Project is implemented using ReactJS (Hooks) and Java Spring Boot framework (Hibernate, Spring Secuirty with JSON Web token, REST API) with some additional libraries (Bootstrap, AXIOS, Sweetalert and few more).
Responsive cinema application that allows users to see movie projections by selected day. Registered users can reserve a ticket by selecting available seat (row and column) in the hall where the movie projection is being shown. Admin can add, change and delete movies (including uploading pics), movie projections, halls, as well as the seats (rows and columns) that the hall has. User and admin have many more options to do.
Note: This is one of the more complex projects that I develop in my free time and still not implemented all from above yet. Full project specification is not written yet as well.
Sign in for mobile screen size
Sign in for desktop screen size
Registration (desktop)
Registration (mobile)
List movie (desktop)
Create movie (desktop)
Create movie (mobile)
Navbar (signed in as admin) for mobile screen size