", // Required for Strapi >= 4.10.6; you can remove it otherwise
             * Note: If using a STORAGE_URL, replace `https://${process.env.STORAGE_ACCOUNT}` with `process.env.STORAGE_URL`.
             * If using a CDN URL, make sure to include that URL in the CSP headers, e.g., `process.env.STORAGE_CDN_URL`.
          "media-src": [
            "", // Required for Strapi < 4.10.6; you can remove it otherwise
             * Note: If using a STORAGE_URL, replace `https://${process.env.STORAGE_ACCOUNT}` with `process.env.STORAGE_URL`.
             * If using a CDN URL, make sure to include that URL in the CSP headers, e.g., `process.env.STORAGE_CDN_URL`.
          upgradeInsecureRequests: null,
  // ...

Additional Configuration Options

  • serviceBaseURL (optional): Useful when connecting to Azure Storage API compatible services, like the official emulator Azurite. The serviceBaseURL would then look like http://localhost:10000/your-storage-account-name. When serviceBaseURL is not provided, the default https://${account} will be used.

  • createContainerIfNotExist (optional): Can be useful when working with Azurite, as the tool provides very little by way of startup scripting.

  • cdnBaseURL (optional): Useful when using a CDN in front of your storage account. Images will be returned with the CDN URL instead of the storage account URL.

  • defaultCacheControl (optional): Useful when you want to allow clients to use a cached version of the file. Azure Storage will return this value in the Cache-Control HTTP header of the response.

  • removeCN (optional): Some Azure account configurations exclude the 'container name' from the URL where data is saved. By default, it's set to false. If you want to remove the container name from the URL, set it to 'true'.


Azure Blob Storage provider for Strapi v4 in TypeScript






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