1389.7 s (or 23 min 10 s)
sudo docker build -t test1 .
[+] Building 1389.7s (21/21) FINISHED docker:default
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 4.04kB 0.0s
=> [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/ubuntu:22.04 1.2s
=> [internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 2B 0.0s
=> [ 1/17] FROM docker.io/library/ubuntu:22.04@sha256:adbb90115a21969d2fe6fa7f9af4253e16d45f8d4c1e930182610c4731962658 0.1s
=> => resolve docker.io/library/ubuntu:22.04@sha256:adbb90115a21969d2fe6fa7f9af4253e16d45f8d4c1e930182610c4731962658 0.0s
=> => sha256:adbb90115a21969d2fe6fa7f9af4253e16d45f8d4c1e930182610c4731962658 1.34kB / 1.34kB 0.0s
=> => sha256:075680e983398fda61b1ac59ad733ad81d18df4bc46411666bb8a03fb9ea0195 424B / 424B 0.0s
=> => sha256:53a843653cbcd9e10be207e951d907dc2481d9c222de57d24cfcac32e5165188 2.30kB / 2.30kB 0.0s
=> [ 2/17] RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install -y sudo nano raspi-config python3-pip git cmake build-essential 69.8s
=> [ 3/17] RUN pip3 install mavproxy 14.6s
=> [ 4/17] RUN apt-get remove -y modemmanager 1.4s
=> [ 5/17] RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git cmake build-essential libssl-dev wget # Install wget here if you need it later 5.6s
=> [ 6/17] RUN git clone https://github.com/eProsima/Micro-XRCE-DDS-Agent.git && cd Micro-XRCE-DDS-Agent && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && sudo make install && 709.9s
=> [ 7/17] RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y locales curl && locale-gen en_US en_US.UTF-8 && update-locale LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 LANG=en_US.UTF-8 && curl -sSL https://raw.github 287.3s
=> [ 8/17] RUN git clone https://github.com/PX4/PX4-Autopilot.git --recursive 88.9s
=> [ 9/17] RUN bash ./PX4-Autopilot/Tools/setup/ubuntu.sh 133.9s
=> [10/17] RUN git clone https://github.com/FredJones4/testMavlink.git 1.3s
=> [11/17] RUN pip3 install kconfiglib 1.0s
=> [12/17] RUN sudo apt-get update 2.1s
=> [13/17] RUN sudo apt-get install wget 1.4s
=> [14/17] RUN wget https://d176tv9ibo4jno.cloudfront.net/latest/QGroundControl.AppImage 2.9s
=> [15/17] RUN chmod +x QGroundControl.AppImage 0.8s
=> [16/17] RUN git clone https://github.com/FredJones4/vtol_ctrl_ros2.git 6.2s
=> [17/17] RUN git clone https://github.com/FredJones4/servo_db_acess.git 4.7s
=> exporting to image 56.2s
=> => exporting layers 56.2s
=> => writing image sha256:b47871f0be671b795358cca901f592675c3d51efa322816fc9d7aa08b9b4eb6f 0.0s
=> => naming to docker.io/library/test1 0.0s
9.28 GB
- Go to dockerized_ros2_control directory.
cd ~/dockerized_ros2_control
sudo docker build -t test1 .
Replace test1
with the desired name of the image.
- Non USB-version:
sudo xhost +local:root
sudo docker run -it --env="DISPLAY" --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" --name cmhales3 dockerized_ros2_control
Replace cmhales3
with the desired name of the container.
USB Version:
sudo docker run -it --env="DISPLAY" --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" -v /dev/usb_to_mount:/dev/USB --privileged --name cmhales3 dockerized_ros2_control
TODO: add all this into the compose.yaml
Compose instructions:
- Go to dockerized_ros2_control directory.
cd ~/dockerized_ros2_control
sudo docker compose build
sudo docker run dean_Christian_summer2024
TODO: confirm correct usage of Step 3.