MyJFQL is an easy to use open source database management system written in Kotlin and Java for smaller applications. MyJFQL combines relational databases like PostgreSQL and noSQL databases like MongoDB in one system. You can use a document collection and a relational table in one database. The syntax is extremely simple and beginner-friendly. JFQL (Java File Query Language) is used as the "language", which partly includes SQL. But all kinds of commas and brackets as well as the semilocon are omitted. Since it's based on Java 8, it runs just about anywhere. In order to achieve better performance, parts of the data are temporarily stored in RAM for faster response times.
- Easy to use syntax without all kinds of commas and brackets
- Handle relational and non-relational data
- Fast responsetimes
- Runs anywhere where Java is installed
You can go to the Wiki of this project to see a detaled documentation on MyJFQL
All files on this repository are subject to the MIT license. Please read the LICENSE file at the root of the project.