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Angular Slider Library

Angular slider library

How to use

Navigate to the level of your package.json and type

 npm install ng2-slider --save

or with yarn

 yarn add ng2-slider

Using in the angular application

Import in your module.

import { SliderModule } from 'ng2-slider';

  imports: [
export class AppModule { }

In your Html component

<lib-slider [slides]="slides"></lib-slider>

In your TS component declare the object

slides: ISlide[] = [  
      "title":"<b> Some random title</b><br> example",
         "text":"CLICK ON ME"
      "title":"<b> Some random title</b><br> example",
         "text":"CLICK ON ME"
      "title":"<b> Some random title</b><br> example",
         "text":"CLICK ON ME"
      "title":"<b> Some random title</b><br> example",
         "text":"CLICK ON ME"

You can use square bullets

<lib-slider [slides]="slides" [squareBullets]="true"></lib-slider>