A dynamic workflow library for .NET applications (mainly console).
This project relies on following packages:
- BuildSdk: https://github.com/byCrookie/BuildSdk
- DependencyInjection: https://github.com/byCrookie/DependencyInjection
- Jab Dependency-Injection: https://github.com/pakrym/jab
- Autofac: https://github.com/autofac/Autofac
- Download the nuget package
- Add download path as nuget source
- Reference the package in your project
Add remote nuget source to your nuget.config:
- {Token}: Z2hwX1hybmFLaVIyTm1zaGVWRVpqMjVLbHZsNTBjdldKYjMzQ2hPeQ== -> Convert Base64 back to Text First
- Execute: dotnet nuget add source --username byCrookie --password {Token} --name byCrookie_Github --store-password-in-clear-text https://nuget.pkg.github.com/byCrookie/index.json
- Clone the git repository
- Change the "localPackages" path in the nuget.config
All contributions are welcome! If you have any issues or feature requests, either implement it yourself or create an issue, thank you.
If you like this project, feel free to donate and support further development. Thank you.
- Bitcoin (BTC) Donations using Bitcoin (BTC) Network -> bc1qygqya2w3hgpvy8hupctfkv5x06l69ydq4su2e2
- Ethereum (ETH) Donations using Ethereum (ETH) Network -> 0x1C0416cC1DDaAEEb3017D4b8Dcd3f0B82f4d94C1
Workflows make it easy to create a console application flow. Workflow has various methods from reading multiline user content to using custom built steps.
This project includes nuget packages for different dependency injection containers.
- Autofac (Workflow.Autofac)
- Jab (Workflow.Jab)
- Microsoft Dependency Injection (Workflow.DependencyInjection)
public class FrameworkModule : Module
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
[Transient(typeof(IWorkflowTestStep<WorkflowTestContext>), typeof(WorkflowTestStep<WorkflowTestContext>))]
public partial class CustomServiceProvider
private async Task<ITypeCodeStrategy?> EvaluateModeAsync()
var workflow = _workflowBuilder
.Then(context => context.Modes, _ => _modeComposer.ComposeOrdered())
.WriteLine(context => CreateInputMessage(context.Modes))
.ReadLine(context => context.Input)
.While(context => !ModeExists(context.Modes, context), whileFlow => whileFlow
.WriteLine(_ => $@"{Cuts.Point()} Please select a valid mode")
.ReadLine(context => context.Input)
.Then(context => context.Mode, context => context.Modes
.SingleOrDefault(strategy => strategy
var workflowContext = await workflow.RunAsync(new TypeCodeContext()).ConfigureAwait(false);
return workflowContext.Mode;
var workflow = _workflowEvaluationBuilder
.ThenAsync<ISelectionStep<UnitTestDependencyEvaluationContext, SelectionStepOptions>,
SelectionStepOptions>(config =>
config.Selections = new List<string>
"Input type by name",
"Input dependencies manually (,)"
internal class SelectionStep<TContext, TOptions> :
ISelectionStep<TContext, TOptions>
where TContext : WorkflowBaseContext, ISelectionContext
private readonly IWorkflowBuilder<SelectionContext> _workflowBuilder;
private SelectionStepOptions _options;
public SelectionStep(IWorkflowBuilder<SelectionContext> workflowBuilder)
_workflowBuilder = workflowBuilder;
_options = new SelectionStepOptions();
public async Task ExecuteAsync(TContext context)
var selectionContext = new SelectionContext();
var workflow = _workflowBuilder
.While(c => string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Input) || c.Selection == 0 || c.Selection > _options.Selections.Count, whileFlow => whileFlow
.WriteLine(_ => $@"{Cuts.Medium()}")
.WriteLine(_ => $@"{Cuts.Heading()} Select an option")
.WriteLine(_ => CreateSelectionMenu(_options.Selections))
.ReadLine(c => c.Input)
.IfFlow(c => short.TryParse(c.Input?.Trim(), out _), ifFlow => ifFlow
.Then(c => c.Selection, c => Convert.ToInt16(c.Input?.Trim()))
.If(c => c.Selection > _options.Selections.Count || c.Selection < 1, _ => System.Console.WriteLine($@"{Cuts.Point()} Option is not valid"))
var workflowContext = await workflow.RunAsync(selectionContext).ConfigureAwait(false);
context.Selection = workflowContext.Selection;
private static string CreateSelectionMenu(IReadOnlyList<string> selections)
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (var index = 0; index < selections.Count; index++)
stringBuilder.AppendLine($@"{Cuts.Point()} {index + 1} - {selections[index]}");
return stringBuilder.ToString();
public Task<bool> ShouldExecuteAsync(TContext context)
return context.ShouldExecuteAsync();
public void SetOptions(TOptions options)
_options = options as SelectionStepOptions ?? new SelectionStepOptions();