allow-multiple-input-files (2024-10-09): natively support multiple input files in jobscript driver
remove_interfaces_and_push_parameters_to_drivers (2024-10-01): Remove interfaces and push parameters to drivers
remove-direct-python-interface (2024-09-05): Remove direct python interface and replace by pool scheduler and python driver
delete_old_random_field_implementation (2024-05-21): Delete old random field implementation
dask_backend (2023-07-24): With this tag the 'old' workflow with interface-resources-scheduler-driver as well as the singularity dependency is removed. The simulation handling as well as remote communication is handled by dask.
delete_old_mf_modules (2023-03-29): Delete untested and deprecated multi-fidelity modules.
jinja_injection (2023-01-31): QUEENS now uses jinja2 as injector back-end. Hence, the placeholder in the input templates needs double braces, e.g.
{{ place_holder_name }}
. -
add_yaml_input_support (2022-07-21): Besides the json format, we now also support yaml format for the QUEENS input files.
external-python-modules (2022-07-13): We now allow overwriting and overloading QUEENS modules and classes by external Python modules.
variable-class-rebuild (2022-07-07): Variable class was rebuild: modern and elegant!
v1.2 (2022-02-04)
New design of QUEENS post_post module
v1.1 (2022-01-03)
QUEENS is now installed using pip. Additionally all required packages are pinned to a fixed version.
v1.0 (2021-11-04)
Release 1.0 (status prior transition)